(The immortal "Lint Jones" - completely inhabited by the incredible Patrick Muldoon)
What if Sid Vicious survived the 70s/80s and wound up broke at 50something with 2 ex-wives and 3 crazy kids?
Rock in a Hard Place is the story of aging punk legend, Lawrence "Lint" Jones, former front-man of 70s icons "The Prix", who leaves rehab and is forced to live with his over-bearing, manipulative Jewish mother.
After a lifetime of avoiding responsibility and letting down everyone who’s ever cared for him, Lint, our protagonist, decides to make an earnest attempt to reconnect with his dysfunctional family. The only problem is, after all he’s done - and didn’t do - they’ve pretty much written him off. Thus, getting them to forgive him after all these years won’t be easy, but he’s determined to try.
With no job, no money, no skills of any kind, and his only friend being his sponsor, "D-Maja" - a one-hit wonder rapper half his age, who, after his own hellish fall from grace, reinvented himself a God-fearing, family man - Lint will eventually arrive at the realization that the very thing that destroyed him is the only thing that can save him, and perhaps his family, from certain destruction… Rock and Roll.
It's been a 'Long and Winding Road' from the show's inception in the summer of '09 to the actual filming of the show as we speak. It fills us with nachas to announce that, on Dec. 12, 2015, principal photography on the full-length pilot episode of the first season will be in the can!
Thanks to everyone who believed in the show and, of course, to our amazing cast and crew; most notably Patrick Muldoon, Denise Richards, Joely Fisher, Shannen Doherty, Renee Taylor, Clint Howard, and our amazing director, James Bressack!
A big "Thank you!" to everyone who helped us get round 1 funded and the pilot shot!
Now we are heading into the home stretch and are seeking a second round of support to get to the best cut we can get. Our next goal is to raise $15k for post-production/editing. We can't do it without you! – Thanks in advance for helping us make this six-year dream a reality.
Take a peak at the making of the pilot below and let us know your thoughts!
Thanks so much for your continuing support and belief in our crazy show!
Rock in a Hard Place. "Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll Couldn't Kill Him, but His Family's Willing to Try."
(Awkward moment)
(The Lovely couple)
(Patrick channeling his inner Lint)
(Now it's 'reel'!)
(Joely Fisher, Gina La Piana, Patrick Muldoon, Denise Richards and David and Stephanie)
(Patrick and Stephanie - AKA the real 'Dr. Debbie!')
("Prism" played by the lovely Shelley Dennis)
(David and "Rudy" - former mgr. of The Prix - played by the hilarious Clint Howard)
("Dr. Debbie")
(The Beast)
(The Prix, circa 1980 - Cookie, Lint, Maggot and groupie)
The Premise:
Upon emerging from rehab, Lint (Patrick Muldoon), our protagonist, is shocked to discover he's been evicted from his home, is cash poor, and his gold-digging, white trash ex, Janice (Shannen Doherty), a former soft-core porn starlet, is hard at work trying to turn their teenage daughter, Shadow (Alexis Wilkins), into the next Miley. So far, she's succeeding admirably. A 'momager' from hell, Janice's motivation has more to do with turning Shadow into a cash cow than doing what's best for her daughter.
Seeing his baby girl on the fast track to becoming a female version of him is more than enough motivation for Lint to maintain his sobriety and to attempt to reintegrate himself into the lives of his children before it's too late. Unfortunately, for him, it is.
Lint's eldest daughter, Prism (Shelley Dennis), a pro-bono attorney w/ a degree from UCLA Law, wants nothing to do with him. In fact, it's quite possible her preference for women could be linked to her hatred of her father. A tireless worker who empathizes to a fault, Prism divides her time fighting for the rights of the underprivileged while raising her brother, Martin (Adrian Qunita), a 20 year-old, anti-social introvert who's most likely autistic. Her life-partner, Kat (Gina La Piana), a butchy latina who spends her days running shock campaigns for C.O.K., (Compassion Over Killing) the hardcore vegan organization who steal from over-priced food chains like Whole Foods and give it to the homeless.
It's definitely not going to be easy for Lint to become the father he should've been years ago, but first he has to get out of his mother's (Renee Taylor) pot-roast smelling condo.
The Impact
We believe what we're doing is on the cusp of where the entertainment business is inevitably heading - Original, online content.
That means it really doesn't
matter anymore if your show was produced by Home Box Office or Home Depot. What matters is that it finds an audience. From there,
anything's possible.
Shooting your own pilot is definitely a risky proposition but thanks to that thing Lint's mother Mimi calls "The Interweb," there are dozens of new outlets jumping into the content game on a daily basis, so the odds of a series like ours finding a home - and/or potential sponsors - get better and better as the content pipeline expands.
Of course, there's always a chance no one will pick your pilot up. There's always a chance it will turn out like crap. Having been in these situations before on several shoots, the most important thing is to plan well and be realistic about your goals - which we are.
It also helps when you surround yourself with people who are great at what they do. Which we have done and continue to do.
The budgets for the pilot shoot, as well as post-production, are available on request. Every dollar, and then some, is going towards making this show the best it can be. Thanks again for your support!
Have a great Holiday,
David, Stephanie, Ron, Archie, Gina and Rosanna :)