"A nihilistic and depressed artist is visited in the midst of his suicide attempt by the daughter he didn’t know he had, bringing with her bad news.”
As a filmmaker, Writer/Director Oren Cohen seeks to tell a gripping and dark, yet heartfelt and personal story. After dealing with personal loss in his life, he sought to ask and answer the question, "How would a man dealing with the loss of his father change if he had discovered that he, himself, was a father?" This is the essence of Chloe, hope in the midst of darkness, and unlikely change in the face of unlikely circumstances.
NOTE: If you want to make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation through us directly, please email us at chloecsunfilm@gmail.com
Every dollar donated goes directly into our films costs. Specifically:
LOCATIONS- Our film takes place in four locations; an apartment, a restaurant, a Los Angeles city block, and a hospital. It’s going to be a challenge to grab the best looking locations which fit our vision and create a cohesive style.
EQUIPMENT- We have plans to create a unique and stylized depiction of an artist dealing with antidepressant overdose during perhaps the most emotionally shocking hour of his life. In order to do that we need the best equipment: camera package, lenses, dolly's, snorricam mount set ups, recording gear, light equipment, and more. Your contributions will go directly to propelling our film to it’s visual cinematic peak.
PRODUCTION DESIGN- In order to create an authentic looking apartment, where our talented yet depressed artist lives on his own, we need a very specific set of props, furniture, art supplies, and other set design elements to not only make our sets feel lived in, but also engage the audience in a subtle array of back story. Details such as what the pills our protagonist takes to overdose with look like, or what kind of wardrobe Chloe wears will elevate the film and make it much easier for the audience to be engaged in the story.
POST-PRODUCTION- The film comes to life in this stage. In order to make the film shine we need services like color correction, transcoding and visual effects.
FOOD- While cheap pizza can be delicious, feeding a cast and crew of 20-30 people on any given day, while also keeping everyone happy and active is an art of it’s own. A good portion of our production costs will go towards craft services for this reason.
The crew of Chloe is made up of talented students in the Film Production program at California State University Northridge. As graduating Seniors, we have the privilege of making a film that reflects our cumulative knowledge and skills as students of cinema.
We want to tell a dark yet realistic story that pays homage not only to the fact that we each deal with loss in different ways, but also to the idea that everyone needs someone to bring them out of their darkest times. We want audiences to come out of this film with an itch to call their loved ones.
Your investment in Chloe will aid in an effort by a talented crew of storytellers to bring our Director's personal vision to life. With this film, we hope to propel ourselves into the industry in profound ways that we’ve all hoped for throughout our time as students at CSUN.
While financial support is the best way to help us, we certainly don’t take for granted your time. Please share this page with family, friends and coworkers. Each share and every dollar is greatly appreciated.
PS- We also take venmo @chloe-csun-film
Thank you!
For any further questions, please email chloecsunfilm@gmail.com