I am Dmitry Galtsin, a researcher in the Library of Russian Academy of
Science (Rare Books Department) and a member of Association for the Study of Esotericism
and Mysticism (ASEM, http://aiem-asem.org/index/main_page/0-32).
My paper on “The Divine Feminine in the
Silver Age of Russian Culture and Beyond” has been accepted for presentation at
the annual meeting of the AmericanAcademy of Religion in San Diego, November 22-25th.
My paper proposal is to be found here:
My presentations on Pagan Studies (in Russian) can be accessed here:
(Modern Paganism in the West and how it is studied (2013): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl_xE70F6ZU)
and here:
(Wicca: the Religious and the Esoteric (2013, Moscow): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSDaEfZnbIM)
Because Library
of Russian Academy of Science travel budget is
small, I need to raise $ 1,300 to help with my travel between St. Petersburg, Russia, and San Diego, as well as a hotel room.
Should my project succeed, the subscribers will get PDF copies of my paper.
In a paper “Divine Feminine in the Silver
Age of Russian Culture and Beyond: Vladimir Soloviev, Vasily Rozanov and Dmitry
Merezhkovsky” I focus on the new concepts of Divine Feminine that came
to the fore in Russian religious philosophy of late19th – early 20th
century. The philosophical and theological ideas of the “Eternal Feminine” (ВечнаяЖенственность) influenced
not only the Silver Age culture, which didn’t survive Russian revolution of
1917, but also Russian new religious movements that evolved in 1920-1990s (the
Roerichs’ “Living Ethics”, Gleb Botkin’s Church of Aphrodite, Daniil Andreyev’s
mysticism, The Church of the Last Covenant, Bogorodichniki and
YUSMALOS). I believe that Divine Feminine first envisioned by Silver Age
philosophers have considerably shaped Russian religious culture of the last
century and even affected Modern Paganism.