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Acme Theatrics Fundraising Campaign

Acme theatrics is a Chicago-based theater production group specializing in immersive circus theater.

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Acme Theatrics Fundraising Campaign

Acme Theatrics Fundraising Campaign

Acme Theatrics Fundraising Campaign

Acme Theatrics Fundraising Campaign

Acme Theatrics Fundraising Campaign

Acme theatrics is a Chicago-based theater production group specializing in immersive circus theater.

Acme theatrics is a Chicago-based theater production group specializing in immersive circus theater.

Acme theatrics is a Chicago-based theater production group specializing in immersive circus theater.

Acme theatrics is a Chicago-based theater production group specializing in immersive circus theater.

Seth Origitano
Seth Origitano
Seth Origitano
Seth Origitano
1 Campaign |
Chicago, United States
$1,080 USD 14 backers
21% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
We at Acme Theatrics want to take an active step growing this small production company. We want to provide our artists with wages worthy of their time and skill. Furthermore, we want to perform and bring cheer and joy to our audiences. If you are not a Chicagoan, fear not! We want to bring Acme Theatrics to you, wherever you are. PLUS where we travel we want to teach! Our ensemble boasts teachers of dialects, clowning, improv, acting, opera, and musical comedy.

We would be stupendously grateful for every single solitary donation. Your contributions will allow us to take this show to more places within the Chicago theatre community and beyond. Our brand of comedy and production quality is perfect for festivals across the country and abroad. In order to send Acme Theatrics out into the wild, we need the financial support to rent vans, buy equipment, and pay our talent. We are professionals, and your donations will keep us growing in a professional capacity.

So why does this matter?

Acme Theatrics performs interactive, immersive variety shows, designed to provide entertainment, catharsis, and immediacy. We want to give you art that is in the moment. Why does that matter? Because Art and comedy are awesome! We at Acme Theatrics want to make that positive impact on as many people as possible. We want to give you a unique experience that you will remember for years to come.

What will my donation do?

Contributions to Acme will help us secure: Licensing, marketing materials, wardrobe, performance space rental, rehearsal space rental, traveling fees, submission fees (ya it costs money to see if you can get a chance to make money), money for our film production team (kidding it’s just one dude named Derek. But he’s super nice and I can’t keep paying him in hugs), and money for our performers and talent. It costs money to produce live theater, plain and simple. Your donations go directly to those production costs first, then making sure the creatives involved in the process see some compensation for their time, talent, and hard work.

What do I get out of it?

Acme’s perks are designed to provide ya’ll with a little bit of love and art. We will create personalized shout-outs, musical jingles, sketches and comedic doodles. If we don’t meet our goal we will use the funds to rent the theater space, licensing and any leftovers towards marketing. Every dollar we make will go toward the production, whether we reach the goal or not.

Why should I care?

People say theater is a dying industry. Overall there are fewer patrons going to the theater and buying tickets. We’ve managed to fill theaters by creating something worth seeing. We’re using our diverse theatrical experiences to create a show that is truly unique and brings people out into the world.

Where/when can I see you perform?

Depending on when you see this, we either have a show coming up Feb 16 & 17 at the Playground Theater in Chicago, or you can catch us next at Electric Forest in Michigan.

Is there anything else I can do (other than give you money)?

Acme needs your help not only with donations but with spreading the word. Go to the highest mountain (or wherever you get wifi) and spread the word! Any sharing via social media, email, or even word of mouth helps.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

A warm thank you.

$5 USD
Our mortal gratitude and a personal email thanking you.
Included Items
  • Thank you email.
0 claimed

A hot thank you!

$10 USD
Our eternal gratitude and a personalized social media shout-out.
Included Items
  • Social media shout out
1 claimed

Personalized video compliment.

$25 USD
A customized thank you video with a homemade compliment.
Included Items
  • personalized video compliment.
3 claimed
Acme Doodle

Acme Doodle

$50 USD
Our eternal gratitude and a copy of a handmade Doodle by our in-house doodler, Charlie Baker.
Included Items
  • Copy of an Acme doodle
3 claimed
Custom Doodle

Custom Doodle

$75 USD
Doodles are small hand-drawn pieces of lovely art made by our in-house doodle Charlie Baker. With this perk, Charlie will make you a brand new doodle just for you!
Included Items
  • Custom Doodle
0 claimed

Personalized Limerick

$100 USD
Our in-house rhyme wizard will write you a personalized limerick.
Included Items
  • Personalized Limerick
2 claimed

Customized Jingle

$250 USD
The Bashful Bards of Acme will write and record a customized jingle about anything you want!
Included Items
  • Customized Jingle
1 claimed

Everything Above

$500 USD
Hey Big Spender! If you are donating 500 smackers we will give you every single perk we have already offered.
Included Items
  • Every perk thus far (7)
0 claimed


$5,000 USD
If you fund the whole project you will become part of Acme Theatrics mythos, forever immortalizing your contribution in the form of creating a permanent Acme character and/or sketch in your name.
Included Items
  • Immortality
0 claimed

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