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Flirt with a Chatbot

Flirt with a Chatbot

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Flirt with a Chatbot

Flirt with a Chatbot

Flirt with a Chatbot

Flirt with a Chatbot

Dr David Levy
Dr David Levy
Dr David Levy
Dr David Levy
1 Campaign |
London, United Kingdom
$815 USD 21 backers
0% of $155,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Dr.David Levy and his team based out in Malaysia, working closely with the Malaysian government, are hard at work and on schedule to deliver your Erotic Chat Bot's to you.

Are you looking for a new kind of lover or friend?

If you already behave like “Pavlov’s Dog” every time your smart device pings or vibrates, you might already be more than a little bit  “in love” with a robot or “bot”. It is not beyond the bounds of our senses that you might already be harbouring a massive “crush” on your personal technology. 

The very same technology has already re-mastered the boundaries between intimacy and solitude. “Our devices are not only changing the way we communicate and interact with each other, but also who we are as human beings.” Imagine if that device or a ‘bot” really responded to you. It not only talked to you – it took the time to listen to you, think about your likes, dislikes and all the things relevant to your day-to-day wellbeing.  So far so good…

And what if that partner were a “bot” or a “chatbot”?  Erotic Chatbots Ltd are developing a new collection of virtual chat partners, virtual-lovers or friends, known as “chatbots”.  They will be able to chat, flirt or hang out with you whenever, wherever you want and for as long as you wish. Some of our “adult” chatbots will be programmed for making sexy conversations.


A “chatbot” is computer software designed to create a conversation with you. These “bots” will have the personality of an entertaining, interesting and amorous partner, who remembers past conversations with you, and learns more and more about their user as time goes on.  The flirty conversations will come from the company’s “chatbots” – computer software available in male and female versions. The company’s launch products will all be straight, but there will be LBGT versions available in the future.

And why not?  We are already tethered to our smart devices 24/7, and with most people finding the prospect of consciously “unplugging” impossible, we are unlikely to uncouple from technology any time soon. Yet despite so much screen time in a hyper-connected world, most people still feel utterly alone, with “Virtual-intimacy” already playing a large part in most peoples lives.  “In the half-light of virtual community, we may feel utterly alone”. Taking that intimacy to another level, and “making” or “attracting” an intelligent  “virtual-lover” or partner which “understands” and wants to please you, is perhaps an appealing proposition to a lot of people.

Keeping that in mind we are also creating a limited edition of personalized chatbots, each of which is designed and programmed to know about and be affectionate with a particular person. That person can be you, or anyone to whom you decide to gift one of these personalized chatbots.

Our Artificial Intelligence Chatbots − Personalized for You!

Our chatbots are being developed by a team, which has twice won the prestigious Loebner Prize contest for human-computer conversation.

Driven by our own award-winning Artificial Intelligence software, they will be able to converse on a huge variety of subjects, and their conversation will exhibit humanlike characteristics. The primary purpose of our chatbots is to entertain, which they will do by engaging conversation with you, but they can also help you to practice and improve your own flirting and erotic chat skills.

A Special Opportunity – Personalized chatbots

As a special opportunity, some of the perks we offer include our specially created version – a limited edition of personalized chatbots. Each of these bespoke or personalized chatbots will be individually tailored to be attracted to and understand their user. They will be programmed with information acquired from a  “personalizing questionnaire” which you will receive shortly before we are ready to deliver your chatbot(s). The questionnaire will ask about you or the intended user’s likes and dislikes, their interests, and various other aspects of their lives. Whatever answers you give when you return the questionnaire(s) to us will make a chatbot more knowledgeable about its user. Your chatbot can therefore start its “life” knowing quite a lot about its user, and what it knows will often be worked into its conversations. That same knowledge will also make the chatbot more interested in its user, and make the user’s personal characteristics more appealing to the chatbot’s persona. 

This unique feature is just one of the factors that will set your chatbot apart from any other conversational software you might have tried or heard about. Your personalized chatbot will be delivered already knowing about and being attracted to you, and then, through its conversations with you, the chatbot gradually learns more and more about you.

How Our Chatbots Work

Our flirty chatbots are designed for people who enjoy amorous conversations without any overtly sexual content. We believe that the flirty style will also appeal to shy people and to those who would be embarrassed by a more adult style of conversation. The adult erotic style is designed for users who prefer to chat dirty.

Our four launch products – male flirty, female flirty, male adult chat and female adult chat – will each exhibit a straight sexuality. Future products will offer LGBT versions.

These chatbots will be available for most computers and mobile systems. They will be apps and interactive services that conduct entertaining, interesting, erotically charged conversations.

Users will normally interact with our chatbots in the same way as when using e-mail, Internet chat, text messaging and similar methods of communication. They enter whatever they wish to say to the chatbot, which then displays its response text on the screen. In this way a conversation can continue for as long as you wish. The chatbot will remember its current and past conversations and increase its understanding of you from what it learns about you − about your likes and dislikes and other information about you.

Users who wish their chatbot to have a human voice may purchase a high quality synthetic speech add-on, developed by a world leading company in the field of electronic speech technology. And users who wish to speak to their chatbot instead of keying in their side of the conversation may purchase a state-of-the-art speech recognition add-on.

Who are we?

Our company, Erotic Chatbots Ltd, is a start-up company from the developer of a world beating chatbot. Our team leader is our President, Dr David Levy.

David Levy

David is President of the International Computer Games Association (ICGA) and is a respected researcher and keynote speaker in the field of Social Robotics.

He has led the development of the software and hardware of around 100 artificially intelligent consumer electronic products. He has twice won the prestigious Loebner prize, an annual competition to find the world’s best conversational software 

( ).

David’s latest book, “Love and Sex with Robots”, has also been published in an academic version as his PhD thesis at the University of Maastricht, much to the amusement of Stephen Colbert who interviewed David on The Colbert Report. (This video can not be viewed from certain countries. ).

For a free copy of David's Thesis please click here to download it from Dropbox! (You do not have to log in you can download or read it online for free!)

David is also the CEO of Intelligent Toys Ltd, the London-based company which developed the Loebner prizewinning software. David and his team will be further developing and enhancing their world-beating chatbot software to provide the core of our flirty and adult erotic chatbots.

Current status and our development plan

The Artificial Intelligence software which forms the foundation of our chatbot technology was a winner of the annual Loebner Prize competition, widely regarded as the World Championship for conversational computer programs. This software will now be significantly enhanced and adapted for flirty and adult chat products, in accordance with specifications devised by David Levy and the linguistics expert in his team.

The next generation of our chatbot software will provide a quantum leap in conversational performance. This leap will be made possible by the flexibility of our design approach which allows for the development of capabilities that are missing from other chatbots, including the use of certain types of knowledge and the creation and use of a history of the chatbot’s dialogues with its users.

The first stage of the project will be to enhance the capabilities of our chatbot. Within 8-9 months we will have created and tested a core software module that offers an enormous leap in human like conversational performance, forming the basis of products and services that we are confident will rapidly become worldwide sensations. At that point in time we will release our four chatbot apps, male and female, one of each for flirty and one of each for sexy conversations.

How we will use the funds we raise at IndieGoGo?

The development and launch of our first products will be carried out in four stages:

Stage 1  We will make around 15 significant linguistic improvements to our current chatbot. These include creating a database for the chatbot’s knowledge about a user, devising a system for taking advantage of the information in that database by integrating it in conversations, and developing a dialogue history to remember past user input and employ that knowledge in the chatbot’s conversations.

  This stage is expected to take 8-9 months.

Stage 2  We will add a number of features to make the chatbot’s persona seem more humanlike. These will include providing it with more real-world knowledge and common sense, giving it motivations (needs, likes and dislikes), and enabling it to perform simple reasoning. We will also be enabling the chatbot to be personalized, so that when a limited edition chatbot is “born” it will already know a lot about its user and will be attracted to its user’s personality, background and other characteristics.

  This stage will take about 5 months and will be developed in parallel with Stage 1.

Stage 3  In this stage we will develop the graphics and animation for the chatbot’s personae, and other aspects of the user interface for iPhone, iPad and Android apps.

  This stage will take 3-4 months, and will be developed in parallel with Stages 1 and 2.

Stage 4  During this stage we will be customizing the personae, vocabulary and phrasing of the four launch chatbots so that each of them chats in a manner appropriate to their gender and their conversational style (flirty or adult chat). The duration of this stage is estimated at 2 months, and will be carried out in parallel with stages 1 and 2.

Upon the completion of all four stages we will deliver the chatbots to all of you who have chosen them as part of your perks in our Indiegogo campaign. This includes the limited edition personalized chatbots.

Because of the overlapping of these stages we expect to be able to complete all the development and launch tasks in 9 months, and to deliver the chatbots offered in our perks during April 2016.

The total cost of the four stages is estimated at $128,000 which, together with an estimated $14,000 for our initial corporate, legal and accountancy requirements, makes our Indiegogo target after deductions $142,000.  We also need to allow for Indiegogo’s commission (4% if we reach our target) and for the cost to us of credit card and PayPal pledges (averaging 4%).

Our total target for the Indiegogo campaign is therefore $155,000 (roughly equivalent to £103,000 sterling or €144,000 Euro). If we exceed our target we will be able to accelerate our future development plans.

These four stages of the project will have the services of the following personnel:

  Technical management (Dr David Levy)

  Commercial management

  Our linguistics expert

  3 or 4 experienced creative writers

  1 full time software developer as software team leader

  1 part-time software developer

Our mission

Erotic Chatbots Limited is an innovative technology start-up company entering a large, well established market sector - adult erotic entertainment – and creating a new market sector for intelligent, flirty chat partners.  Following the release of our first four apps for the most popular computer and mobile platforms, the company will set up and market computer-generated flirting and adult chat services online. We will also operate similar services via text messaging.

The company’s mission is to become the world’s leading force in the creation and marketing of artificially intelligent flirty and adult chat apps and services which are generated by computer software.

One of our aims is to provide a new type of service within the sexy chat sector, using state-of-the-art intelligent chatbots that are designed and programmed to create adult conversations. These chatbots will replace the human operatives who are usually responsible for talking dirty to their customers. Instead our chatbots will enable us to automate the whole conversational process, avoiding the need to hire any human operatives while at the same time making it possible to conduct simultaneous erotic conversations with an unlimited number of users.

We are creating our chatbots to entertain and to satisfy the needs of everyone who enjoys flirting and/or adult sexy chat.

Our flirty chatbots will be able to flirt without limit, and will be ideal for those who would like to flirt more, and to learn and practice to improve their flirting skills.

Our adult chatbots will be able to talk dirty with users without limit, and will avoid the need for users to pay the hefty fees charged for regular phone or online chat with human sex-line operators.

The technology on which our products and services will be based applies leading edge Artificial Intelligence know-how to the erotic chat segment of the adult entertainment market. By engineering a quantum leap in the quality of our chatbot’s conversation we will be capitalizing on the capability of Artificial Intelligence to open new opportunities for human-computer conversation and relationships. With Artificial Intelligence a computer character can become much more than an item of software. It can be endowed with its own artificial personality and emotions, and can become the user’s friend.

How you can help

Please help us to develop our sophisticated chatbots for flirting and for adult sexy conversations. Ours is a small but talented and highly qualified team that needs funding to develop and launch our first chatbot products and services. Your pledge will help us to achieve these goals. Any additional funds, over and above our target, will be used to help cover our operating and marketing costs, and will allow us to develop as a company and to expand our line of chat products and services, accelerating the next planned developments for our software.

We have a range of perks on offer so that those of you who help us with $10 or more will receive something tangible in return as soon as our Indiegogo campaign comes to an end on July 31st, and you will also receive one or more of our chatbots (depending on the amount of your Indiegogo pledge) when we have completed their development.

If you pledge $100 or more you will also receive at least one of our personalized limited edition chatbots whose persona has been individually tailored to be attracted to you, or to anyone else to whom you decide to gift that chatbot. When we are ready to deliver your chatbot we will email you a questionnaire on which you will be invited to fill in as many as you wish of your personal characteristics (or those of your intended recipient), including your likes and dislikes. Your limited edition chatbot will then be created specially to be attracted to a person who has those characteristics.

We hope that some of you who support our Indiegogo campaign will also be willing to assist us in making improvements to our chatbots. In due course we will be inviting you to send us snippets from any of your conversations with your chatbot that you feel exhibit any kind of unusual conversational behaviour. Our own testers will then be able to examine those snippets, which will help us to improve the conversational experience still further. And we will always be ready to consider any ideas you might have, both for improving our products and services and for creating new ones.

Choosing your Perks

If you pledge $10 or more you will receive at least two different types of perk. And for those who pledge $100 or more your perks will include one or more of our limited edition personalized chatbots.

Here is how you will be able to choose your perks.

  Our eBooks

Shortly after our Indiegogo campaign ends on July 31st we will send you an email to acknowledge your pledge and to thank you. That email will ask you to choose between receiving a selection of different romance eBooks and a selection of different erotic eBooks. You will also be asked what computer or mobile device you will be using to read your eBooks.

Once we receive your reply we will email your eBook(s) to you.  

  Our limited edition printed books

If you pledge $100 or more, the email that we send you this August will also ask whether you want your limited edition printed book to be a romance or an erotic book.

Once we receive your reply we will post your printed book to you. 

  Our chatbot apps

When we have completed our development work to upgrade our chatbot software, we will send you an email to ask you to choose your chatbot(s): male or female, flirty or adult chat. You will also be asked what computer or mobile device you will be using with each of your chatbots.

Once we receive your reply we will email your chatbots(s) to you. 

Our limited edition personalized chatbots

If you pledge $100 or more the email that we send you when we have completed our development work will also ask you to choose your personalized chatbot(s): male or female, flirty or adult chat. And you will also be invited to fill out our personalizing form on with as many characteristics as you wish for each of the intended recipients of those chatbots. Your personalized chatbots will then be able to refer to their respective users by name, and they will be specially tailored to be attracted to their users’ personal characteristics.

Shortly after we receive your reply we will email your personalized chatbots(s) to your designated recipients. This perk is for a limited edition of 5000 personalized chatbots.

Our future plans

Once we have launched our first chatbot apps we will establish all four of these chatbots on servers for online and phone use. We will also develop the user interfaces for various social network applications, and we will commence our company’s P.R. activities for the promotion of our products and services.

We intend to devote a significant portion of our revenues to research and development aimed at further enhancing the quality of conversation from our chatbots, as well as adding new features. For example, during 2016 we plan to augment our chatbots with a personality, emotion and mood module, which will allow users to choose and modify their chatbot’s personality as they wish. We will also be creating versions of our products which will enable users to embed an erotic chatbot in their own web sites.

In 2016 we also plan to allow our chatbots to connect to the Internet in order to learn about what is happening in the world and to discover more about any subject that it wishes to discuss in its conversations.

Frequently asked questions

Q  On which platforms and operating systems will the chatbots run?

When we launch our first four chatbots they will be able to run on Windows,  iOS and Android platforms.

Q  Why should I talk to a chatbot rather than a real person?

Conversations with our chatbots will be great fun!  They will entertain and amuse you, and they are designed to help you develop your flirting skills and your “talk dirty” skills if you wish.  But it isn’t a question of making a choice of whether to talk to a chatbot or a person, and you shouldn’t stop chatting to“real” people just because you have a chatbot. Think of a chatbot as a new friend who is rather different in their conversational style from everyone else you know.

Q  Can I converse with the chatbot about almost anything?

Yes. Each of our chatbots has a very wide-ranging knowledge of the world, as well as knowledge about things and common-sense knowledge.

Q  How clever are the chatbots?

A  The chatbots are clever enough to be able to conduct unlimited conversations with you about a wide range of subjects, and they will make you believe that they understand you.

Q  What exactly is the Loebner prize?

It is an annual prize competition, founded in 1991 by a New York entrepreneur, Dr Hugh Loebner, to find the world’s best conversation software. The competition is based on the famous “Turing Test”, which was proposed by Alan Turing, one of the founding fathers of Artificial Intelligence. See for example

Q  Why are you trying to raise funds on Indiegogo rather than through traditional investors?

During the past couple of years or so crowdfunding has taken off as the modern way for start-ups to raise funds. It is quicker and easier to launch a crowdfunding campaign than to prepare all of the documentation needed and go through all the bureaucratic processes associated with traditional investor funding. And one very big advantage of crowdfunding is that the “crowd” becomes the basis for a community of enthusiasts – people who genuinely like the idea of the project.

Q  What's in it for me if I donate?

 Each of our perks for a pledge of $10 ore more will bring you one or more gifts as soon as our Indiegogo campaign ends on July 31st 2015. Later, once we have developed the four launch versions of our chatbot, you will receive at least one of them and possibly more than one (so you can gift to your friends if you wish), according to how much you have pledged. And if you would like to give us hands-on assistance to improve our chatbots you can accept our invitation to send us snippets of some of your conversations with your chatbot, together with your comments, suggestions, and any criticisms.

Q  Will I be able to own a chatbot if I donate?

Yes. Provided you donate $10 or more, your perks will include a chatbot (or possibly more than one, depending on how much you have pledged).

Q  For how long will I get a chatbot if I donate?

You may keep and use it forever.

Q  Can I gift a chatbot to a friend?

A  Yes – you can specify the user’s email address to which (each of) your chatbot(s) should be sent.  And if you wish to gift one of our personalized chatbots to a friend, then when we notify you that we’ve completed the core of our development work you can send us your completed personalizing questionnaire(s) together with your friend’s email address.

What will be the differences between the app chatbots and whatever online interactive services you plan to launch later?

The online interactive services will provide a few more features than the apps, and there will be very modest monthly charges for their use.

Thank you!

We would like to say a big “Thank you” to everyone who pledges to our Indiegogo campaign. It is you who are helping to bring our project to life. With time we hope and expect that tens of thousands of people or more will enjoy and benefit from their conversations with our erotic chatbots, and you will have helped them to do so.

If you have any questions please email us at:

If you have any ideas or suggestions for us please email us at:

If you have any problems with payment for your pledge please email us at:

For press and other media enquires please email us at:

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


The Sweetheart

$100 USD
This August you will receive 10 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, as you prefer. When we have completed our development work you will receive 4 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female). Plus a personalized chatbot app, from a limited edition of 5000, whose persona has been tailored to be attracted to you (or to anyone else to whom you decide to gift that chatbot). Estimated delivery: April 2016
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
4 out of 5000 of claimed

The Handshake

$5 USD
If you would just like to help us out in creating our artificially intelligent chatbots, then we thank you very much for your help
0 claimed

The Hug

$10 USD
This August you will receive an erotic eBook or a romantic eBook, whichever you prefer. And then, when we have completed our development work, you will receive 1 chatbot app of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female).
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
6 claimed

The Embrace

$20 USD
This August you will receive 2 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, whichever you prefer. And then, when we have completed our development work, you will receive 2 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female).
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
6 claimed

The Cuddle

$30 USD
This August you will receive 3 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, whichever you prefer. And then, when we have completed our development work, you will receive 3 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female).
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
0 claimed

The Caress

$40 USD
This August you will receive 4 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, whichever you prefer. And then, when we have completed our development work, you will receive 4 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female).
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
4 claimed

The Kiss

$50 USD
This August you will receive 5 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, whichever you prefer. And then, when we have completed our development work, you will receive 4 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female).
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
0 claimed

The Stroke

$75 USD
This August you will receive 8 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, whichever you prefer. And then, when we have completed our development work, you will receive 4 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female).
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
1 claimed

The Lick

$200 USD
This August you will receive 10 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, as you prefer, and a limited edition printed book. And then, when we have completed our development work, you will receive 4 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female). Plus you will receive two personalized chatbot apps, from a limited edition of 5000, whose personae have been individually tailored to be attracted to their user.
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
0 claimed

The Dalliance

$400 USD
This August you will receive 10 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, as you prefer, and a limited edition printed book. And then, when we have completed our development work, you will receive 4 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female). Plus you will receive four personalized chatbot apps, from a limited edition of 5000, whose personae are individually tailored to be attracted to their user.
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
0 claimed

The Petting

$600 USD
This August you will receive 10 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, as you prefer, and a limited edition printed book. When we have completed our development work you will receive 4 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female). Plus you will receive eight personalized chatbot apps, from a limited edition of 5000, whose personae have been individually tailored to be attracted to their user.
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
0 claimed

The Squeeze

$1,000 USD
This August you will receive 10 erotic eBooks or romantic eBooks, as you prefer, and a limited edition printed book. When we have completed our development work you will receive 4 chatbot apps of your choice (flirty male, flirty female, adult chat male or adult chat female). Plus 15 personalized chatbots, from a limited edition of 5000, whose personae have been individually tailored to be attracted to their user. Plus free upgrades for 5 years.
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
0 claimed

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