LUX began at the end of 2012, just a few months after Jake was on Season 7 of the TV show America's Got Talent. After the show, we began playing with another band and also started a side project as a duo. Shortly after, the side project became the main project and LUX was born in the Summer of 2014. Since 2014, we have:
- Recorded and released a self-titled EP
- Released two music videos
- Opened for a variety of artists such as Andy Grammar, Ingrid Michelson, Phillip Phillips and DEV
We like to describe our music as synth pop with indie rock flavors. Ivy sings and plays a full acoustic drum set, electric drum pad, while Jake sings and plays keyboards and a keytar. We aim to write honest lyrics that are always close to our heart and tell our real stories. In addition to writing our own lyrics, we also produce original synth tracks.
In August of 2015, Jake moved to Nashville to attend Belmont University for Songwriting and Music Business and just recently started writing for Sony/ATV Music Publishing. Ivy is currently in Springfield, MO playing drums for an awesome '90s cover band and working her "big kid job" at the bank. Despite being 400 miles apart, we decided that LUX could not be stopped by distance. Like any band with a dream and an internet connection, we downloaded Skype and began the process of writing our full-length album, PAX!
Yes, you heard it right. We wrote an entire album over Skype and we LOVE how it turned out!
We are very dedicated to making music. We are especially passionate about making music that resonates with people and real life. We write music to inspire people! Sometimes writing real, heartfelt lyrics means bringing back memories of unhappy times--but we are always writing for the purpose of bringing ourselves and the world to a better place.
Our album is called PAX for a reason--by definition it means, the kiss of peace. We wrote this album looking back at our youth, our mistakes, and what we've learned from them. It is retrospective of our past and also introspective of where we are now--a place of peace.
Recording and releasing an album comes with a quite a few line item expenses that are typically covered by a record label--but we're doing this independently! We've already managed to fund ourselves up until this point and now we need your help to reach the goals we want to achieve in the future!
By pledging today, you are helping us make this dream a reality! In addition to the direct rewards you'll be getting, your contributions will be going towards:
- Paying for Mixing and Mastering
- Music video and photoshoots
- Ordering physical CDs
- Merchandise (t-shirts, posters, etc)
Please remember that if you want to help but don't really care about the rewards you can always enter ANY dollar amount on the pledge page... even as little as $1! Every little bit helps and every single pledge is so appreciated!
Your contribution is VERY important to us--if we have any money that comes in over $4000 it will go to good use. We are asking for the lowest possible amount we need to complete this album. However, with any additional funds we can make even more will happen like funding our tour, radio campaign, and PR.
We PROMISE to put your money to good use. LUX works hard, LUX wants to go far! But alone, we can only do so much. So we need YOU!
PLEDGES + REWARDSYou can support the PAX album pressing and release by pledging to our project. In return, you’ll receive the incentive package of your choice as a special thank you! see rewards on the right >>>>
We are really excited to have you partner with us! Some of these rewards are very personalized with a special LUX touch.
- Sharing is caring: Share on your Facebook with friends! If you believe in us, ask your friends to believe in us too!
- Use the campaign hashtag: #LUXPAX
- Follow LUX on Instagram and Twitter @luxsucks
One of the bigger challenges of this project is getting the rewards to you, our amazing backers! We’ll work hard to get them shipped to you on time, but as you know, there’s always the possibility that things go a little slower than expected, which could cause a delay. We promise to do our best, and we’ll keep you in the loop with updates.
You guys are so amazing!! We literally have the BEST fans in the world and we are SO grateful for the support.
Let's DO THIS!!
- Jake and Ivy // LUX