Are you building a pedal car or trike?
You've got your plans from
Atomic Zombie, and need that adapter to attach a Shimano(R) style gear cluster to a 3/4 inch axle so you can pedal your mad ride and collect onlooker's jaw drops. But Brad has become too successful in his real life to keep providing this part! What are you going to do?
FDAX34 Freewheel Adapters are available again!
Through this campaign, you can get one or more adapters and keep going on your project. If you've contacted your local machine shop you already know that cutting one or two parts isn't cost effective. By raising $3800 for a run of 100 parts the cost is more manageable for all of us builders and enthusiasts!
Included with the part will be the 2" through bolt and lock nut as well as 6 screws to attach a disc brake rotor. Shipping is also included in the reward level. At this time, all parts will ship to USA addresses ONLY.
As a Fixed Funding Campaign, if we don't band together to produce 100 of these, no one owes anything but no one gets ANYTHING and we have to scavenge adapters from whatever we built last year to build this year's creation.
Join the Pedal-Power Homebuilding Revolution!
Thousands of innovators and enthusiasts just like you have built their own unique rides, from tallbikes to pedal couches to tandem tricycles. Each is a unique expression of self-sufficiency and a celebration of a can-do attitude. With an FDAX34 you too can build a human power vehicle for road, mud, trail riding, touring, showmanship, or just to go to the store and get groceries while getting noticed the whole way to town.
My partner and I have built a half dozen human power vehicles, some with crowdfunded help, and it's been a blast participating in events such as Wunderkammer and Rivertown Revival. We want to make sure that others get to experience the joy of creating a unique pedal vehicle, so we are giving back to the community by creating this method for you to get your own FDAX34 adapters
An Open Source Hardware Project
The design of this adapter has been released into the wild. If you've got a CNC machine of your own, you can cut your own parts. Still, you might consider passing this campaign along to friends and enthusiasts who don't have access to a mill.
Don't get left out!
If you're planning on building your own Zombie Trike or other inspired vehicle anytime in the next several months, this is your chance to get this critical component! Don't miss out!