"I am Lorenzo Lamas" is an episode of the show, Bail Out. Lorenzo is trying to convince my character, Jimmy O'Neill, that he was once a very famous TV star. Yes, it is the real Lorenzo Lamas. My name is Dennis O'Neill. Ever since I could remember, I quit everything in my life because of fear. After quitting High School, I worked at dead-end jobs and was going nowhere fast. One day I finally had enough of losing. I went back to school, received my GED, then an Associate’s degree in Theater Arts, where I found my love for acting and realized that it was my life long career. My tenacity to finishing what I started was and is so strong that I enrolled at UTA, Arlington, again, in 2001for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. I graduated on December 16, 20016. Yes, it took me fifteen years but quitting was not an option. I realized I could be part of something bigger than me, which is helping to provide jobs for actors and crew, after I began writing my Bail Out TV show idea back in 2007. We filmed a 4-minute sizzle reel in 2009 and started winning award for Best Sizzle Reel. Sharing my idea with many actors that I worked with over the years, such as Lorenzo Lamas, (Falcon Crest and Renegade) Marshall Teague (Armageddon, Road House, etc.) Terry Kiser (Weekend at Bernie’s-Bernie) Burton Gilliam (Blazing Saddles) and many more all fell in love with it and wanted to help me by being a part of it. I filmed about fifteen webisodes and won Best Web Series at the Lake Charles Film and Music Festival. This show will allow me to write and act in stories with great actors, crew and with humor making, the audiences feel good about what they just watched. It is also important because it will allow me to continue to work with, and supports, children's hospitals, homeless shelters, Wounded Warrior organizations and more. My ultimate goal is to get Bail Out on the air as a weekly TV show. As a contributor, you will be a big part of all these goals and end results. It is not about "us", it is about everyone else!
My skin in the project is that I took out a home equity loan to finance the Bail Out project so far. What I need in the short term is $5000 to complete the editing process and get it out there through screenings. I am willing to give walk-on roles and one-liners in a future episode, which I am in the process of writing, called, "Where is Lou Diamond Phillips?" In addition, T-Shirts and Coffee Mugs will be given to those who give at least $50 and for a T-Shirt, $100.
I have gained more open doors and connections with TV producers, directors and those in high places, but I need to make sure our product is spot on ready for them to see through their professional eyes and many years of experience. I set the goal low enough to get the ball rolling and since this will not be the last of our episodic, I thought a start always leads to a finish. Like going back to school, and although it took me many years to complete, is how I look at everything I do. I will not give up; I will only give it my all, to the finish! Winners never quit and quitters never win. I did not make that up. I was told that I need to explain what qualifies me to overcome any hurdles. That is why I shared my life from being a quitter to being a finisher. I will not give up on what I set out to do, not just for myself, but mostly for everyone else involved. I have obligated myself to help all those who worked on this project for little or no money at all. I will do the same for those of you who give to this Bail Out project. My tagline is true, “Everybody’s got a Story.” It is also true that, there are times in life that, Everybody Needs a Bail Out! Thank you for your time and thank you for allowing me to be transparent enough to share a glimpse of my life with you.