We're coming to the end of our fund raising, but if you are here for the first time, watch my promo movie and read about my movie plans...
For those who have been following my campaign... here is a picture of the portrait of my bestest friend, ASPEN. Woof Oink!
It is available to the the first bidder (see the Featured Perk opposite)
Going, going.....Oink!
We are going to keep on going until the campaign ends on 21st April 2014 so, if you haven't donated yet (and received one of our GREAT PERKS), you still have a chance!!!
AND GUESS WHAT???? We are going donate 10% of everything we raise over our goal to three oinking great charities chosen by my dad! OINK!
Disabled American Veterans
St. Judes Childrens Research Hospital
- Street Tails Animal Rescue
Dad and I want to say THANK YOU for being part of my life and my journey.
So, if this is the first time you are looking at this page, let me remind you of what we are going to do...
We want to make a wonderful, animated Christmas movie about how it is possible for everybody to live a great life 'if they just don't give up'! Oink! Please watch my video (above)....
"When me and my dad first met the producers from Koralis Entertainment, they said that 'all the elements were present for a truly classic Christmas story'. I'm not sure what that all means but they said...LET'S MAKE A MOVIE!!!
I've been on board from day one. After all, how could I pass up the chance to be the hero in a movie!
This is what the Producers at Koralis Entertainment want you to know..."
Isn't it time for another REALLY GREAT Christmas movie?
Christmas movies are magic and can inspire the world to be a better place. They stay with us throughout our lives, becoming a part of our story too.
We think Chris P Bacon has all the magic of Christmas in his own story and has shown us that every living creature can have a fulfilling life if given a chance.
So what if a bunch of lovable misfit animals, unfashionable and unwanted, band to together to save Christmas for us all? And in doing so, they teach us that love and compassion are the keys to changing the world!
But we have to start somewhere...so here's the plan for the development stage.
FIRST we develop an inspirational STORY (a fictionalized adventure based upon characters from Chris P Bacon's own world).
SECOND, we have a professional SCREENPLAY written by an experienced writer.
- THIRD, we create the SOUNDTRACK...
We've already seen how the world has responded to the story of Chris P Bacon, how his courage and tenacity has given people a deep sense of what we can achieve together when we fight for the weakest and most vulnerable among us.So let's develop a project that can reach across all boundaries and show the world the amazing things we can do when we decide to work together.
Our Goal.
- We calculated that it'll take $55,000 to develop the necessary elements to create the project's foundations. The breakdown is as follows,
$ 2,500 Set up costs for campaign production (song, video etc)
$ 2,500 Rights Acquisitions and legal costs
$ 20,000 Story + screenplay development
$ 20,000 Song writing + composition + recording
$ 5,000 Concept art
- $ 5,000 Publicity + website development
If we raise more than our goal.
This would be AMAZING!!!. Then we can promote ourselves to studios and investors, design high quality plushies ....AND we could even consider funding (or co-funding) the entire movie together!!! (Then we make the movie that we (you and us) want to see).
Other Ways You Can Help.
If you cannot contribute, but still want to be part of the journey...no problem! You can still help Chris P Bacon save Christmas by doing the following...
- Tell everyone you know about our wonderful project.
- Re-Tweet and repost all our updates and bulletins.
There will be MANY more great reward extras as the campaign progresses!
So stay tuned...
And the last word from Chris P...
"Dad gave me a chance to live, you gave me a life with your love and compassion... so let's make a movie and go tell the world about it!"
"Keep on Rolling Down The Road" -- Chris P Bacon