Labor of Love
Labor of Love
Labor of Love
Labor of Love
Labor of Love
Help TWIF build fun in the sun!
Help TWIF build fun in the sun!
Help TWIF build fun in the sun!
Help TWIF build fun in the sun!
This campaign is closed
Labor of Love
Help TWIF build fun in the sun!
Help TWIF build fun in the sun!
Help TWIF build fun in the sun!
Help TWIF build fun in the sun!
Help TWIF build fun in the sun!
Right in time for Valentine’s Day, The World Is Fun (TWIF) is launching our first annual Labor of Love campaign! As we’ve started to outgrow our HQ, it’s important to make the most of our available space. We want to spiff up our outdoor “third space” where volunteers can work on community projects and more programming for our community. This space can also host fundraising events where we can welcome the community. To make the most of our new outdoor space, we’ll be laying down 12x12 cement paving stones throughout the entire space to make the area more versatile. This gives TWIF lovers a unique opportunity to leave their mark on our HQ. The TWIF team will custom design a paving stone featuring your name - buy more than one and we’ll design and place them together, giving you even more recognition and a bigger impact on our space. Each paving stone will be unique!
Businesses and community organizations can be involved too; sponsoring a paver is a great way to increase your reach in the community!
If we reach our goal, we will be able to buy pavers and the furniture we need to complete the space.
There is only space for 300 paving stones (and they’ll go fast!), so make your mark today!
Sample Paving Stone:
TWIF Members & Community Partners will get a special rate!
About Us:
We’re a 100% volunteer run organization with a mission to get Seattleites involved in their community. In fact, we’re proud that our network of over 4000 volunteers has given back over $1 million to the Seattle community in the last six years!
Save the Date!
To celebrate our Labor of Love, sponsors will be invited to an exclusive Sneak Peak Private Ninkasi Beer Tasting to reveal the new space. Mark your calendar for May 21, 2016 to get a sneak preview of the mark you have made on TWIF!