"Gentle Mother, Font of Mercy..."
In the heat of battle, with wildfire raging, men dying, and the world seemingly collapsing around them, Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane come together in what will become the defining moment of their relationship and shape each other's spiritual and emotional journeys ever afterward...
In his A Song of Ice & Fire book series, George R.R. Martin created two incredibly rich (though divisive) characters and brought them together for one of the unlikeliest of relationships -- the gentle, naive, beautiful Sansa Stark, and the angry, disillusioned, disfigured Sandor "The Hound" Clegane. Although both characters appear in HBO's "Game of Thrones" (based on ASOIAF), much of their dynamic was omitted, and their intense encounter during the Battle of Blackwater was watered down considerably. Well, Kate and Squid are here to remedy that!
Avid fans of ASOIAF, Sansa, Sandor, and "SanSan" (as the pairing is referred to in fandom), Kate and Squid have decided to adapt a book-accurate version of this scene to film, using a Shakespearean verse written by blogger Nina Friel in place of Martin's dialogue.
(NOTE: We will actually be doing the original dialogue written by GRRM after all -- see the UPDATES section for more info!)
We've been a part of the ASOIAF fandom for a few years now, and we have had the pleasure of making many great friends in the SanSan community, including each other! Our common backgrounds in writing and filmmaking, mixed with our love of Sandor and Sansa, has led to one inevitable conclusion -- "Bird Song"!
This project isn't just for us, though; it's for our fandom friends, it's for George R.R. Martin, and, above all, these fascinating characters themselves.
Why Us?
Well, why not? In addition to being relatively high-profile members of the online SanSan community -- Kate known for her analytical essays and memes, and Squid's fantastic fanfiction always keeping people on the edges of their seats -- both Kate (director, co-producer) and Squid (co-producer) are experienced filmmakers, having each written, directed, and produced successful (and award-winning)
short films and features in the past. We both know how to churn out quality content with limited time and budget.
We're not only confident in our own abilities
but in each other, and we have a terrific team to support us and our
Meet The Cast!
Before moving forward, we felt it was paramount to lock down our Sandor and Sansa first and foremost! We have done just that with two amazing individuals to embody our Hound and his Little Bird!
Serena Laurel (Sansa)
Serena is a young actress and musician who is up-and-coming in young Hollywood! Having already worked with Kate in the past, Serena is perfect for this role because... well... she
is Sansa! Sweet, polite, beautiful, strong, smart -- all the the ingredients that make the character stand out in the often cruel and unforgiving world of Westeros.
"Like" Serena on
Facebook and follow her on
David Baxter (Sandor)
You may already recognize David from the convention scene and several other "GoT" fan videos. David's Hound cosplay is pretty much legendary at this point; if you've been to a Con, you've probably seen him -- probably because it's impossible to miss him! (He's really tall, is what we're saying...) We're so excited to have him on board this project, as he is basically the definitive Sandor Clegane after Rory McCann!
Follow David on
What We Need & What You Get
This project is going to be rad no matter what, but just HOW rad depends on you, the investor!
Our goal of $8,000 seems perhaps lofty, but with that money, we can afford the following:
- A cool location
- Hair and prosthetic upgrades for our Sandor
- A beautiful dress for our Sansa
- To pay our cast and crew!
Good news is, if we don't reach our goal, we still have options. But we want this to be as great as it possibly can be, and we can't do that without your generous help!
And we're fully prepared to make it worth your while too. In addition to being able to finally see a book-accurate version of the BoBW scene with your own eyes, we are offering a plethora of cool, fun perks, including DVDs, artwork, exclusive bonus footage, and more (outlined in our Perks section).
PLEASE NOTE that donors will be the FIRST ones to get to see the finished project before it's posted online!
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand if there are some folks who can't make any monetary contributions. But you can still be involved in other ways!
COSTUMES: Like I said, we do a need a dress for our Sansa (that can get fake blood on it if necessary), and any cheap/free options are welcome!
PROPS: This is, thankfully, not a very prop-heavy scene, but we do need (a) a medieval-looking wineskin, and (b) a medieval-looking dagger with sheath.
HAIR/MAKE-UP: Anyone out there with wig-working skills, or experience working with prosthetic make-up? Let us know!
LOCATION: We're in the L.A. area, so get at us if you have any leads on a cool, flexible, affordable location (i.e.: a sizeable bedroom with a nice big window which could pass for medieval maiden's chambers).
TELL YOUR FRIENDS: Spread the word! Reblog, repost, retweet, etc., on all your various social networking sites!
We're so excited to bring this to life, and hope you are too.