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David's Dinosaur - The Family Motion Picture Event!

Join the vision of independent artists bringing this family oriented feature film to life!

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David's Dinosaur - The Family Motion Picture Event!

David's Dinosaur - The Family Motion Picture Event!

David's Dinosaur - The Family Motion Picture Event!

David's Dinosaur - The Family Motion Picture Event!

David's Dinosaur - The Family Motion Picture Event!

Join the vision of independent artists bringing this family oriented feature film to life!

Join the vision of independent artists bringing this family oriented feature film to life!

Join the vision of independent artists bringing this family oriented feature film to life!

Join the vision of independent artists bringing this family oriented feature film to life!

Matthew Hall
Matthew Hall
Matthew Hall
Matthew Hall
3 Campaigns |
Los Angeles, United States
$2,070 USD 9 backers
4% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Our Story

Based on a screenplay by director and writer Matthew Charles Hall, DAVID'S DINOSAUR is the heartwarming story of a young boy and his grandfather who uncover a dinosaur egg which, when hatched, causes a series of unforeseeable events in a suburban neighborhood. Shooting in Corona, California for a scheduled fourteen days, DAVID'S DINOSAUR boasts a talented line up of production personnel, including producer and special effects artist Thad Whitley, owner and founder of, a leading special effect makeup company; creature designer Jonathan Fuller (, cinematographer and producer Ryan A. Hall (who has previously produced and photographed the short film IN THE LAND OF PHANTOMS, which opened during the Cannes Film Festival in 2008) and co-producer Troy Guthrie (HUNTING GROUNDS). Directing his own screenplay for the screen is award winning director Matthew Charles Hall, who’s previous endeavors include the award winning short film 100 MOUNTAINS (Cannes Film Festival) and the swashbuckling pirate adventure film DARK HORIZON ( Hall’s most recent film, the sci-fi thriller HUNTING GROUNDS, was recently given international distribution through Lombardo Films and will be playing this May at the Cannes Film Festival in France, and on television screens throughout Europe beginning this summer.

The Impact

"It's an ode to everything Spielberg, I'd say," says producer Thad Whitley, "It's a tribute to the films of an older generation; the generation that grew up with movies like THE GOONIES and GREMLINS. We don't see movies like that anymore. DAVID'S DINOSAUR has a chance to be one of those movies, but it's one the whole family can see." The film's planned production budget is geared almost entirely at financing the elaborate visual effects that will appear on screen. "We have all the resources to make this look like a junior version of JURASSIC PARK," says director Matthew Charles Hall, "I feel very strongly about that but the truth of the matter is that practical visual effects like you see in those large budget films cost money, which is a luxury we really don't have." Hall wrote the film as a tribute to his late grandfather, with the hope that the film could be produced as a solid family entertainment. "I'm sick of kid movies being so adult oriented. I feel they don't have that innocence anymore, and to top it off, they're all made in computers and have that glossy feel." Cinematographer and co-producer Ryan A. Hall feels quite similar about it, "I have two kids, one of which is eleven years old and I know for a fact her generation needs more films like this. It's an exciting family adventure that kids will love and us parents will enjoy watching with them. It's very rare that a piece of entertainment gets produced that appeal to both demographics. We just hope we can make it right, and we know that by raising this money we can." The filmmakers have all agreed that no matter how much or how little funding they can generate, the film will move into production and will begin shooting in late June of 2011. "We're excited for a winter 2011 release," says director Hall, "no matter what. I can't wait. Whether the movie has a dinosaur up there that would make Stan Winston proud or we have a sock puppet that looks like Kermit the Frog, we're still going to make this movie. I don't want our fans and supporters to be discouraged." Fans and donors can check out the progress of the film on the website which the production has stated will be updated with behind the scenes videos, photos and the like as production begins.

What We Need & What You Get

The goal of $50,000 is geared towards financing the film's elaborate visual effects and design costs, as well as compensate the top notch acting talent that is being recruited for the film. "I wrote the screenplay in my spare time, as a nod to my childhood memories I shared with my grandpa," director Hall says, "I don't need money for that. I would have written it anyway." With the $50,000 goal now set, Hall and his team hope that the funds can be raised to adequately complete the film's key ingredient: a "living, breathing" dinosaur, designed by the top notch artists in the business, that will act on the screen with an exceptional cast hired by the film's four producers. "We're all volunteering our time and energy into this project to make it a reality," says co-producer Troy Guthrie, "If, one day, I get paid to show up on a movie set as producer then that will be a real treat, but for now I do it just because I love it." For a limited time, the producers have established the online funding site at to raise awareness for the project - and a budget. "We have various benefits that people will receive from contributing to the film," says director Hall, "And we hope they understand just how rare it is for the public to get involved in the making of a film like this; a film so personal and so very special for kids. I would want to be apart if I was just hearing about it. I guess that's just the spirit of the little kid that's still inside of me." Various benefits for contributing to the film at different levels include onscreen credit as an associate or executive producer, a framed lithograph plate-signed by four time Academy Award winner Stan Winston and Mark "Crash" McCreery, as well as VIP tickets to the world premiere, signed posters, caps, DVD copies and various movie props featured in the film. "I'm most excited about that signed lithograph," says Hall, "Stan is responsible for some of the most iconic images in motion picture history with the likes of ALIENS and JURASSIC PARK and of course, THE TERMINATOR. His influence is clearly seen in this project as well."

Other Ways You Can Help

The cast and crew greatly appreciate your help in getting this exciting film project underway, and if you feel you cannot contribute financially but you wish to join in our efforts in bringing quality and clean family entertainment to the big screen, you can do so by spreading word of our new project and this site by sharing it on your Facebook profile page and telling your friends and their families about our endeavors! We also can use donations in various other forms including on set personnel and staff as well as catering for our actors and crew. Please contact producer Troy Guthrie at (925) 285-1160 for more information!

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Choose your Perk


$20 USD
* Your name on the listing! * "Thank you" credit in closing titles!
1 claimed


$50 USD
* Your name on the listing * Two tickets to the Anaheim, California World Premiere of DAVID'S DINOSAUR! * "Thank you" credit in the closing titles!
1 claimed


$100 USD
* Your name on the listing * Complete set of prop replica dinosaur toys (total of 6 figurines) as seen in the movie! * DAVID'S DINOSAUR on DVD (Spring release date)! * Two tickets to the Anaheim, California World Premiere of DAVID'S DINOSAUR! * Premiere After Party Invitation! * "Assistant Associate Producer" credit in the closing titles!
5 claimed


$500 USD
* Your name on the listing * Complete set of prop dinosaur toys (total of 6 figurines) as seen in the movie! * DAVID'S DINOSAUR on DVD (Spring release date) * Four VIP tickets to the Anaheim, California World Premiere of DAVID'S DINOSAUR! * Premiere After Party Invitation! * Replica of the dinosaur toy egg prop featured in the film. * Signed theatrical poster * Crew Cap * On set dinosaur meet and greet and photo shoot! * "Associate Producer" credit in the closing titles!
1 claimed


$1,000 USD
In addition to the above listed perks, receive these additional benefits! *10 VIP tickets to the World Premiere and After Party event! * Framed dinosaur lithograph featured in the film, plate-signed by the late 4 time Academy Award winner Stan Winston and production designer Mark "Crash" McCreery! * Exclusive copy of DAVID'S DINOSAUR storybook seen in the movie signed by author and illustrator. * "Co-Executive Producer" credit in the closing titles!
1 claimed


$5,000 USD
In addition to the above listed perks listed at the JURASSIC level, receive these additional benefits! * Private screening for you and four guests hosted at the director's home. * Open set for the entire shoot to you and your guest. * Studio tours at the creature effects workshops! * Dinosaur maquette of the creature used in the film! * "Executive Producer" credit in the closing titles!
0 out of 4 of claimed


$10,000 USD
Make the financial needs of DAVID'S DINOSAUR extinct! In addition to all the above listed benefits for contributing to the project, receive the following benefits: A (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) PRODUCTION title at the beginning of the film. Contact producer / director Matthew Charles Hall at to see what else DAVID'S DINOSAUR can offer YOU! Serious inquiries only please.
0 out of 2 of claimed
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