WOW! 333 PAGES!!!
...and 50 more total "bonus pages" in the back of the books combine for OVER 380 PAGES!
Missed out on the previous campaigns on the other platforms? No problem! You can get "up-to-speed" quickly on the entire "Astral" adventure with the ASTRAL THRILL3GY— and the best part is that you won't have to wait long: The books are expected to ship out to you within a few months of the campaign's end, making this campaign, essentially, a pre-order!
The ASTRAL THRILL3GY is available in softcover, hardcover, or even in special limited-edition variant covers (scroll down below to see all of the variant-cover design options)!
Click on the blue button below to read a FREE PREVIEW of Astral Genesis!
In the near future...
Disgraced ex-astronaut, Jonathan DeVane, must assemble a rag-tag team of misfits in an attempt to stop a devastating attack on Earth by malevolent alien raiders called “Astrals”.
Can DeVane and his pack of underdogs find salvation in each other, and overcome the demons of their sordid pasts long enough to save the world?
...or is doomsday inevitable?
What do you get with the
Great value! The ASTRAL THRILL3GY contains about 17 comic books' worth of content— including full and complete story arcs!
- 333 beautifully-illustrated, full-color pages!
- A BONUS "production extras" section in the back of EACH book (nearly 50 bonus pages total) meaning you're actually getting OVER 380 pages, altogether!
- A professionally written, illustrated, inked, colored, and lettered production!
- Printed on high-quality 85 lb. gloss paper with a premium 12 pt. glossy softcover!
- Available in hardcover and limited-edition softcover variants!
Digital Edition + digital extras included FREE with every physical book!
- Hard-hitting, high-octane sci-fi action, adventure, and FUN!
Lila— formerly one of the evil Astrals (and an alien/human hybrid)— struggles between her loyalties to her former masters and her "human friends" who have encouraged her to cultivate her own "free will". Nevertheless, Lila's "darker side" can be unrelenting and unforgiving— though she is usually calm, cool and coldly logical unless provoked!
Rob, a sneaky Russian hacker and wanted fugitive, can open any lock, crack any code, and solve any puzzle! He is usually out for his own personal gain— unless his current goals just "happen" to align with DeVane, etc. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend?" Rob would no doubt agree— but are his amazing abilities the result of his exposure to Astral energy as a small child?
DeVane is, well, DeVane— a "man's man" relic from the bygone era of bravado— take it or leave it! An ex-NASA space-shuttle commander, DeVane spiraled into drunken obscurity— and out of his mind— after a space accident years ago that killed hundreds of people. Now, he's back— and fixated on spoiling the plans of the evil Astrals and acting as a "de facto" mentor to Lila. He's Dirty Harry, Rooster Cogburn, John McClane, and Snake Plissken all rolled into one! How's that for a role model? Cryptocurrency? Cisgender? ...the Internet? DeVane has no clue what you're talking about!
Jeannie is a NASA-shuttle-pilot-turned-academic-overachiever, and a single mom to Angelica. Her intense drive to succeed in technology, aerospace, and medical sciences often results in strained relationships with her friends (ex-fiancée, DeVane) and her relatives (Angelica)— although her kind, caring, and generous nature makes up for it! Often the "voice of reason", Jeannie is the "glue" binding them all together!
Angelica, a classic "bad girl", comes with a matching bad attitude to boot! Born without the ability to hear or speak, she's not going to let those small deficiencies stop her from being a rebellious, badass, hell-raising teen-- much to the chagrin of her "proper" and "squeaky-clean" law-abiding mother, Jeannie!
Wait... these are the GOOD GUYS?
Yep, and that’s the appeal of "Astral" graphic novels— the quirkiness of these characters and their interactions is a gold mine for humor, something often found lacking in much of today's science fiction and action fare...
More importantly, however, no matter how dire any alien threat faced by Earth, our little band of misfit heroes (or anti-heroes?) must first confront a much greater challenge:
Can they resolve to set aside their differences, and learn to work together as a team?
...and, speaking of teams:
You're in good hands!
We're the Astral Team: A troupe of international artists and creators with hundreds of years of comics-industry experience between us! We produce ASTRAL under the Pet Piranha Entertainment and Visionary Creative Services banners!
Jay, why are you doing this?
I'm passionate about "Astral", and over the years I've grown to absolutely love it-- as many others do-- and I'm sure YOU will, too!
The fact is, I'm a fully-independent creator of comics— without the multibillion dollar promotion, advertising, and distribution networks of those other "big" comic publishers.
By pledging for our books, you're not only supporting me and my team— you're making a direct contribution to the survival of small independent publishers like us— proving that quality storytelling and artwork can prevail in a hypercommercial world of mass-production dominated by rich and powerful corporations!
The way we're different is that, through the "Astral" graphic novels and their character-driven stories, we explore core themes about humanity and challenge the "human condition"— by way of a gripping and action-packed thrill ride! Also, explosions!
The cool part is: Unlike a lot of heavy-handed sci-fi books out there, the Astral adventures splash-in a little humor here-and-there, so it’s upbeat, engaging, and— most importantly-- FUN!
Best of all:
I’d like to offer YOU— the INDIEGOGO community, my friends and peers-- the opportunity to share in our adventures and support our work— and some of our super-cool and exclusive perks!
Purpose of Campaign Funds Raised
Funds raised in this campaign will go directly toward printing books and items associated with perks + postage, and the usual associated Indiegogo and payment-processing fees/costs.![]()
Risks and challenges
Having completed several crowdfunding campaigns already, I have a deep appreciation for what it means to launch a campaign and ask for your support!
I also have a keen understanding of how crowdfunding platforms work, having already completed fulfillment for our past campaigns, "Astral Genesis" and "Astral Evolution". As such, I'm confident that my team and I will be able deliver your rewards as promised, upon successful completion of the campaign.
In addition, my team and I have over 30 years' experience in comics and collectibles fulfillment— so please rest assured that we’ll have no problem shipping your books and other rewards to you promptly as soon as we receive them from our printer.
With overseas production there is always a possibility that delays can occur in the phases of printing, shipping, and customs inspections. As with our previous campaigns, I will be monitoring the process closely, and you have my assurance that if there is any schedule slippage, I will communicate it to you (along with our plan for addressing it) as soon as possible.
In addition, unforeseen circumstances and resulting delays may occur due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. If such conditions arise, I will communicate the situation— and our contingency plan— to you at my earliest possible opportunity.
Notice to backers residing outside of the United States who pledge for physical (mailed) rewards: We cannot be responsible for import/duty fees your home country may charge. Thus far, we have not had any reports of import/duty fees from backers of previous "Astral" campaigns— but since other countries' import laws have the potential to change at any time (and without any notice to us), we cannot absolutely guarantee that it will not occur.
REFUND POLICY: Backers eligible for a refund under Indiegogo's Refund Policy may request one via that method. If a refund is not possible through Indiegogo's Refund Policy (or the backer is deemed ineligible) then refunds for this campaign are governed by the Pet Piranha Refund Policy, below. Note that purchases made via InDemand are governed by Indiegogo's Refund Policy for InDemand projects, and no refunds will be provided once the time period allotted for refunds under InDemand has elapsed.
PET PIRANHA REFUND POLICY: Backers may request refunds from Pet Piranha through the 15TH DAY after the campaign's final "active date" (or "end date") for raising funds. The amount refunded will be less any INDIEGOGO, payment-processing, and administrative fees— and all perks associated with the refunded pledge will be considered forfeited. After the 15th day post-campaign, no refunds will be provided by Pet Piranha, since all monies raised through the campaign will, at that time, be fully committed toward the fulfillment of the project.
As always, all of your "Astral" rewards are fully backed by the "Pet Piranha Entertainment Guarantee" (see below). Please contact me if there is anything amiss with your rewards package, and my team and I will do whatever is within our power to make it right!
Your friend & fellow comics fan,
Thank you!
My team and I are grateful for your support!
Your friend & fellow comics fan,