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Amazing Mouse Kingdom: The Devine Monarch


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Amazing Mouse Kingdom: The Devine Monarch

Amazing Mouse Kingdom: The Devine Monarch

Amazing Mouse Kingdom: The Devine Monarch

Amazing Mouse Kingdom: The Devine Monarch

Amazing Mouse Kingdom: The Devine Monarch





Jean Philippe Coeurlion
Jean Philippe Coeurlion
Jean Philippe Coeurlion
Jean Philippe Coeurlion
4 Campaigns |
Jönköping, Sweden
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $225,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

Reason Why?

(Reason Why Using Crowdfunding)

My name is Jean Philippe Coeurlion (Lionheart). I had with some friends worked with this project for 3 years, since I have no education I most trust in other people that have the project in their hands. So I did it with my mentor/friend, but he got mad on me because I asked to many questions. So he deleted our work.

My game is important for me because I really love it, I like the design, the mechanics and the plot. I also need to develop this since I have no education because I got a disease, that make me miss school.

I want your help to develop this game and change the future of mobile games forever, since this isn't a "mobile" game in the ordinary meaning, more like a PC game in your smartphone. 


(What happens to the money?)

My budget will go to develop the game as well as marketing, I will need to buy concept art, modeling of 3D characters, rigging, animation, music, screens, marketing so I can make it successful to earn money so I can continue make it bigger, and make other free to play games.

I will have some simple perks only because otherwise I need more money because I live in Sweden and they have taxes on crowdfunding if the Perks is to big.   

If I don't reach the goal I promise to use the money and make this game but much smaller so it fits the budget.


(Change Mobile Games Forever)

The game will change the look on what a mobile game is and by contribute to this game you will turn your mobile to a handheld device for games as well as the phone you have. So you suddenly have a "PSP" in your mobile.

This game will also help me get a budget to create groundbreaking games to mobile as well as to PC/Console by making several new thinking games. I really like A Song of Ice and Fire franchise (Game of Thrones), Star Wars, Lord of Rings, and I want to create several games in these franchises.

Risks & Challenges

The risk I see that I will facing is to not get enough popularity around this game. And by so not make enough budget to start a groundbreaking game company.

I will solve this problem by contacting and pay Pewdiepie to do some advertising for my game.

The Game

Amazing Mouse Kingdom is a mobile game inspired of old fables, with a classic moral. Your choices effect the games story and outcome.

The game is fit both children and adults of all ages, both men/boys, and women/girls.

We have developed a own artistic style that is inspired by Disney.

The mice live in the renaissance/early baroque era, and are based on old dynasties. 

The Story

The main characters is based on Louis XIII and Elisabeth of Bourbon. They are renamed de l'Espina  (of The Thorn). There father Henri IV of France was murdered, and the story is based on to figure out by who.

The story is fictional and don't follow much of the real history. This is made to the authors free hands to make a immersive story, instead of a stiff one.

The story has 2 settings a adult and a child, so  you don't have to play the scary parts.

Combat & Match-3

The combats in the game is based on Match-3 Puzzle Fighter. There are 4 modes, a strategic mode and 3 casual modes, based on different winning conditions. In the strategic mode each opponent has 3-5 skills to attack or prevent the opponent to beat you. Each player has a healthbar, when yours or your opponents is on zero one player lose.

There are a single player mode and an online mode where you play against other players online or by WIFI. With a ranking system and weekly tournaments.

Love 3D!

The characters and props (Houses etc.) in the game is made in 3D. Other things as the cheesepieces is made in vector. From the beginning I tried to only use 3D, but that was to heavy for my mobile. The characters will have around 1000-6000 polygon, based on the mobile.

Sweet Tunes ♡

The music will be composed by the legendary Japanese composer, Michiru Yamane, composer of many games as Castlevania & Suikoden, for example. The inspiration of the music will be classic game music and baroque music. The instruments will be baroque instruments only, and later I will add lyrics and song.

Fight To Overcome Obstacles

I and my best friend/3D-mentor have tried to create this game before but after 3 years he choosed to betray me and erase our work, I was along time depressed because I haven't have a easy life, I was bullied in school from 1st grade, I got OCD and germ phobia when I was 14, I have been at OCD-treatment home since I was 16, where I was beaten by the staff. I have a diecease  that have make me sterile and have low testosterone and growth hormone, I got it at my pre-puberty so I'm short, only 173 cm. 

But I have never given up on my life or my dream to create games, I have overcome many obstacles in my life, and this game is about and encourage children & adults to fight to overcome their obstacles.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you cant contribute $1 please share the link to friends, on social media and/or on Youtube. 

In the future I hope to work with franchises as Star Wars and A Song of Ice and Fire. As well as own titles, as le Révolution, World of War, Mijn Oom de Tovenaar (My Uncle The Wizard), World of History, etc.  And I have some sweet ideas of how to change PC/Console game as well in performance and make more advance games as well.


Jean Philippe Coeurlion

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Choose your Perk


Helpful Mouse

$1 USD
My Eternal Gratitude + HD Digital Poster. + $2 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Country Mouse #1 (Male)

$5 USD
My Eternal Gratitude + HD Digital Poster. (A Exclusive HD Digital Poster, Male Edition (TEXT ON POSTER: HERO)) + $10 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game + The Same Gift To Give To A Friend
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Country Mouse #2 (Female)

$5 USD
My Eternal Gratitude + HD Digital Poster. (A Exclusive HD Digital Poster, Female Edition (TEXT ON POSTER: HEROINE)) + $10 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game + The Same Gift To Give To A Friend
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Town Mouse #1 (Male)

$30 USD
1 4K Digital Poster, A 4K PC/Mobile Background. (A Exclusive 4K Digital Poster & A Exclusive 4K PC/Mobile Background, Male Edition (TEXT ON POSTER: HERO)) + $60 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Town Mouse #2 (Female)

$30 USD
1 4K Digital Poster, A 4K PC/Mobile Background. (A Exclusive 4K Digital Poster & A Exclusive 4K PC/Mobile Background, Female Edition (TEXT ON POSTER: HEROINE)) + $60 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

City Mouse #1 (Male)

$60 USD
A Unique Themed 4K Background For PC & Mobile and A Icons For Mobile. (TEXT ON BACKGROUND: HEROINE) + All In The $30 Tier + $120 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

City Mouse #2 (Female)

$60 USD
A Unique Themed 4K Background and A Icons For Mobile and PC. (TEXT ON BACKGROUND: HEROINE) + All In The $30 Tier + $120 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Capital Mouse

$100 USD
Your name in the credits + All In The $60 Tier + $200 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed


$125 USD
Your and 1 friends name in the credits. + All In The $60 Tier + $250 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Cleric Mouse

$150 USD
Your and 2 friends name in the credits. + All In The $60 Tier + $300 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Assassin Mouse

$175 USD
Your and 3 friends name in the credits. + All In The $60 Tier + $350 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Bodyguard Mouse

$250 USD
A Portrait Of You As A Mouse On A Castle Wall & On The End Credits. + All In The $60 Tier + $500 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Duelist Mouse

$300 USD
A Portrait Of You And A Friend As Mice On A Castle Wall & On The End Credits. + All In The $60 Tier + $600 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Trickster Mouse

$500 USD
Leave A Special Message In The Credits! + All In $300 Tier • Messages Subject To Developer Approval + $1,000 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Ranger Mouse #1 (Male)

$750 USD
Write A Line For A Male NPC To Be Used In Game + All In $500 Tier • Line Subject To Developer Approval + $1,500 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Ranger Mouse #2 (Female)

$750 USD
Write A Line For A Female NPC To Be Used In Game + All In $500 Tier • Line Subject To Developer Approval + $1,500 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Mousekeeter Mouse

$800 USD
A Soft Cover Art Book, A Comic Book And A T-Shirt + All In $500 Tier + $1,600 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Esquire Mouse

$950 USD
Digital Soundtrack By Michiru Yamane. + All In $800 Tier + $1,900 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Knightly Mouse

$999 USD
A Soundtrack By Michiru Yamane, With A Autograph From Michiru Yamane On The Cover. + All In $950 Tier + $1,998 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Baron Mouse

$1,000 USD
One 5cm Numbered Collector's Plastic Figurine Of The Main Character, Loís de l'Espina. + All In $950Tier + $2,000 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Baroness Mouse

$1,000 USD
One 5cm Numbered Collector's Plastic Figurine Of The Main Character, Elisabèt de l'Espina + All In $300 Tier + $2,000 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Viscount Mouse

$1,500 USD
Two 5cm Numbered Collector's Plastic Figurine Of The Main Characters, Loís & Elisabèt de l'Espina + All In $950 Tier + $3,000 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Count Mouse

$1,550 USD
One 10cm Numbered Collector's Plastic Figurine Of The Father, Henri IV. + All In $950 Tier + $3,100 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Countess Mouse

$1,550 USD
One 10cm Numbered Collector's Plastic Figurine Of The Mother, Maria de ’Medici + All In $950 Tier + $3,100 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Marquis Mouse

$1,600 USD
Collaborate With The Team To Create A Rare In-Game Weapon, Choose If You Want To Keep It Only For Yourself + All In $999 Tier • Weapon Subject To Developer Approval + $3,200 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Fürst (Prince) Mouse

$2,000 USD
Collaborate With The Team To Create A Rare Full In-Game Set Cloths, Choose If You Want To Keep It Only For Yourself + All In $999 Tier • Cloths Subject To Developer Approval + $4,000 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Duke Mouse

$2,100 USD
Collaborate With The Team To Create An NPC Female Or Male + All In $999 Tier • NPC Subject To Developer Approval + $4,200 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Grand Duke Mouse

$2,500 USD
Collaborate With The Team To Create An NPC Female Or Male, And Write A Dialog For Him/Her + All In $999 Tier • NPC & Dialog Subject To Developer Approval + $5,000 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Archduke Mouse

$3,000 USD
Collaborate With The Team To Create An NPC Female Or Male, And Write A Dialog For Him/Her And A Quest He/She Will Give The Main Character. + All In $999 Tier • NPC, Dialog & Quest Subject To Developer Approval + $6,000 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

King Mouse

$3,500 USD
Work With The Team To Create A Full Legendary In-Game Outfit + Keep It All For Yourself & Collaborate With The Team To Create An Main Quest And An Enemy. + All In $999 Tier • Quest & Enemy Subject To Developer Approval + $7,000 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pope Mouse

$5,000 USD
A Twin Gold Ring Of Main Character’s Coat Of Arms Concept Of Arms On The Page. I Have The Other Twin Ring. + All Games I Make In The Next 9 Years, In Collector’s Edition + All In $999 Tier + $10,000 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Prophet Mouse

$6,000 USD
Meet Me In Rome, To Discuss The Game Over A Dinner On La Pergola, A 3-Star Michelin Restaurant. Aswell as a visit to the Vatican. + All Games I Make In The Next 9 Years, In Collector’s Edition + All In $999 Tier + $11,682 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Holy Emperor Mouse

$6,000 USD
Meet Me In Cologne (Köln), To Discuss The Game Over A Dinner On Vendôme, A 3-Star Michelin Restaurant. Aswell As A Visit To Cologne Cathedral. +All Games I Make In The Next 7 Years, In Collector’s Edition + All In $999 Tier + $11,682 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

God Mouse

$6,000 USD
Meet Me In Paris, To Discuss The Game Over A Dinner On Arpège, A 3-Star Michelin Restaurant. Aswell As A Visit To Palace of Fontainebleau. + All Games I Make In The Next 5 Years, In Collector’s Edition. + All In $999 Tier + $11,682 In Premium “Cheese”, In-Game
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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