The first 150 backers receive a free 10-page ashcan. Art by Renzo Rodriguez.
Ashcan Page #1 art by Renzo Rodriguez, colors by Ryan Best
A powerful weapon in the hands of the world's newest Guardian.
Guardians of Erloth: The Last Leopard King, Vol.3 Part I will be 30 pages in length, saddle-stiched, with a high-quality paper written by Chael Roberts (GOE. Vol.1 & 2), interior art and colors by Ryan Best (Judas Breed), a cover by Renzo Rodriguez (Impossible Stars), and lettered by Eric Weathers (Battle Brick Road).
Cover art by Renzo Rodriguez, colors by Ryan Best.
Guardians of Erloth: The Last Leopard King is a tale for all ages set in the magical world of Erloth. Fresh from the battle with the Jade Sorceress (see Vol. 2), the companions travel towards the Marshes of Madness to find healing for a young prince, Caius. This healing will come at the cost of one of their own. Caius will move forward on his journey training to be a Guardian and reclaiming his homeland of Pardus.
In order to achieve victory, Caius sets out on a mission to reclaim the ancient halberd, Sun Reaver. Sun Reaver, formed from the metal of a fallen star, is one of Erloth's most powerful weapons. Wielded in the right hands, it uses the power of the sun to cut through almost everything. For Caius to become the strongest warrior, he must possess the strongest weapon.
There is one catch. Caius must get past plant monsters, hordes of undead, and a monstrous Guardian to claim the ultimate prize.
Stretch Goals
$4,500 all backers will receive a 4" x 4" magnet featuring art by Ryan Best
$6,000 all backers will receive one trading card featuring art by Ryan Best
Skirmish at Dawn by Ryan Best
Kaftar Incursion by Renzo Rodriguez, colors by Ryan Best
This is the third volume in the Guardians of Erloth series. We have all past first print covers for all volumes, available as add-ons. These are only available in limited quantities.
You can add them on when you check out.
Here is a closer look at our products. Thanks for the reviews Nick and Blue Samurai!
Refunds will be given only for the duration of the campaign. Once we go to print the campaign will end and all funds will be allocated to printing.
Thank you for your support.