572 perks have been shipped out so far.
Alterna Jerseys are HERE! Remaining perks will be shipped out THIS WEEK!
Campaign fulfillment will be completed by Saturday the 21st.
Comics from this campaign will be listed for sale on alternacomics.com on June 1st.
DAY 1 BACKER BONUSES (8-8pm EST 12/21-22; physical perk backers)
- All Star Backer Magnet
- 5x7 Over-Sized Trading Card of MR. CRYPT
- 5x7 Over-Sized Trading Card of LOG
PRE-LAUNCH BACKER BONUS (physical perk backers)
Rare foil RED KOI trading card for backers that signed up on pre-launch
- Alterna Series Trading Card #3 (MR. CRYPT)
- Alterna Series Trading Card #4 (LOG)
- Random (1 of 3) Alterna Attributes Trading Card
Build Your Own Bundle!
- Pick and choose the issues you want OR get them all in one pre-made bundle
- Dozens of add-ons to choose from after you select your main perk
- Shipping is $5 for US backers (no extra shipping charge for add-ons)
Our WINTER 2021 Lineup
- 10 NEW issues for $25
- Back issues are also available as add-ons
You can get all ten new issues or pick and choose the ones you want. If you missed out on previous issues within a series, you can add them on here as well. No need to visit our store for a separate purchase.
Alterna Comics single issues are printed with glossy covers and newsprint interiors
T-BIRD & THROTTLE #4 (GIANT-SIZED 72 pager! A disgraced former superhero must confront his past while a sinister conspiracy threatens to destroy his legacy once and for all. Super-Powered Action; Josh Howard) (Teen)
DOWNCAST #4 (Joanne and her brother Jax are on the run from a corrupt government when the power to control gravity falls into their hands. Sci-fi Adventure; Clint Stoker, Ignacio Lazaro, Damian Penalba, Eric Weathers) (Teen)
IT CAME OUT ON A WEDNESDAY #17 (A horror, sci-fi, fantasy series with stories from some of the best up-and-coming creators on the planet! Fantasy Sci-fi Horror; Various creators, Cover Artist: Jesse Lundberg) (Teen)
IT CAME OUT ON A WEDNESDAY #18 (A horror, sci-fi, fantasy series with stories from some of the best up-and-coming creators on the planet! Fantasy Sci-fi Horror; Various creators, Cover Artist: Kenneth Rocafort) (Teen)
MR. CRYPT AND FRIENDS #2 (MR. CRYPT and his best friend BARON RAT have misadventures as they try to make new friends and make the best out of every bad situation. Humor Adventure; Troy Vevasis, Aleksandar Jovic) (All Ages)
THE MIGHTY MASCOTS #5 & 6 (A freak 3-D printing accident ends up turning a group of cereal mascots into heroic crimefighters! Super-Powered Action Humor; Keith Gleason, Ian Waryanto, Anton Bandi) (All Ages)
WULF & BATSY #3 (Wandering from town to town while turning foes into food, WULF and BATSY are just a pair of blood-thirsty monsters looking for a nice place to call home. Horror Adventure; Bryan Baugh) (Mature)
LEGENDS OF LOG #4 (The mighty Log protects the North Woods from serpents, beasts, monsters, and other unworldly evils! Fantasy; Ski Suharski, Bob Berry, Various Creators) (All Ages)
THE XII #10 (A murderous gang of twelve marauders ties together these tales from post-apocalyptic Chicago. Drama, Thriller; Patrick Trahey, Luis Suarez, Wes Locher) (Mature)
The ALTERNA SERIES™ official trading card set continues!
- Build your set by backing each Alterna Comics crowdfunding campaign!
- Each card will be given for FREE to each physical perk backer.
- Get a trading card each time you back the campaign. Get multiples to trade!
- The 3rd card in the series (MR. CRYPT) is available on this campaign.
The first ALTERNA FOIL card!
- A BONUS for all backers that signed up on our prelaunch page