My name is Vanja Popov and I am a 21 year old student of business management at University of Belgrade in Serbia, Southeast Europe. Four years ago I was lucky enough to become an exchange student in Minnesota, USA which changed me completely. Coming from a poor country with not so many ways of adequate professional development I saw numerous opportunities in the US and learned that I should fight for my dreams, create opportunities and never give up.
Just couple of weeks ago, after applying for the amazing summer business program called Global Village at Lehigh University in PA, I received a scholarship for attending it, which unfortunately does not cover the cost of travel and food during those 5 weeks. Although it is a great achievement for me to be accepted at such a prestigious business program which gathers the brightest professionals from all around the world, I realized my fight for this dream does not end with this scholarship, I need additional funds which I do not have at the moment. Your help would be invaluable to my personal and professional development, and show me once again, that country and circumstances under which I was born should not limit my dreams and development.
Here you can see my activities and efforts on fighting for my dreams and working on my development:
Thank you so much for your support of my dreams. Please pass the word on about this campaign to everyone you know!