Please watch our video and help us reach our target by clicking the "CONTRIBUTE NOW" button to the right. If you'd like to learn more see our FAQs below.
What is the Pi Pan made of?
The Pi Pan is made of thin commercial food grade stainless steel, as thin as a reusable water bottle. It is BPA-free and does not contain other unhealthy chemicals.
How long does a Pi Pan last?
Stainless steel lasts forever but we modestly claim 1,000+ uses. The Pi Pan is recyclable at any point in its lifetime.
Tell me more about it...
The Pi Pan has an innovative yet timeless design. Advanced engineering ensures that the reusable Pi Pan is lightweight yet strong, keeps pizzas hotter for longer, and is easy to clean. The initial Pi Pan is designed to fit a 14” or 16” pizza, the most common sizes for take-out and delivery. The geometries of the design are easily extendable to different sizes. Aluminum and stainless steel pans are widely used in pizza operations so there is already a familiarity of use for operators and consumers.
Does the Pi Pan require assembly?Unlike a traditional cardboard pizza box, there is no assembly required.
What are some of the benefits of the Pi Pan?
- Reusable - lasts forever
- Pays for itself after 30 uses in businesses with reoccurring deliveries
- Delivers a hotter, crispier, tastier pizza - no cardboard taste
- Adapts easily into existing food operations
- Attractive, simple, lasting design
- Environmental contribution and statement
- BPA-free, with no other unhealthy chemicals
How much will the Pi Pan cost?For commercial food operators, we plan to sell the Pi Pan for $15 to $20 at volume production (the average cost of a cardboard pizza box is $0.50). For retail customers, we plan to sell the Pi Pan for $34.95. Why are you first promoting the Pi Pan for use at pizzerias and food companies instead of to individual consumers?
We are targeting food service companies who make reoccurring deliveries to schools and businesses because we think we can make the quickest environmental impact here. Schools are especially important to us because kids learn by doing.
Will you sell Pi Pans to individuals?
Ultimately we want all pizza lovers to have a reusable Pi Pan. Individual Pi Pans will be available on our website soon.
Could I use a Pi Pan at home? Yes. There are several home uses.
Transport your pizza from your local pizzeria, saving a cardboard box. It’s just like bringing in your own reusable shopping bag.
Reheat your pizza on the Pi Pan bottom.
Serve your pizza on the Pi Pan, just as if you were eating in a pizzeria.
Cleaning is easy. Just use soap, water, and a gentle scrub brush as needed. For businesses, it is commercial dishwasher safe.
A cardboard pizza box works perfectly well. Why do we need a reusable one?It is cheaper, healthier, more sustainable and the pizza tastes better.Most people are surprised to learn that pizza boxes are not recyclable. People also don’t realize that recycled cardboard contains BPAs.Pizza box waste impacts the environment negatively in three ways:
- Destruction of trees and other environmental resources;
- Excessive waste in our landfills and/or contamination of community recycling projects, as food contaminated containers are not recyclable or compostable in most communities;
- Perpetuation of the single-use mentality among consumers, particularly school age children.
Is the Pi Pan patented? Yes we have a provisional patent.
The $100+ perks include MiiR reusable water bottles. What is your connection to MiiR?
Good News Reuse™ has partnered with MiiR on their one4one initiative. This means that for every MiiR/Good News Reuse™ reusable water bottle purchased, you will be providing one deserving person with clean water for an entire year.
Why don't you offer the Pi Pan as a perk?
We had hoped to offer the Pi Pan as a perk, but decided to seek just enough money to manufacturer the prototype and samples for potential businesses. Once we are up and running, all IndieGoGo supporters will have the opportunity to purchase the first Pi Pans at discounted prices.
What will the money from IndieGoGo be used for?
- Produce the tooling dies for the top and bottom of the Pi Pan
- Make samples for marketing and sales
- Complete all product and engineering tests for product launch
The funding goal of $70,000 was determined after receiving several quotes from manufacturers. If we meet this goal, we will have a finished prototype plus Pi Pan samples for potential customers. Based on manufacturers' timetables, the Pi Pan would be available within 6 months.
$70,000, less IndieGoGo fees, payment processing fees and perks, is the amount needed for the first phase of our business plan. If we receive more than $70,000, we will produce more samples and build a team to launch the Pi Pan. The more money we receive, the more significant impact we can make.
We want to express our sincere gratitude in advance for your contribution to this new venture. If successfully funded, we will hit the ground running and keep you in the loop throughout the process. If we don't reach our goal, these funds will be used towards the company's second revolutionary reusable concept, currently under development.
What is Good News Reuse™?
Good News Reuse™ is a start-up dedicated to reducing waste in the food and beverage industry. We decided to create the Pi Pan after discovering that Americans throw away 3 billion single-use cardboard pizza boxes every year. Ultimately we want to introduce other reusable concepts to replace the vast amount of single-use containers that crowd our landfills.
Once profitable Good News Reuse™ will donate at least 1% of annual sales to nonprofits working to protect our environment and promote environmental awareness. In the meantime, our way of helping is by partnering with MiiR on their one4one water initiative.
Who are the creators of Good News Reuse™?
Susan is a die-hard foodie and longtime environmentalist in Mill Valley, California. She is the creative force behind Good News Reuse™. With broad experience in all facets of food service, she is fully dedicated to providing reusable sustainable solutions to the excessive waste in the industry.
Jeff is the key strategist for Good News Reuse™. He loves food and technology and is a consumer products guru. He hails from San Francisco and has held executive positions with Fortune 100 companies and start-ups, from semi-conductors to LED lighting.
Together, Susan and Jeff have combined their talents to develop Good News Reuse™ and the Pi Pan.
How can I help?
93% of our population eats pizza once a month. Every take-out pizza comes in a cardboard box and most end up in our landfills.............3 billion in the USA alone, every year.
The dream of Good News Reuse™ is to halt this wasteful practice. So far we have been entirely self-funded, but now we need your help to produce and bring the Pi Pan to market. We hope you are inspired by Good News Reuse™ and the Pi Pan.
Please support us today by clicking the "CONTRIBUTE NOW" button to the right and following the simple payment instructions.
Spread the good news and share our idea with your pizza-loving, eco-conscious friends and family! We can make this happen if you help get the word out via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or in conversation.