Our Story
What is Hawkeye?
Hawkeye is the first ever fully autonomous IoT Indoor Drone
Security Guard, which gives the user HD 1080p dynamic viewing of their home, along with theft deterrent system that uses alarms and strobe
lighting to scare off potential thieves.
Now anyone can have their own personal security guard, using the Hawkeye Indoor Security Guard!
What happens if the intruder attacks Hawkeye?
Hawkeye is built with a state of the art
detection system, along with evasion algorithms that allow Hawkeye
to utilize its high power motors and dodge attacks by intruders. Hawkeye also has an onboard scare tactics
system that uses an alarm and high powered strobe lighting to stun and scare
off intruders. While Hawkeye guards
your home, you will receive a notification with a live stream of
the intruder along with a microphone option that allows you to talk to the intruder, and a
speed dial option to contact the police.
How does Hawkeye work?
Hawkeye requires no modifications to your existing infrastructure, so when you receive Hawkeye, you simply follow these steps:
1. Plug in the
charging station
2. Place Hawkeye on
the charging Base Station dock
3. Following the simple 3 step set up
instructions in the Hawkeye phone app and Hawkeye is ready to monitor and guard your home or business!
Hawkeye Automated Operation
Hawkeye sits on its charging dock until you ask Hawkeye to
patrol your home or business, via the phone app or when a break-in occurs.
When Hawkeye hears a noise, it uses state of the art sound
detection and location mapping algorithms to pinpoint the location of a break-in or suspicious
What happens if Hawkeye detects your pet? No Problem!
Hawkeye uses infrared detection to determine if a noise source is human
or animal, so that you do not get false alarms and your pet is not
After investigating a sound or Hawkeye runs low on battery, it automatically returns to its charging
base for self charging. Now you can go on long trips and be rest assured that your
home or business is protected from intruders!
Hawkeye Charging Base Concept
Unique Shell Design
Hawkeye Phone App
The Hawkeye phone app allows you to watch your home and use Hawkeye's onboard features anywhere in the world!
Product Specifications:
Dynamically monitor your home from anywhere in the world!
T-Shirt Perk
Go-to-Market Strategy
Product Roadmap
Hawkeye poses many possible safety concerns, which could be attributed to malfunctions or misuse of Hawkeye.
The Hawkeye team is diligently reviewing possible threats and safety issues that need to be addressed in order to keep you safe.
The estimated delivery date for the Hawkeye Indoor Drone Security Guard system is June 2017.
T-Shirts and other perks should be shipped by the end of July 2016.
Other Ways to Help
Here are some other ways you can help Hawkeye Innovations achieve its vision of automating indoor security:
1. Share our campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media
2. Share our campaign with Tech News and Tech Blog websites
3. Share our campaign with your friends and family
Q: What is Hawkeye
and How is it Different?
A: Hawkeye is the first ever fully autonomous
IoT Indoor Drone Security Guard, which gives the user HD 1080p dynamic
viewing of their home. Being more than just a camera system, Hawkeye is also
equipped with a theft deterrent system giving control back to the homeowner.
Now anyone can have their own personal security guard,
using the Hawkeye Indoor Security Guard!
Q: How Does Hawkeye
A: Hawkeye works by sitting on its charging dock until you
ask it to either patrol your home or business, or until a disturbance is
detected. After either occur, Hawkeye performs it duties then safely returns to
its charging dock awaiting any further disturbances or patrol requests, or if
the battery is low.
Patrolling your home or office: If you set it to patrol
mode, you can set the time and frequency of which Hawkeye can patrol, and
pre-plan routes for different times, or have it completely random. You as the
user have full control of when it patrols a desired space.
Disturbance Detection: If any disturbance is detected,
meaning, glass breaking or a door opening up through an improper process,
Hawkeye will immediately fly to the location, or new location of current
Q: Does Hawkeye
Require Installation?
A: Hawkeye is a simple plug and play system that requires no
costly installation or modifications to your home or office. Simply plug in the
charging station, place Hawkeye on the charging station, and follow the 3 step
process in the free downloadable Hawkeye smartphone app and you’re ready in
about 15 minutes.
Q: What happens if the intruder attacks Hawkeye?
A: Hawkeye, with its
adaptive monitoring system and race inspired motors are controlled by a series of state of the art
algorithms capable of identifying and dodging attacks. Any intruder is
reluctant to withstand Hawkeye due to its onboard theft deterrent system
consisting of a high powered strobe light and audible alarm. While the intruder
is followed and recorded, you as the user will be notified via our smartphone
app with which you can communicate with them from a remote location enhancing
the user experience. All this occurs while the police are on their way to your
Q: Will Hawkeye Hurt
My Pets?
A: With its innovative avoidance system and high speed motors, Hawkeye will be able to
distinguish between pets and people, and as previously stated, it can avoid
your pets if they get curious about the product.
Q: What About
Welcomed Guests When I’m Not Home?
A: Have you ever needed a service person to come into your
home when you’re not there? With the Hawkeye free downloadable app, guests can
have time temporary passwords to enter your premises without you there. This
way, Hawkeye monitors whoever is in your home or office until they leave.
Q: What is the Battery Life and Charge Time for Hawkeye?
A: Hawkeye's battery life at full load (Strobe light on, Alarm on, and dodging attacks) is 20 minutes. The charge time when Hawkeye's battery is fully drained is 45 minutes.
Q: What happens if I do not have my phone available when an intruder breaks into my home?
A: If the user does not acknowledge the intruder notification via the Hawkeye Phone App, by either pressing "Disarm" for non-intruders or "911" to contact the police, then Hawkeye will automatically notify the police of the break-in. The video of the intruder will be stored in the Hawkeye cloud for future viewing.
Q: Does Hawkeye Work
A: No, Hawkeye was not designed to be operated outdoors. Hawkeye is for indoor use only.
Q: How Large of a
House Can Hawkeye Protect?
A: Hawkeye is capable of monitoring up to 1600 square feet.
For larger homes, offices, or warehouses, multiple systems can be purchased and integrated
to overlap patrol areas or monitor non intersecting areas altogether.
Q: How Does Hawkeye
Work When I’m Home at Night?
A: Unfortunately, Hawkeye cannot differentiate between the
homeowner and the intruder so the system has to be disarmed at night. Hawkeye
is strictly a vacant home monitoring system that can detect and deter criminal
activity when no one is supposed to be home.
Q: Why isn’t the
Hawkeye shell in the actual video?
A: Here at Hawkeye Innovations, we stick to strict
functionality and reliability standards and will not put out a product that
doesn’t meet our requirements. During testing, we were unable to fully
re-create what we could do with our test frame onto the actual shell design and
will release video with the actual shell once full functionality is verified.
Q: Why is Hawkeye
$999? Doesn’t that seem expensive?
A: Yes, but as the first of its kind, development comes at a
price. Our hopes after funding is to come up with better, and more price
friendly systems which can be made available to everyone.
Interested in investing in a product that will change and revolutionize the world of security? Let's talk. Please Email Founder and CEO Tom Resh at tom at hawkiot dot com. We look forward to speaking to you.