Hi Pals! Thanks taking the time to look at our page.
Abortion Rights Needs You! If 2016 has taught us anything it is that we cannot take women’s rights for granted. Women’s reproductive health, particularly abortion services and access, are constantly under siege.
WHO WE ARE! Abortion Rights is the UK's national pro-choice campaign. We defend and extend women’s rights and access to safe, legal abortion. Women should be able to make their own reproductive decisions without the current unfair legal barriers, obstructions and delays.
PHEW! It's been a successful……We’ve been working hard campaigning, lobbying & pursuing! but there still is much to do.
Unlike the anti-choice groups we're not rolling in dosh from religious and overseas donors, we run our efforts on a string-string budget and the generosity of our membership and volunteer base and really do make a little stretch a long way but, with your help we could achieve so so much more!
How can you help? We hear you cry! That's SIMPLE Pledge us some cash or become an Abortion Rights member today... or why not to both ;)
We are asking as many pro-choice-people as possible to chip into our fighting fund to defend and extend choice - and really, every little bit helps!