Short Summary
Hello, we're AnimeID! A startup with a commitment to fun, a drive to share our interests with our community, and the goal of connecting people by bringing a new annual Anime and Manga convention to the Treasure Valley. We are using this campaign as a platform to presell tickets to launch our inaugural event! We know that there is a strong demand for an event like this, and with your help we're going to build something that will become a fixture in the Treasure Valley.
What We Need & What You Get
We have ambitious goals for this event, so for the sake of clarity we'd like to break down the biggest contributors to our funding goal. We estimated the minimum goal of $60,000 based on our desire to match the size and scope of previous similar events, the venue chosen, a 3 day event duration, and the necessity of highly trained and valuable staff.
The largest expense is the rental of the venue, Expo Idaho, which is known for other yearly events like the Boise Fair and the Boise Music Festival. This could account for as much as 1/3 to 1/2 of the budget, luckily we can scale this expense by selecting only a necessary amount of space depending on our funding reached! Similarly, we are very committed to fulfilling the security and EMS needs for this event, which account for the other largest expenses we expect.
To reach this goal, we are going to be preselling tickets via perk tiers of this campaign. While we appreciate your support, we would not recommend anyone commit any amount of money below these tiers, we're not fans of taking money for nothing!
Please note that this campaign is set to fixed funding. We are optimistic and passionate about driving this campaign forward, but should we not reach our funding goal refunds will be issued by Indiegogo to all backers within 5 days of the end of this campaign.
The Impact
Candidly, there is something missing in the Treasure Valley without a place for Anime and Manga fans to meet and interact with each other. We all hate for cosplay to be limited to Halloween, we all love the opportunity to meet the talents that help make our hobby a reality, and frankly it's just plain fun to meet others that share our interests and passions. We want that to be a continued reality in the Treasure Valley for years to come!
Risks & Challenges
Running a convention is hard.
There's a million things that go on behind the scenes that you never even consider before you start the work to make it a reality.
Our biggest challenges are as follows:
- We are launching this event on the end of a long running predecessor that was well loved and nostalgic for many. This give us big shoes to fill.
- This is our first dip into event management as professionals, there's bound to be many common mistakes and tricks of the industry that we will have to learn on our feet.
- The Treasure Valley is in an interesting spot in terms of development. We want to allow as many people as possible to attend, and this means moving away from the accommodations of downtown Boise for more space at a lower price.
Luckily, we believe we are qualified and tenacious enough to address each of these concerns:
- We believe that an absolute dedication to fun is the most important thing. We believe that with this renewed commitment we can provide an experience that satisfies everyone!
- While we are inexperienced in this exact area of business, we are not unaccustomed to learning to make it work! Our team is comprised of experienced, local, software developers with success in building business creating and selling software products. We believe we have the skills to achieve excellence in providing you with the best Anime convention the area can offer!
- Finally, we have ideas on how to tackle the lack of several key accommodations at EXPO Idaho. This includes requisitioning food trucks of all kinds to offer a variety of food options just outside the venue, and the rental of a charter bus to ferry traveling guests to and from the downtown hotels.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute we love and appreciate any and all support. Make sure to get the word out by following us on Twitter and Facebook, as well as sharing this campaign using the Indiegogo sharing functions. We hope so much to be meeting you all face to face at the first AnimeID!