Once upon a party...
Hello, I'm Steve, and I am a children's entertainer. After creating a party for my 5 year old son 6 years ago, I've since built up a full time business running LEGO® based parties, workshops and after school clubs in and around Sussex, with my wife.
Check out what we do here!
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, we went from being fully booked to nothing, overnight.
With some unexpected free time on our hands, we came up with a new venture, to bring some joy to local children, who have missed out on so much over the last year. We also wanted to be able to help local charities and give something back to the community.
I ran a workshop In December to provide funds for Horsham Foodbank, and after raising nearly £300, I realised that I could do so much more with my own mobile venue.
So we came up with the BrickBus!
A mobile LEGO® workshop, party venue, and all round bricktastic space where we'll also run charity fundraising events, LEGO-based therapy and community free play sessions. We want to bring the fun back after the negative impact of Covid.
We used a business loan to buy a VW T5 Bluebird ex-TFL Dial-a-Ride disability bus, which was the perfect fit for the space we need. And in January, we were successful in applying for a recovery visitor economy grant to fund the external graphics, so that the BrickBus can look the part on the outside.
We need YOUR help!
We've already got plenty of LEGO, and we've got the expertise in how to inspire and engage children, but now we need YOUR help to finish the insides! We're envisioning an exciting, creative, colourful space where kids (and AFOLs!) can lose themselves in the joy of building and creating from the moment they step onto the bus.
The more funds we get, the more resources and amazing features we can install. We have plans for a full cosmetic, colourful internal revamp, a LEGO mosaic wall and ceiling, seating for up to 12 children, LEGO inspired fittings and flooring, and some work on the electrics and heating system so that it doesn’t get chilly in the winter months. We have so many ideas!
Supporting charities
We've set out our "BrickBus Charter" to demonstrate our commitment to giving back to the community. We've reached out to 8 local charities that focus on helping children and families, and we'll run at least one event per year for each of the 8 charities, and pass on all funds.
But we can't start raising money for charities until we've finished the bus!
You can find out more about the charities we'll be supporting here:
Horsham Matters - https://www.horsham-matters.com/
Springboard - https://springboardsupport.org
Chestnut Tree House - https://www.chestnut-tree-house.org.uk
Homestart CHAMS - https://homestartchams.org.uk
Ten Little Toes - https://www.tenlittletoesbabybank.org
Dame Vera Lynn Children's Charity - https://dvlcc.org.uk
Action Medical Research - https://action.org.uk
Jigsaw Trust - https://jigsawtrust.co.uk
Be part of the journey
In exchange for your support, we've got loads of great perks to offer our backers, including small LEGO gifts, workshop places, whole birthday parties, and we even have a few LEGO replicas of the bus, so please take a look.
We will make sure we are at as many local and school events as possible when they start happening again, so everyone gets a chance to come and see us and experience what the BrickBus has to offer.
If you can't afford to contribute but want to help in other ways, it would be really appreciated if you could share our campaign - use the Indiegogo share tools here, and spread the word!
Thanks for reading!
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