Inspired by classic horror comics from Vampirella to Werewolf by Night... Ailsa Dark: Werewolves & Bampots has old-school blood running through its veins but its DNA is thoroughly modern and more than a wee bit twisted!
Werewolves are killing their own kind and ghouls are devouring the remains!
The "Children of the Night" are staying in the shadows and keeping quiet... fearful of what's to come!
A mysterious antagonist is putting all the pieces into place for a deadly game that will culminate in the apocalyptic "Ceremony of the Wolf" and only Ailsa Dark can stop it!
Imagine a city and its people whose only hope for salvation lies within the darkness. This is Ailsa Dark's Glasgow... "no mean city"... and things are about to get biblical!
AILSA DARK: Werewolves & Bampots is a four issue series that tells the first story arc in the life of Ailsa Dark. These first two issues introduce Ailsa, her friends and enemies, the world they inhabit and set in motion the events that will lead to an explosive and bloody finale!
How a page of finished artwork is created by combining line art, colours, effects and copy.
Hi, I'm William Hazle, the creator of Ailsa Dark. I have been producing comics since 2015 in the UK, starting with my anthology title Tales of Mystery and Imagination and culminating in Ailsa Dark: Werewolves & Bampots. My professional background is in games development, and I now lecture in computer art when I'm not making comics.
Check out these snippets from the early reviews before diving into those Perks & Stretch Goals...
The art is a glorious blend of real-life cityscapes and B Movie gore that just happens to be caught in the middle of a cracking thriller… this is already an early contender for the 2019 highlights list.
This is a really fun read. A Glaswegian version of Elvira (but, let’s face it a whole lot cooler)... She is also coincidentally the main weapon in a network combating the visitors from The Otherworld... It’s a book that you’ll enjoy reading and it will give you that little nipple tweak of nostalgia for old school horror comics like The House of Hammer magazine or even Vampirella.
Tony Ez Esmond (Prof. Riptide) NEVER IRON ANYTHING
And as for the artwork, its luscious luminescence belies the darkness and violence of the story. The images are thick with colour and bright with saturation and contrast. It’s especially striking during action beats, where blood and gore flare in crimson sprays.
The artwork is phenomenal!
2 ISSUES! 72 pages of old-school horror and adventure!
Each issue is...
- 36 pages, in a large A4 magazine sized format (A4: 8.3" x 11.7")
- 32 interior pages, 130 gsm silk paper (No ads)
- 170 gsm 4 page cover, with a smooth soft touch lamination
AILSA DARK #1 (36 page signed comic).
AILSA DARK #2 (36 page signed comic).
HORROR HOSTESS Ltd Edition giclee art print - 8” x 10” (signed).
Digital copies of both comics.
+ All stretch goals when achieved!
The HORROR HOSTESS Limited Edition print:
AILSA DARK #1 (36 page signed comic).
AILSA DARK #2 (36 page signed comic).
Digital copies of both comics.
+ All stretch goals when achieved!
Why not grab 2 copies of both issues and treat a friend with a fear-filled gift!
2 x AILSA DARK #1 (36 page signed comic).
2 x AILSA DARK #2 (36 page signed comic).
Digital copies of both comics.
+ All stretch goals when achieved!
Digital copies of both issues. If digital is your thing, then this is the perk for you. You'll also get a digital version of the stretch goal 1 mini-comic when achieved!
AILSA DARK HORROR HOSTESS: This is the original fully pencilled artwork used for the giclee print (signed). See the second video at the top of the page... I'll be creating this artwork as the campaign progresses and you can watch me do it.
AILSA DARK #1 (36 page signed comic).
AILSA DARK #2 (36 page signed comic).
HORROR HOSTESS Ltd Edition giclee art print - 8” x 10” (signed).
Digital copies of both comics.
+ All stretch goals when achieved!
This is the final pencil art for the AILSA! ORIGINAL ARTWORK tier:
FIGHT! Original fully pencilled artwork (signed). Ailsa in a deadly battle with the evil Tattybogle Man!
AILSA DARK #1 (36 page signed comic).
AILSA DARK #2 (36 page signed comic).
HORROR HOSTESS Ltd Edition Giclee Art Print - 8” x 10” (signed).
Digital copies of both comics.
+ All stretch goals when achieved!
When AILSA DARK: Werewolves & Bampots reaches its initial target, I'll be able to start adding some cool stretch goals like these:
This is a great stretch goal and everyone who buys physical copies of the comics gets it!
£2,000 Unlocks the Tattybogle Man mini-comic in 3D! This is a reprinting of my Tattybogle Man story from the out-of-print Tales of Mystery and Imagination #2. A blood drenched homage to Hammer Horror by way of The Wicker Man!
And in the best b-movie tradition it's being remastered in 3D! Glasses will be provided!
A5: 5.8" x 8.3"
Here's a 3D test... It shows the remastered artwork in Black & White and the initial 3D separations (before finalisation and polishing).
A stunning 8" x 10" full colour giclee art print on quality art stock.
£2,500 unlocks a signed Ailsa Dark vs Dracula gicglee print! This is a high quality 8" x 10" full colour giclee art print of original artwork that I'll create during the campaign if stretch goal 1 is achieved. You can follow me on social media and see how I create it!
£3,500 unlocks a complete 36 page Mystery Comic!
Whatever could it be? One thing's for certain... it'll be a shocker!
UPDATE: How's this for a teaser?
Comics and prints will be packaged in rigid boxes (see below) and securely sealed with clear tape. I've calculated the costs for the P&P and have kept it as low as possible, while still offering the best possible service. Keep in mind that as the stretch goals get added to your perk, the P&P remains the same... that's what they call a bargain!
The remastered Issue 1 is in the bag and is ready to go to print!
Issue 2 has been written, the pencils have been thumb-nailed, and it's now ready to be fully illustrated and coloured!
I've published comics and sold them successfully at UK comic cons for some years now. I've been hitting deadlines throughout my professional career and will make this one. Follow me on social media and you'll see all the updates and work in progress.
This is a passion project for me and I've got a whole new world to build and share with you... let's do this!
Help spread the word by sharing across social media!
Even if you can't contribute to the campaign, and I know how tight funds can be, you can still help by sharing and following me on social media. I hope that your interest has been piqued and that you'll give me and Ailsa Dark a chance to build and share this world.