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Pledge your support for Regeneration Speed Spring/Summer 2014 Collection, inspired by the Cicada invasion in New York City 2013

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Pledge your support for Regeneration Speed Spring/Summer 2014 Collection, inspired by the Cicada invasion in New York City 2013

Pledge your support for Regeneration Speed Spring/Summer 2014 Collection, inspired by the Cicada invasion in New York City 2013

Pledge your support for Regeneration Speed Spring/Summer 2014 Collection, inspired by the Cicada invasion in New York City 2013

Pledge your support for Regeneration Speed Spring/Summer 2014 Collection, inspired by the Cicada invasion in New York City 2013

Nelson Tavarez
Nelson Tavarez
Nelson Tavarez
Nelson Tavarez
2 Campaigns |
Manhattan, United States
$175 USD 2 backers
5% of $3,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Nelson Tavarez


Nelson Tavarez debuted his fashion collection at the Mercedes Benz New York Fashion week at Lincoln Center in 2012, as part of the emerging designer program. His debut collection, Within Shadows, was awarded Best Overall collection by the Arts Institute of New York. Subsequently, Nelson was invited to show his collection at DominicanaModa, one of the most important fashion show in the Caribbean. Nelson’s designs have captured international attention, and he has been featured in publications such as Vogue UK and Germany’s Blonde Magazine.

Nelson grew up in the small rural town of Tenares in the Dominican Republic. Some of his earliest memories are of the local women, who would don their colorful Sunday best and work the church aisle like it was a runway every week at mass. Even today, these ladies continue to inspire him, and he is forever grateful that they began his love affair with fashion. When Nelson was 9, he moved to northern New Jersey with his parents. For a child of the countryside, this new urban environment was initially difficult, but he soon found a different kind of beauty in the hard geometry of the city, and became fascinated with way light and shadow played in his new surroundings.

Nelson’s designs are inspired by his story. He filters childhood memories through the hard architectural landscape of New York. It is fresh and important point of view that only hints at the depth of his talent and bright future that will surely be his. In his designs, one can see brilliant pops of color along with hard architectural lines, yet there is still a softness that flatters a woman’s body. Look closely and you can see his attention to detail. There are structural delicacies made up of leather touches, abstruse hues of color, pristine line artistry creating vibrant garments.

This year Nelson has been given the opportunity once again to be part of this amazing platform that is Dominicana Moda. It is a magical event that gathers the best of fashion from around the world in weeklong celebration. Each year this event grows in recognition because of the quality and dedication of the organization. Today Nelson invites you to be a part of his team, and asks for your help in sponsoring his collection.

Regenaration Speed Spring/Summer 2014 Collection

Nelson Tavarez Regenaration Speed Spring / summer 2014

The collection is inspired by the speed of regeneration of the cicada and the way their body structure morphs, from the day they are born to mate and immediately dying. The inspiration is focused in all the different geometrical and organic shapes that form on the carapace of the cicada. Interpreted within the Speed movement, a movement formed in high fashion for the past 4 seasons, which concentrates on transforming sporty relaxed styles into Ready to wear approach, while still maintaining elegance and femininity.

What We Need & What You Get

 Nelson works all his pieces by himself from sketching to pattern making, sewing to steaming, and styling. He takes pride in each piece from concept to reality, that is why he is seeking your support to be able to take his collection to a new level, experimenting with different cuts, proportions while still showing the passion and dedication he has put towards his artistry. 
Nelson Tavarez needs $3,500.00 of financial support to cover the fashion show, fabric, patterns, treads, work space rental, Social media campaigns, Fabric treatments, Fashion video, Photo-shoots, Look-books, Ironing/steaming, Air-fare,Hotel, food, the chance of winning a scholarship fro the Marangonni Institute in Italy. Launching our line in an International platform directly to buyers and potencial investors. You can support Nelson Tavarez by making a pledge right now and  we will  make sure you are rewarded greatly... Also, 

You will be added to the list of supporters to our Fashion show, which all its proceeds will benefit 2(two) Youth Organization,  supporting educational development in rural areas in the Dominican Republic. 

Wear amazing one of a kind pieces from Nelson Tavarez new and previous collections,

Get original NT T-shirts and B-Caps

Attend a meet and greet

Party in NYC yearly fashion event. 

Meet our team, Pledgers and supporters. 

Nelson Tavarez Mercedes Benz New York Fashion Week Within Shadows  

Mercedes Benz New York Fashionweek Sept. 2012

Your $$ pledge will go to cover the following and more...

  • Fashion Show –  Hair, make up, lighting, music, Video-graphics, dressers, arrangements.

  • Fabric – We need fabric, pins, needles, treads, etc.( I make all my designs by hand)

  • Fabrication: Nelson fabricates everything he designs from pattern making to final stitch. 
  • Public Relations – A good communications specialist can open the doors of success.
  • Fashion trade Trunk– Meet potential buyers to launch our ready to wear line to new markets and promote our Website 
  • Fashion Models– Models makes the collection be delivered according to the disgners vision.
  • Look-book – A look book is a must. Stylist, magazines, buyers need to see the the collection as part of the presentation in today’s industry. 
  • Accessories 
  • Fashion Video- Video is a medium essential to the communication between people, businesses, education, and other. A fashion video embodies the passion of the creative mind.
  • Garment Delivery 
  • Travel –  Air fare and traveling expenses. We have interviews, meetings, and trade seminars to attend all during fashion week.
  • Food – No one can live without food.
  • Stylist - Every brand needs a stylist trendsetter.        


             If we Do NOT reach the goal of $3,500.00. We wont be able to continue the growth of our young fashion startup. We wouldn't be able to contribute to the Youth Organizations.  We wouldn't be able to develop our business plan. Many past and present efforts and sacrifices we made will halt our development. This is the beginning and we want you to be a part of us. 


Nelson Tavarez Within Shadows Dominicana Moda 2012

  Nelson says "Supporting our campaign, is supporting our dedication,  We work everyday to accomplish our dreams of becoming a successful designer brand. My promise to you is that I will make you proud, proud that you believe in the work we are doing, Thank you."  

The Impact

 When you pledge to our campaign, you are supporting new designers like Nelson Tavarez, that are following their own voice and inner creative force to shape the future of fashion. We want to be in women’s everyday wardrobe empowering them, helping them to become who they truly want to be, fearless. We believe that fashion makes a social impact, and has the possibility of opening our eyes to diversity. We believe in responsibility to our surroundings that is why we support ecofriendly fabrics that reduce their CO2 footprint, while still remaining within our esthetics. We support human development causes that better the future of our society both in New York City's afterschool dance program and In Dominican Republic supporting organizations through our presentations.

  Please take a look at the amazing one of a kind perks and select one that fits you best. If you have any ideas, contributions or suggestions please contact us.  

Other Ways You Can Help

You Can Help us by making a pledge right now, even $1 dollar or two helps. If you are unable to contribute tell all your friends, email them about our campaign, share it on Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Instgrm, blogs, news articles, anything you can do help a whole lot. 

Thank you for all your support.

 nelson tavarez . com  


Nelson Tavarez debuto su colección en el Mercedes Benz New York Fashion week en el Lincoln Center en el 2012, como parte de un programa para diseñadores emergentes. Su colección, Entre Sombras, fue galardonada Mejor Colección por el Instituto de Arte de New York. Consecuentemente, Nelson Fue invitado a mostrar su colección en Dominicana Moda, la pasarela más importante del Caribe; donde sus diseños capturaron la atención internacional, y fue resaltado en publicaciones como Vogue Reino Unido y de Alemania Blonde Magazine.

 Nelson Creció en un pequeño poblado de Tenares, en la Republica Dominicana. Sus más preciadas memorias son de las mujeres de la zona, quienes los domingos lucían sus mejores atuendos y desfilaban hacia la iglesia como si en pasarela. Hasta el día de hoy estas mujeres le inspiran y está muy agradecido de que ellas sean las que iniciaron su amor por la moda.  Al Cumplir los 9 años de edad Nelson emigro a New Jersey con sus padres. Para un chico del campo, inicialmente fue difícil acostumbrarse a el nuevo ambiente urbano, pero pronto encontró la belleza en las diferente geometrías rusticas de la ciudad, y comenzó fascinación con la forma que la luz y las sombras juegan en sus nuevos alrededores.

Los diseños de Nelson Tavarez  están inspirado por su historia personal. Él filtra las memorias de su niñez a través del duro paisaje arquitectural de New York. Es un punto de vista fresco e importante que solo sugiere la profundidad de su talento y el futuro brillante que le espera. En sus diseños, podemos ver colores brillantes que resaltan conjunto a líneas de arquitectura fuerte, que a la vez muestran una sutileza que resalta el cuerpo de la mujer. Si miras de cerca podrás ver su atención al detalle.  Encontraras delicias estructurales compuestas de toques de cuero,  tonos abstrusos de color y una línea artesanal prístina creando piezas de vestir vibrantes.

Este año, Nelson otra vez tiene la oportunidad una vez más de formar parte de la asombrosa plataforma que es Dominicana Moda.  Es un evento mágico que reúne lo mejor de la moda global en una semana de celebración. Cada año es un evento que asciende en reconocimiento por la calidad y dedicación de la organización. Hoy Nelson Tavarez les invita a formar parte de su equipo y busca de su apoyo economico para su colección ReGeneration Speed.


Nelson Tavarez ha debuttato la sua collezione di moda presso la Mercedes Benz New York Fashion Week al Lincoln Center nel 2012, come parte del programma di stilista emergente. La sua collezione di debutto, Within Shadows, è stato premiato raccolta Best Overall dall'Istituto Arts di New York. Successivamente, Nelson è stato invitato a mostrare la sua collezione alla DominicanaModa, uno dei più importanti fashion show nei Caraibi. Disegni di Nelson hanno catturato l'attenzione internazionale, e lui è stato descritto in pubblicazioni come Vogue UK e Blonde Magazine della Germania.

Nelson è cresciuto nella piccola cittadina rurale di Tenares nella Repubblica Dominicana. Alcuni dei suoi primi ricordi sono delle donne locali, che avrebbero indossare i loro colorati Domenica meglio e lavorano la navata della chiesa come se fosse una pista ogni settimana a massa. Ancora oggi, queste donne continuano ad ispirare a lui, e lui è sempre grata che ha iniziato la sua storia d'amore con la moda. Quando Nelson era 9, si trasferì a nord del New Jersey con i suoi genitori. Per un bambino di campagna, questo nuovo ambiente urbano è stato inizialmente difficile, ma ha presto trovato un diverso tipo di bellezza nel duro geometria della città, ed è diventato affascinato con la luce e ombra modo giocato nel suo nuovo ambiente.

Disegni di Nelson sono ispirate dalla sua storia. Si filtra ricordi d'infanzia attraverso il paesaggio architettonico duro di New York. E 'il punto di vista che solo intuire la profondità del suo talento e brillante futuro che sarà sicuramente il suo fresco e importante. Nei suoi disegni, si può vedere brillante pop di colore con linee architettoniche dure, ma c'è ancora una morbidezza che lusinga il corpo di una donna. Guardare da vicino e si può vedere la sua attenzione per i dettagli. Ci sono delicatezze strutturali costituiti da elementi in pelle, tonalità di colore, astrusi incontaminata linea maestria creando capi vivaci.

Quest'anno Nelson è stata data la possibilità ancora una volta di essere parte di questa piattaforma incredibile che è Dominicana Moda. Si tratta di un evento magico che raccoglie il meglio della moda di tutto il mondo nella celebrazione una settimana. Ogni anno questo evento cresce in riconoscimento per la qualità e la dedizione della organizzazione. Oggi Nelson vi invita a far parte della sua squadra, e chiede il vostro aiuto a sponsorizzare la sua collezione.


Nelson Tavarez a débuté sa collection de mode à la Benz New York Fashion Week Mercedes au Lincoln Center en 2012, dans le cadre du programme de jeune créateur. Sa première collection, Dans les ombres, a été décerné collection Meilleur ensemble par l'Institut des Arts de New York. Par la suite, Nelson a été invité à présenter sa collection à DominicanaModa, un défilé de mode le plus important dans les Caraïbes. Les dessins de Nelson ont capté l'attention internationale, et il a été présenté dans des publications telles que Vogue UK et Blonde Magazine de l'Allemagne.

Nelson a grandi dans la petite ville rurale de Tenares en République dominicaine. Certains de ses premiers souvenirs sont des femmes locales, qui leur Don coloré du dimanche et fonctionnent de la nef de l'église comme si c'était une piste chaque semaine à la messe. Même aujourd'hui, ces femmes continuent de l'inspirer, et il est très heureux qu'elles aient commencé son histoire d'amour avec la mode. Lorsque Nelson était de 9, il a déménagé dans le nord du New Jersey avec ses parents. Pour un enfant de la campagne, ce nouvel environnement urbain a d'abord été difficile, mais il a rapidement trouvé un autre type de beauté dans la géométrie difficile de la ville, et est devenu fasciné par la façon dont la lumière et l'ombre joué dans son nouvel environnement.

Les dessins de Nelson sont inspirés par son histoire. Il filtre les souvenirs d'enfance à travers le paysage architectural dur de New York. Il est le point de vue que seules allusions à la profondeur de son talent et l'avenir prometteur qui sera sûrement son inédit et important. Dans ses dessins, on peut voir brillant pops de la couleur avec des lignes architecturales dures, mais il ya encore une douceur qui flatte le corps d'une femme. Regardez attentivement et vous pouvez voir son souci du détail. Il ya des spécialités structurelles composées de touches de cuir, des teintes abscons de couleur, l'art de la ligne primitive création de vêtements dynamiques.

Cette année, Nelson a eu l'occasion encore une fois de faire partie de cette plate-forme étonnante qui est Dominicana Moda. C'est un événement magique qui rassemble le meilleur de la mode du monde entier dans la célébration d'une semaine. Chaque année, cet événement se développe en reconnaissance en raison de la qualité et le dévouement de l'organisation. Aujourd'hui Nelson vous invite à faire partie de son équipe, et vous demande votre aide pour parrainer sa collection.

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Choose your Perk


$10 USD
We will thank you in all of our social media outlets, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, Tumblr and everyone will know you are part of the team.`
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed

Party Tank

$25 USD
**Only for the first 25 pledges. A simple Tank top Autograph by designer.** We will thank you in all of our social media outlets, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, Tumblr and everyone will know you are part of the team and invite you and a friend to our New York city art event, where you will meet everyone involve in the project, artist, fashionistas Sharing cocktails and mingling.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
1 out of 140 of claimed

Kimono T shirt

$50 USD
One Kimono cut T shirt. Thank you in all of our social media outlets and let everyone we know you are behind us. We will send you an exclusive invite to New York city art event for 2, where you will meet everyone involve in the project, artist, fashionistas Sharing cocktails and mingling. And an additional 15% OFF on online orders thru Dec. 2013
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 40 of claimed

NT Baseball cap

$75 USD
A exclusive NT Baseball cap with horns. Thank you in all of our social media outlets and let everyone we know you are behind us. and We will send you an exclusive invite to New York city Art event for 3, where you will meet everyone involve in the project, artist, and fashionistas Sharing cocktails and mingling. And an additional 25% OFF on online orders thru Dec. 2013
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 40 of claimed

Razor back Tank Top

$85 USD
2 Razor back minimal tank top. Thank you in all of our social media outlets and let everyone we know you are behind us. We will send you an exclusive invite to New York city art event for 2, where you will meet everyone involve in the project, artist, fashionistas Sharing cocktails and mingling. And an additional 25% OFF on online orders thru Dec. 2013
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 15 of claimed

Color-block Sweater Top

$100 USD
A Sweater top with mess. Thank you in all of our social media outlets and let everyone we know you are behind us. and We will send you an exclusive invite to New York city Art event for 4. Art sketch by Nelson Tavarez And an additional 30% OFF on online orders thru Dec. 2013
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 30 of claimed

Short sleeves Tee and B- Cap

$150 USD
NT T-shirt and NT black baseball cap with horns.Thank you in all of our social media outlets and let everyone we know you are behind us. and We will send you an exclusive invite to New York city Fashion event for 4, where you will meet everyone involve in the project, artist, and fashionistas Sharing cocktails and mingling. Art sketch by Nelson Tavarez. And an additional 35% OFF on online orders thru Dec. 2013
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

Sweater Top and Cap

$200 USD
Choose an exclusive women's Sweater Top from Our Collection. NT Cap with Horns. We will Thank you in all of our social media outlets and let everyone we know you are behind us and also We will send you an exclusive invite to New York city Fashion event for 5, where you will meet everyone involve in the project, artist, fashionistas Sharing cocktails and mingling. . And an additional 45% OFF on online orders thru Dec. 2013
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 15 of claimed

The Dress / The Shirt

$500 USD
Choose a one of a kind piece from our collection made to your specifications, male or female. 8 invites to NYC art event, where you will meet everyone involve in the project, artist, fashionistas Sharing cocktails and mingling. Thank you in all our social media and websites. One NT Baseball cap. And an additional 50% OFF on online orders thru Dec. 2013
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Jacket and Pants

$750 USD
Light zipper jacket with loose wide leg pants and 6 invites to our NYC art event, where you will meet everyone involve in the project, artist, fashionistas Sharing cocktails and mingling. Thank you in all of our social media outlets and let everyone we know you are behind us. And exclusive NT free merchandize to choose from, Hats, Tops. And an additional 65% OFF on online orders thru Dec. 2013
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 6 of claimed


$1,000 USD
Choose 2 one of a kind pieces from our upcoming collection, and 6 invites to our NYC event. Thank you in all of our social media outlets and let everyone we know you are behind us. And Free exclusive NT merchandize to choose from, Hats, Tops, Sketches, Progress notifications, Campaign previews, insight and inspiration. in addition to a Collaboration piece inspired by your own vision.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed


$3,000 USD
Restyle your closet add 5 1oK pieces to your wardrobe, designed for you. You will also be honorary member of our creative team, giving you access to our studio and creative way. Finally, we think you should always have a high Fashion Photo-shoot to highlight your beauty. And Free exclusive NT merchandize to choose from, Hats, Tops, and Sketches. We'll keep in touch by Progress notifications, Campaign previews, insight and fashion inspiration development.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed
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