Howdy folks! Thanks for checking out our Indiegogo page! We are raising money for our capstone short film Bear With Me. Here's a little bit about the story: After getting dumped, a hapless college student unhappily winds up in the arms of a cuddly bear. Sounds like something that you want to see, right? Well, by helping us out, not only will you get the film one step closer to completion, you'll help the filmmakers graduate from college, which our parents will be extra excited about. Here's who we've got working on the film:
Dan O'Keefe Writer & Director
Dan is excited to make this film because he wrote it, and he finally has an excuse to purchase a large bear.
Tom Hillmeyer Cinematographer
Tom is excited to make this film because he loves getting the opportunity to make things look cinematic and beautiful.
Mallory Winkler Editor
Mallory is excited to make this film because it gives her the chance to flex her editing muscles, which are already very strong.
Rome Gandelsman Producer
Rome is excited to make this film because he's never not excited, especially because he wants to play the bear.
What We Need & What You Get
As it turns out, bears are not cheap. Nor are props, costumes, or really anything involved with the filmmaking process. We need to raise money to afford these things, but especially the bear, because without the bear, we would have to resort to using Rome covered in a picnic blanket as the bear, which nobody wants. You'll get all the fun perks which are listed on the side of this page!
The Impact
By supporting our fundraiser, you will help us complete our capstone project, which rounds out our collegiate educations. Not only that, you'll be helping to spread joy throughout the world, because this is a funny and heartwarming short, that people aged 8-88 will enjoy dearly.
Risks & Challenges
Bears are finicky creatures to work with, especially if they're union. We have to be careful, or we could get eaten.
Other Ways You Can Help
Spread the word on social media! Tell your friends in real life! Find your rich aunt and beg her to donate! Or, if you can't donate, that's no problem, find us on social media for updates, and share the finished product!
- Follow us on Twitter @BearWithMeFilm
- Follow us on Instagram @BearFilm2019
- Like our Facebook page /BearWithMeFilm2019
We love you.