I’m super stoked to announce I will be taping at Kevin Smith’s Smodcastle Theater (yes, that Kevin Smith of Clerks/Jay and Silent Bob, nerd hero for the film and comic book enthusiasts).
It will be hosted by the great James Mattern. Good friends and hilarious comics Dennis Rooney and Michael Somerville will also be on the bill.
And now here comes the part where I ask your help. I am self producing this special/album. I don’t know how much my readers are in tune with the inner works of comedy, but most comedians self produce specials now. Even famous ones like Sam Morril who has like a million followers. The “industry” just doesn’t produce specials or albums like they once did, and often when they do, it’s not a great deal for the artist. Additionally, comedians who have grinned and worked their asses off on material for years (I’ve been doing it over a decade), have to compete with TikTok stars who often lack any substance, let alone material, besides posting quick clips. The art of stand up comedy, one of the hardest art forms there is, is getting more and more difficult.
Because I am self producing, I will be crowd funding. The tiers are as follows:
Tier 1: $13 - You get exclusive stickers that say, "Live Well. Laugh Often. Fuck off."
Tier 2: $20 - You get tickets plus a handwritten letter (caution, my handwriting is terrible). You can ask me literally anything (keep it PG 13) and I will write you!
Tier 3: $100 - You get tier 1 & 2, plus a signed poster of the cover album art.
Tier 4: $500 - You get everything above plus an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER credit on the special.
Here’s some costs I have to cover: Theater fees, paying my openers, ads, crew costs, editing costs, photographer costs for the album work, getting on a record label (so I can get the album on SiriusXM which will hopefully be fruitful in both getting my jokes out there and getting residual payments), and probably other costs I’m forgetting because I’m not good at thinking about money.
If you are a regular blog reader and/or one of my social media followers, I always try to put out jokes, funny and/or interesting/inspiring/thought provoking blogs, podcast episodes, even sexy pictures, somewhat for me, but mostly FOR YOU. I don’t yet have ANYTHING behind a paywall. All of this takes time and often money. So if you are a fan, please consider making a contribution. I mean, if you’re broke as fuck, don’t. Also, if you have extra money and want to spend it on your family do that. Unless your family sucks. Give me money instead. Or if you help out your family and you still have some extra dough, contribute to the not really noble but pretty cool fucking project that is a stand-up comedy special.