Hey everyone, my name is Vicente Corona and thank you for visiting my campaign page. This is my first short film and the start of many more to come. Myself and the crew are excited about this film and we hope you will enjoy it.
"Alone in the Silence" is a film based on fatherhood, dedication, betrayal, and salvation. Danny, a dedicate father and boyfriend, struggles with how to maintain his sanity after discovering a disturbing truth that leaves him devastated and on the edge.
Your kind donations will help us through various outlets, for us to bring you the best passion film you could ask for.
- For this film, I have decided to shoot in my hometown of Chula Vista in the Otay Lakes Reservoir. Other locations in San Diego include the City of Coronado and Clairemont.
- The film will be a collaboration of various people here in San Diego and Indianapolis.
What We Need & What You Get
For your generous donations, we believe in giving you your money's worth. We need $1600 to make this film and in return, we are giving certain perks per donation as a thank you for your support.
The Impact
This is film is important to me as it hits on issues a number of caring single fathers experience the beginning stages of separation or divorce. It has been a personal struggle for myself to have written this script with some of the underlying issues hitting close to home. I believe that this project will be a film everyone, not just men, can relate to being emotionally unbalanced and/or being denied the given right of being a parent.
Risks & Challenges
With any decision one makes in life, you always put something at risk. I promise this: We will not make any decisions that will jeopardize this film. We are making sure that nothing in this film is a violation to any copyrights or trademarks. We will finish this film, no matter what.
Other Ways You Can Help
We would gladly appreciate anything that is offered to us. Donations come in various ways. If you have something or a skill you would like to contribute, please, feel free to contact us at our Facebook page listed here. Above all, pray for us, pray that we succeed in our mission to complete the film.
Another way you can help us is to spread the word. Like our Facebook pages and YouTube Channel. Make sure the world hears about us.
Greatly appreciated and grateful for you support
Vicente Corona
Corona Films and Media