My name is Zachary Palmer and I am the
owner/proprietor of Walter's Downtown in Houston, TX. I grew up
going to shows and had the fortune of being a part of something
special in time, in place, and in the people involved. I've seen and held a part in generations of music enthusiasts, watching them flourish largely in part to having the right environment and the right
people to drive it. I spend every day making sure I'm one of those
people and that Walter's offers whatever it can. It's how I define
myself and I will continue to do this until it kills me.
I am the son of a feisty, passionate
woman named Pam Robinson. Many people in and around the music scene
know her name from the fourteen plus years she spent running what
weirdos like me get to call home. As a young man trying to do the
same thing she did I appreciate more how tenacious she really was.
Beyond that, she really gave a fuck. She was a genuine woman who
took on and fostered countless musicians, promoters, and patrons the
like. She was open, she was honest, and she did everything she could because she cared. I'm now doing my best to make her proud and to
follow her in her foot steps.
My mother spent the last year of her
life battling small-cell carcinoma. The cancer was wildly aggressive
making the fight both strenuous and painful. She held on longer than
anyone should have to and did it to comfort our friends and family at
her side. Treatments included chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and
experimental pharmaceuticals most of which at the cost of our family.
She passed away in October 2014, by which time I had begun taking
over and dealing with the mound of debt which Walter's had
accumulated with back rent, late-filed taxes, and property taxes. Six months after
the fact, we've trimmed what was roughly $37,800 in bills down to
just under $20,000 (the majority of which being property taxes) while staying current with all of our incoming
bills since. What we've accomplished in this time frame I find to be
nothing short of amazing. It has been a period of lost sleep and
large ambition, hard work and heart-ache, and large amount of
Three days ago I was served
with a notice to cure the remainder of the debt by no later than
April 30. These are people I
admire; I feel for their situation and respect their decision to
pursue this notice. Our families have became very well acquainted
with each other and they have no particular interest in trying to see
that we leave the building or cease working together, they simply
rather see us catch up and continue to prosper. By contract, I have
no other choice in the matter than to act accordingly, a feat I have
faith in happening.
we stand now, Walter's is at an apex of our tenure at our downtown
location. That coped with an upwards growth that is still being
seen, we believe that with a strong community backing this goal can
happen in the time it needs to. I don't have much interest in a
handout; I more crave an affirmation that the people surrounding
Walter's understand the importance of having a place to belong and
are willing to back it. In whatever way we can I hope to offer
services or incentives in exchange for capital. I know there are
enough people out there to make the difference, I just hope we find
them in what little time we have. Please, talk about this, talk about
what was, about what is, and about what's left to come. If you have
any interest in talking further please feel free to reach me at Thank you again for your time and
Zachary Palmer