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Free booze and help bring our laws in line with Canada's constitution

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Free booze and help bring our laws in line with Canada's constitution

Free booze and help bring our laws in line with Canada's constitution

Free booze and help bring our laws in line with Canada's constitution

Free booze and help bring our laws in line with Canada's constitution

Barry Martin
Barry Martin
Barry Martin
Barry Martin
1 Campaign |
Campbellton, Canada
$3,254 USD $3,254 USD 81 backers
23% of $13,961 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Free Trade Beer.


Check out just some of the news coverage we have been getting across the country recently!


When Gerard Comeau went on a run to pick up a few cases of his favourite brew, he didn't know that bringing them back from Quebec to his home in New Brunswick was illegal.

He does now. 

Mounties stopped Gerard, confiscated his beer and slapped him with a fine for $292.50. He was fined for breaking an unconstitutional and unjust part of New Brunswick's Liquor Control Act.

It turns out that in 2015, it is somehow still illegal to bring certain amounts of legally purchased alcohol across the border. 

The worst part? The framers of our constitution always intended that goods "be admitted free into each of the other Provinces". All the way back to 1867. Any Canadian reading that line from our constitution should be able to see how unjust this protectionist law is.

It's time our courts saw this too.

Gerard has decided to not pay this fine. In fact, he is challenging this law. The
Canadian Constitution Foundation is helping him with legal support. And we're running this campaign to give you an opportunity to help too.

Our constitution is supposed to ensure the free movement of goods between the provinces. And since the prohibition era, provincial governments have been content to violate this principle based on some bad and outdated legal precedent set by the Supreme Court in 1921.

It's time to FREE BEER and follow the constitution. It's time to free consumers and small business from government control.

By donating to the campaign, supporters can ensure the CCF is fully prepared to fight for the constitutional rights of all Canadians – and to make sure that this time, freedom wins.

What We Need & What You Get 

CCF is a non-profit and charitable organization. The people we work with are volunteering their services. All of the money we receive will go towards the support fees inherent in participating in the legal process and helping Gerard fight this challenge. 

And because CCF is a registered charity, donations are tax deductible*.  As of August 13, 2015 you MUST leave a mailing address, email address and your full name in order to receive a tax receipt. If any of these are left out, we cannot issue you a receipt.

Our initial campaign goal of $20,000 won't cover all of our costs (even with our lawyers volunteering), but the money will help pay for:

  • Filing Fees
  • Document review costs
  • Expert response reports
  • Flying in constitutional experts (these laws are so old we need to dig up an expert from England)
  • Record procurement
  • Transcripts (if it goes to appeal)
* Due to the regulations surrounding charity law, tax-deductible donations are only available for the donation minus the value of any campaign 'perk' we may be offering. For this reason, our perks are small or symbolic as we try to raise money for this legal case.


And while fixing broken laws offers its own rewards, we thought we'd honour your contribution with a memento as outrageous as our most outdated laws, ie:
  • The "Free Beer" pins your backpack is dying for

  • Canada Post issued stamps

  • A courtroom sketch of you, drawn with your choice of innocent or guilty look

The Impact

Gerard Comeau and the CCF are fighting for a stronger interpretation of s. 121 of our constitution.

“121. All Articles of the Growth, Produce, or Manufacture of any one of the Provinces shall, from and after the Union, be admitted free into each of the other Provinces.”

Success in this challenge for Gerard could mean a lot more than a new era in booze runs. It could mean a new era in Canadian commerce. A broader application of s. 121 from this case gives Canadians a stronger legal bulwark against all kinds of government meddling. And though we are challenging a law in New Brunswick, we are challenging it with a constitutional argument that can have a wide-reaching effect across the country.

“If Gerard wins, similar cases are almost certain to follow Canada-wide,” said CCF Executive Director Marni Soupcoff. 

These protectionist laws benefit government monopoly sales agencies while constraining private businesses and citizens. Government alcohol agencies determine what products are bought and sold and at what price. There are billions of dollars at stake for the provincial governments. It’s almost guaranteed that they will try to defend their monopoly through all possible avenues of appeal. As the CCF presents Gerard’s case, every province will be watching.

 A win for Gerard will be a win for all consumers – more choice, more freedom.

Read more about this case on our website.

About Us

The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) is a registered charity, independent and non-partisan.  We defend the constitutional rights and freedoms of Canadians in the courts of law and public opinion.

Through education and litigation, the CCF supports:

Individual freedom – the “fundamental freedoms” in section 2 of the Charter: freedom of association; freedom of peaceful assembly; freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression.

Economic liberty: the right to earn a living and to own and enjoy property

Equality before the law: Section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees equal rights and equal opportunities for all Canadians, special privileges for none.

To learn more about our work please visit us on line at

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't contribute financially, but believe in the spirit of the case:

  • Help us get the word out. Talk about it over a beer. 
  • Have any social or traditional media clout? Express your freedom and write about the case or the campaign.

And that's all there is to it.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk



Currency Conversion $20 USD
$29 CAD
Never doubt that a small, round, well articulated/illustrated button can change the world. Indeed, they're the only things that ever have. Buttons are small placards that won't wait for a rally. They're like bumper stickers for your chest, so even rude people will see them. This Perk gets you a complete set of four pins: "Free Beer!", "Ceci N'est Pas un Biere", "Thumbs-up," and "I fought the law".
4 out of 50 of claimed

Canadiana Postcards

Currency Conversion $20 USD
$29 CAD
The set of six will include illustrations of Canada's glory and genius from the campaign art (free beer, this is not a beer) in a suitably hipster vintage aesthetic.
4 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to Canada

Don't F w/Mounties Notebooks

Currency Conversion $20 USD
$29 CAD
This campaign may inadvertently poke fun at Mounties to get across a serious point in a fun way. But these notebooks make up for any harm done with covers that illustrate the true "don't f with me" Farley Mowat spirit. When Mounties "kick ass and take names", where do you think they put the names?
3 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to Canada

World's smallest sticky poster

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
These stamps will not only power the amazing postcard perk; they'll also help other mail go places and look good doing it! You'll get two sets of 12 postage stamps. One set displays a thumbs-up hand holding a bottle and the other set features a bottle so generic the post office will have to admit it's not necessarily a beer bottle and let it through.
2 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to Canada

Mountie Garage Sale

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
Canadian and Mountie vintage memorabilia from the carefully curated collection of a Mountie, freedom and beer-loving collector. From beverage containers (including Royal Albert Bone China) to cuff-links and from toffee-tins to silver pins. Receive one vintage gift by donating $50 today! This collection will surprise you with daily changes to the items offered.
4 out of 30 of claimed
Ships to Canada

Courtroom Sketch

Currency Conversion $48 USD
$69 CAD
Mug shots are for celebrities so far off the a-list we're genuinely feeling for sorry for them. Courtroom sketch caricatures are badass for the Breaking Bad era. Send us a photo and tell us if you want to look guilty or innocent and we'll hand draw one for you that will add dimension to all dates and future dinner parties. Finished sizes should be about 4x6"
4 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to Canada

Go Halfsies w/Gerard!

Currency Conversion $102 USD
$146 CAD
Gerard's original fine for doing something everyone does was $292.50. Be a virtual pal and symbolically put up half. Before you point out that we're short a quarter on our math, you should know that Indiegogo only lets you put in round figures and we rounded down to pay it forward.
0 out of 29 of claimed

Proxy Fine

Currency Conversion $204 USD
$292 CAD
Live-Action-Role-Play Gerard's frustration when you get a bill for the entire original fine. When you get as close as you can to feeling the initial insult yourself, you can react with generosity while knowing you're playing a role in preventing others from suffering this randomly applied adjudication.
0 out of 29 of claimed

Double Down

Currency Conversion $408 USD
$585 CAD
Make a statement and we'll make sure the world knows who made it by mentioning you (or showing your logo) in a commemorative web page we'll build after the campaign on the CCFs main website. Your name/logo will be enshrined forever below a glorious Mountie illustration and statement about the campaign.
0 out of 29 of claimed

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