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Chris P Bacon Saves Christmas

Development of an animated, movie project, starring Chris P Bacon

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Chris P Bacon Saves Christmas

Chris P Bacon Saves Christmas

Chris P Bacon Saves Christmas

Chris P Bacon Saves Christmas

Chris P Bacon Saves Christmas

Development of an animated, movie project, starring Chris P Bacon

Development of an animated, movie project, starring Chris P Bacon

Development of an animated, movie project, starring Chris P Bacon

Development of an animated, movie project, starring Chris P Bacon

Koralis Entertainment, Inc
Koralis Entertainment, Inc
Koralis Entertainment, Inc
Koralis Entertainment, Inc
3 Campaigns |
Orlando, United States
$70,770 USD 1,245 backers
128% of $55,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

We're coming to the end of our fund raising, but if you are here for the first time, watch my promo movie and read about my movie plans...

For those who have been following my campaign... here is a picture of the portrait of my bestest friend, ASPEN. Woof Oink!

It is available to the the first bidder (see the Featured Perk opposite)

Going, going.....Oink!

We are going to keep on going until the campaign ends on 21st April 2014 so, if you haven't donated yet (and received one of our GREAT PERKS), you still have a chance!!!

AND GUESS WHAT???? We are going donate 10% of everything we raise over our goal to three oinking great charities chosen by my dad! OINK! 

  • Disabled American Veterans
  • St. Judes Childrens Research Hospital
  • Street Tails Animal Rescue

Dad and I want to say THANK YOU for being part of my life and my journey. 

So, if this is the first time you are looking at this page, let me remind you of what we are going to do...

We want to make a wonderful, animated Christmas movie about how it is possible for everybody to live a great life 'if they just don't give up'! Oink! Please watch my video (above)....


"When me and my dad first met the producers from Koralis Entertainment, they said that 'all the elements were present for a truly classic Christmas story'. I'm not sure what that all means but they said...LET'S MAKE A MOVIE!!!

I've been on board from day one. After all, how could I pass up the chance to be the hero in a movie!

This is what the Producers at Koralis Entertainment want you to know..."

Isn't it time for another REALLY GREAT Christmas movie? 

Christmas movies are magic and can inspire the world to be a better place. They stay with us throughout our lives, becoming a part of our story too.

We think Chris P Bacon has all the magic of Christmas in his own story and has shown us that every living creature can have a fulfilling life if given a chance.

So what if a bunch of lovable misfit animals, unfashionable and unwanted, band to together to save Christmas for us all? And in doing so, they teach us that love and compassion are the keys to changing the world! 

But we have to start here's the plan for the development stage.

  • FIRST we develop an inspirational STORY (a fictionalized adventure based upon characters from Chris P Bacon's own world).
  • SECOND, we have a professional SCREENPLAY written by an experienced writer.
  • THIRD, we create the SOUNDTRACK...
We've already seen how the world has responded to the story of Chris P Bacon, how his courage and tenacity has given people a deep sense of what we can achieve together when we fight for the weakest and most vulnerable among us.

So let's develop a project that can reach across all boundaries and show the world the amazing things we can do when we decide to work together.

Our Goal.

  1. We calculated that it'll take $55,000 to develop the necessary elements to create the project's foundations. The breakdown is as follows,
  • $   2,500   Set up costs for campaign production (song, video etc)
  • $   2,500   Rights Acquisitions and legal costs 
  • $ 20,000   Story + screenplay development
  • $ 20,000   Song writing + composition + recording
  • $   5,000   Concept art
  • $   5,000   Publicity + website development

If we raise more than our goal.

  • This would be AMAZING!!!. Then we can promote ourselves to studios and investors, design high quality plushies ....AND we could even consider funding (or co-funding) the entire movie together!!!  (Then we make the movie that we (you and us) want to see).

Other Ways You Can Help.

If you cannot contribute, but still want to be part of the problem! You can still help Chris P Bacon save Christmas by doing the following...

  • Tell everyone you know about our wonderful project.
  • Re-Tweet and repost all our updates and bulletins.

There will be MANY more great reward extras as the campaign progresses!

So stay tuned... 

And the last word from Chris P...

"Dad gave me a chance to live, you gave me a life with your love and compassion... so let's make a movie and go tell the world about it!"

                      "Keep on Rolling Down The Road" -- Chris P Bacon


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Choose your Perk


Executive Producer

$750 USD
This is a GREAT perk. Not only will you get all the perks enjoyed by the $250 'Story Development Perk', but you'll get an IMDb credit as 'Executive Producer' when we produce the full movie. In addition you will be invited to attend an online table read of the final script Oink! (PLUS I'll send you the Full Digital Pack too).
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
8 out of 10 of claimed

Welcome to our journey!

$5 USD
I am going to personally...well..'pigally' thank you on my FB and Twitter page! Oink!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
190 claimed

Well that's a catchy tune!!

$10 USD
You asked for it, you got it! By popular demand! You can have the complete version of my Theme Song!! If you haven't heard it, check out the intro video! I'm tapping my hooves just thinking about it!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
63 claimed

Who's calling?

$15 USD
I'll send you a ringtone, (sampled from my very own, amazing song 'Fight it, Live it, Win it!'). Every phone call you receive will be a feel good moment! Oink!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
78 claimed

A 'write' good perk!

$25 USD
Part of the funding is going towards developing my heroic story! For this donation, I'll send you a digital copy of the final screenplay! Oink! PLUS i'll let you have the ringtone too..double oink!
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
170 claimed

Full Digital Pack!

$35 USD
I'll send you a high resolution, digital poster of me and all of my heroic friends together. Oink! PLUS I'll send you the ring tone AND the digital script..Oink oink!
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
63 claimed

A real collector's item!

$50 USD
OK, now we're talking (Oinking). I am going to send you an 11" x 17" poster of the concept art from the movie...SIGNED by the key players in the development team! Oink! (Includes Full Digital Pack). **PLEASE ADD $20 FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING OUTSIDE USA**
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
73 out of 250 of claimed

A good ol' comfy, T-shirt!

$50 USD
I will send you a special edition, 'I helped Chris P Bacon Save Christmas', crowd funding T-shirt, designed just for donators! Oink! Women's and men's sixes available from XS to XL. (PLUS I'll send you the Full Digital Pack too). **PLEASE ADD $20 FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING OUTSIDE USA**
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
174 out of 500 of claimed

I'm extra cute as a plush toy!

$75 USD
I will send you a special indiegogo, exclusive plush me! Oink! (PLUS I'll send you the Full Digital Pack too). **PLEASE ADD $20 FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING OUTSIDE USA**
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
198 out of 250 of claimed

Chris P Bacon Concept Art!

$100 USD
What do I look like as an action hero? You'll get to choose one from a heroic group of drawings of me. They'll be printed and signed my the development team! Oink! (PLUS I'll send you the Full Digital Pack too). **PLEASE ADD $20 FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING OUTSIDE USA**
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
32 out of 100 of claimed

This is a collectors item.

$175 USD
I am going to send you a printed, fully bound storyboard, signed by the development team. I'm only doing a hundred of these! Oink! (PLUS I'll send you the Full Digital Pack too). **PLEASE ADD $50 FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING OUTSIDE USA**
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
15 out of 100 of claimed

Story Development Perk!

$250 USD
Help me develop the story! For this perk, you will be invited to take part in online discussions during story and character development. You will be sent questionnaires and asked for your feedback. I want to develop the story the YOU love! Oink! (PLUS I'll send you the Full Digital Pack too).
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
3 out of 250 of claimed

Everything So Far!!!

$500 USD
This is a BARGAIN PERK....! If you add up all the perks so far, it comes to $780. But, if you donate to earn this perk, we will give you them ALL for only $500. An Oinking great reward, I say..! (I will even include any shipping!!)
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
9 out of 100 of claimed

Want to be in my movie?

$2,500 USD
OINK, OINK!!! This is a GREAT PERK!! First we are going to give you EVERY PERK so far (that means ALL the perks up to this perk). However, IN ADDITION to these great gifts, YOUR name will make its way into the script! YES, that's right, YOU will be a character in our story (and eventually the movie) where your name will be mentioned at least once by another character! What a great GIFT for someone...?
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
4 out of 5 of claimed

Hang out with me and dad!!

$5,000 USD
Come and spend a weekend on the farm with me, my dad and all my friends. If you can get to Central Florida, I'll pick you up, drive you to Chris P Bacon's farm and arrange a full day of fun and adventures in Chris P Bacon's world. This perk includes three nights accommodation, meals, and transportation to and from any Central Florida airport! Oink! (PLUS I'll send you the Full Digital Pack too).
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Now you're in the big leagues!

$10,000 USD
You are going to be an Executive Producer on my music soundtrack album. Get a VIP PASS for three days in Las Vegas, (including US Domestic, economy airfares and hotel accommodation for 4 nights). You will spend time in the recording studio with my Chris P Bacon team. Heck, I might even get you to sing on a backing track! Oink! (PLUS I'll send you the Full Digital Pack too).
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed
sold out

Original Aspen Portrait

$500 USD
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Original Portrait (piggy bed)

$750 USD
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Original Portrait (1st Wheels)

$750 USD
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 out of 1 of claimed
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