Short Summary
My name is Charlie Fenton and I have always been into history. My obsession is Tudor history and Anne Boleyn. I have also always liked writing and reading books, however I found that many historical novels either showed Anne in a negative way/didn't tell the whole story. They may not have mentioned Henry Percy or Anne Boleyn's sister, Mary, who was probably the reason why Anne didn't want to become the King's mistress. This project does need funding as I cannot do it all on my own. I have paid for many books to research from and also the first part of the editing, but I need your help to finish the book. The book I am writing is called Perseverance, it starts in 1522 when Anne Boleyn arrives at the English court and plays the part of Perseverance in the Chateau Vert. She is soon caught in a love affair with Henry Percy, as well as being Thomas Wyatt's obsession, which both end badly. She also sees how the King treats her sister and so, when the King turns his attentions to her, she is wary. She tries to stay away but soon finds herself falling for him as well. However, under no circumstances will she be discarded like her sister was.
What We Need & What You Get
I need £500 in funding for the book cover art, editing and distribution. The cover art is around £90, the editing is £300 and the distribution costs are £90.
Yes the figures don’t quite add up, leaving £10 to
spare but I have already paid for some of the editing already. Also, this is
more of a pre-ordering campaign, it will guarantee that you get the book and
you will be helping to make it. Plus the minimum amount you can set on here is £500.
Everyone who donates will be listed as a supporter on my blog and will receive a thank you email from me. You can £5 you will get an ebook copy on release day, or if you give £10 you will get a paperback copy instead. Each one of the physical items will say how much you will have to add if you it want to ship internationally (outside the UK). As you want to give more money, you can get an ARC which is an Advance Reader's Copy. This means that you get an early copy of the book before everyone else, the cover design and edits however may not all be finished. That does though make it unique as these will not be for sale. I have also contacted TudorDynastyJewels who have allowed me to give away their Anne Boleyn Story Charm Bracelet and if you give enough you will also receive this:
Each charm represents a moment in Anne's life. There are also combined tiers as you give more money, for example you can receive an ebook copy as well as a paperback copy. Some of you can also receive a video of the author reading part of the book (which will not be shown anywhere else) as well as a completely unique video message. All of the signed books will be dedicated, so please tell me what name you want to put down (or two if you are receiving two copies of the book).
If the project doesn't reach it's goal, you will still receive your book. I have started paying the editor a little out of my own money and, even though it will not be as polished and the cover art won't be as good if we don't reach the target, the book will be released. However, I do really need your help as I have bought a piece of artwork but need a cover designer to do the writing, spine and back cover as well. Here is my draft and as you can tell, it isn't professional:
I aim to get this book out by late autumn/winter 2014. However, if all goes well and as my editor is already onto it, it may come out sooner. I will keep everyone updated about it if there are any delays.
Stretch Goals
If we manage to receive over £500, the money will go towards audiobooks as well as translations. I want as many people as possible to read this and hopefully understand and love Anne Boleyn just like I do.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute please share and tell as many people as you can about this. You can share it on Facebook, Twitter, anywhere.