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Mimi and Mo - The Webseries

We're two female filmmakers hell-bent on bringing a funeral home comedy to life.

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Mimi and Mo - The Webseries

Mimi and Mo - The Webseries

Mimi and Mo - The Webseries

Mimi and Mo - The Webseries

Mimi and Mo - The Webseries

We're two female filmmakers hell-bent on bringing a funeral home comedy to life.

We're two female filmmakers hell-bent on bringing a funeral home comedy to life.

We're two female filmmakers hell-bent on bringing a funeral home comedy to life.

We're two female filmmakers hell-bent on bringing a funeral home comedy to life.

Maia Kazin
Maia Kazin
Maia Kazin
Maia Kazin
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$5,175 USD by 61 backers
$5,100 USD by 59 backers on Jun 13, 2016

Mo, a selfish commercial actress, and Mia, a naive embalmer at the local funeral home, have seemingly nothing in common - except that they live on the same street in Hollywood, and they're both in need of a living friend.

The Creators

We met a year ago and spent hours in cafes with free wi-fi making each other laugh and dreaming about this show. We planned the first ten-episode season,  rehearsed with our actors to develop their characters, and shot our pilot with an incredible production team.  


A lot happened.

  • We triumphed: We got a cat to act! 
  • We learned: We know exactly how many feet of sub sandwich our cast and crew need!
  • We fought: It's hard to kill our darlings in the editing room!
  • We made something: A pilot! And you can see it once we make the first four episodes (this summer)!

We can't get enough!! We want to make more!! 

We are completely immersed in this project, and the kind of questions about friendship, love, and death that it makes us consider. 

The Characters

The Show

No one gets to escape death, but a select few truly embrace it. Does having a deep comfort with death enhance your life, or disconnected you from the reality of the moment? What sets people apart who are truly at peace with the idea of dying? Is there anything to be gained from forgetting about death until you have to face it?

We think death could use some comedy. Let us entertain you while you ponder these morbid questions!

We love this project and are amazed at the caliber of people who have stepped up to help us and believe in us. We will make our show using our own means if necessary, but we'd love to do it as soon as we can, and you can help us do that.

The Director


Chris Keener has spent fifteen years directing and producing fiction and non-fiction content for outfits like Netflix, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, PBS, and the Travel Channel. His commercial and promo work has ranged from large international organizations to blue-chip brands and bands. He recently led a merry band to Guatemala to shoot the award-winning narrative film, 'The Garden of Steven'. He loves finding humor and compassion in his work and his lust for high seas has taken him the world over, camera and surfboard in tow.

Costs & Rewards

We need $5000 to bring the first complete four episodes to you. Here's how we'll use the money:

Your donations earn you perks: Posters and t-shirts (art by Emma Steinkellner,) various ways to get involved in our project (want to play a dead body, or have one named after you? want to come on set with us for a day?), and little tokens of our appreciation tailored to you. 

If we don't reach our entire goal, we'll make as many episodes as our funds allow. We can make one episode for a fraction of the goal, but we'd love to release the first four to you at once. If we make more than our goal, we will go directly into producing further episodes.

Risks & Challenges
Our risks are relatively low, given that we've made one episode, and learned a lot about our locations, scheduling, and our team.
But of course, there are always risks to completing a project. Our biggest potential challenge is last minute changes on shoot weekends. Luckily, we are very well-prepared to handle these. Not only did we run into a number of these on our first weekend and learn how to preempt them, but we know from experience how to wrangle LA characters  of all types -- human, animal, weather (jk the weather is the only constant in this town), traffic, location.

Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you can't give any money right now, you can still help us! Spread the word to anyone you think would enjoy our campaign- use the share tools at the top, or tell your friends in real life to check it out! 

Follow us on social media:

Instagram: @mimiandmowebseries



We have some very talented friends. Check out more of their work!

Theme song: Sure Sure (
Poster art: Emma Steinkellner (
Logo: Selena Mao

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Choose your Perk


Sunny spot in the family plot

$50 USD
• Signed poster (art by Emma Steinkellner) • Your name in the end credits • Invitation to our screening/ launch party (transportation not included) • Thank you shout-out on our facebook page • Personalized thank you text message/email from Maia and Maryna, including (but not limited to!): photos, videos, compliments, emojis
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
10 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Hole on side of the highway

$5 USD
• Thank you shout-out on our facebook page
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

4 slabs of wood nailed 2gether

$10 USD
• A personalized thank you text message/email from Maia and Maryna, including, (but not limited to!): photos, videos, compliments, emojis • Thank you shout out on our facebook page
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Ashes sprinkled @ ur fav spot

$25 USD
• Your name in the end credits AND invitation to our screening/ launch party (transportation not included) + all of the above
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Thoughtful Epitaph

$100 USD
• You can name a dead character in the series OR • You can be featured in our show as a dead body yourself! (transportation not included) + all of the above
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Mausoleum with AC and Cable TV

$250 USD
"Mimi and Mo" t-shirt with poster art (art by Emma Steinkellner) + all of the above
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

NYT Obituary

$500 USD
You give us something (your business, your website, your brother's name, your stuffed animal, a sound... whatever) and we will work it into an episode + all of the above
0 out of 6 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

U&ur servants buried in a tomb

$1,000 USD
• Spend a day with us on set, and you get a say in where we order lunch OR • We'll take a print out of your picture around with us on set and send you photos of "your" day with us +all of the above
0 out of 6 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Attend ur own wake as a ghost

$5,000 USD
• Fund our entire project and become an Executive Producer (which can mean a range of things-- from nothing at all to an invested, serious involvement that we can negotiate together-- depending on what you want), • a party thrown just for you, • live forever + • all of the above
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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