Who We Are
The Factory Farming Awareness Coalition is an educational non-profit dedicated to empowering people to help the environment, animals, and our own health through our daily food choices.
FFAC educates people about factory farming through presentations and public outreach campaigns. We have given over 200 presentations across the United States and Mexico to classes, community organizations, and businesses.
The Issue
Nearly 10 billion animals are raised for food every year in the United States, 99% of them on factory farms. This system is hugely detrimental for:
Environment: Factory farming is one of the leading causes of water pollution, deforestation, soil erosion, and climate change.
Animals: The animals raised on factory farms spend their entire lives confined indoors with thousands of other animals, often in spaces so small they cannot even turn around.
Workers: Workers on factory farms and in slaughterhouses face some of the most dangerous working conditions in the country with no access to health care or fair wages.
Public Health: The overconsumption of animal products plays a major role in the health epidemics facing this country (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity), and the overuse of antibiotics in animals puts us at risk of antibiotic-resistant epidemics.
The Victory
For the second year in a row, we won nearly $50,000 worth of free advertisements on San Francisco's public transit system. We will use this opportunity to educate people about the impacts of factory farming on animals and on the environment.
What We Need
Right now, we're asking for your help to pay for professional graphic design for our ads. High-quality design will give our ads maximum visual punch and allow us to relay our message clearly and effectively.
Any additional money raised will go towards our educational outreach program, to train more presenters and reach out to new audiences.
The Impact
Over 300,000 people per day will see these ads! This is a tremendous opportunity to raise awareness about factory farming, and to urge people to take easy steps like Meatless Mondays.
Other Ways You Can Help
- Share our campaign with your friends & family. Every dollar makes a difference!
- Like us on Facebook & follow us on Twitter @ffacoalition
- E-mail info@ffacoalition.org to learn about volunteer opportunities or to schedule a presentation in your community