It's been one year since we wrapped up our amazing campaign. Thanks so much to everyone who donated and allowed us to make "Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie" as a completely fan-funded film. In a time when Hollywood is only interested in the next remake or sequel, AVGN fans made a statement by helping us raise over $325,000 for a movie WE want to see. Priciple photography was completed during April and May of 2012, and the film is currently in post production.
As we continue towards completion, the film is looking better every day. Here is just a taste of what's to come with Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie.
Over the past 7 years, James Rolfe's "The Angry Video Game Nerd" series has amassed a huge internet audience worldwide. The online show generally revolves around retro game reviews involving bitter rants against games he deems to be of particularly low-quality or poor design. With over 950,000 YouTube subscribers and 10+ million hits monthly on his own company website (, James sets out to culminate his popular internet franchise with "Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie."
ANGRY VIDEO GAME NERD: THE MOVIE (original pitch message)
The film is an epic comedy/adventure tale with certain B-movie styles interjected within. James Rolfe joins forces with longtime friend and fellow University of the Arts alum Kevin Finn. Over the past few years they wrote the script, and while the "AVGN" video series continued, this big project was brewing behind the scenes. Now it's time to pull the trigger. Production is set for Spring 2012.
Fan support over the years has made The Angry Video Game Nerd such a successful and lasting web series. Now, as the audience clamors in anticipation for Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie, we need your help. Every dollar we collect in donations will go a long way towards helping us make this movie the right way, free from the commercial demands studios would force us to obey. Please feel free to continue donating even though we've reached our initial goal, as $75,000 is only a portion of our budget. We will continue to award perks after we've reached our goal. Please be sure to include your email address if you'd like to collect perks. Your donations are very much appreciated.