Hi, My name is Mary. I work at Belltowne Veterinary Center in Belfair, Wa. (belltownevetcenter.com)
This summer we have taken on the goal of raising money to purchase pet oxygen mask kits for the North Mason Fire District 2. They have 15 trucks and the kits cost about $65. With shipping and handling our goal is to raise about $1050.
With the help of our community, so far we have raised just over $560 towards purchasing the pet oxygen masks. We hope to purchase and have them delivered by the Fire District by the end of this summer. So, we are reaching out beyond our own little community to ask for help.
For us at Belltowne Veterinary Center, every life counts. With these masks, the Fire District will be able to have oxygen masks that will secure to their tanks and will fit to the pet in need. The kit has three various sizes to provide the best possible fit for small to large animals.
So, any donation is greatly appreciated. And if you are unable to offer a monetary donation, I would ask that you pass along our campaign link and share our cause with others.
Thank you in advance for your donation. And thank you for taking the time to read and consider our cause.
Warmest Regards,