Short Summary
Rooftop gardens and green roofs provide tremendous benefits for our city. They help to keep the city cooler in summer, help manage stormwater in winter, provide open space for nature and agriculture in the most densely built portions of our city, and make attractive use of an underutilized resource- our roofscape. Aside from all of those benefits, they are also fun and dynamic spaces to enjoy. Sacramento is also blessed with a climate ideally suited for spending time outdoors. Given all of that, one HAS to ask:
"How can we encourage the creation of more rooftop gardens in Sacramento?"
We've decided on a three-pronged approach:
1) Build a one-stop resource hub for information on how to create rooftop gardens and green roofs that work for our region and climate. (long term objective)
2) Work with business owners, property owners, and local building officials to help them get past the initial sticking point of figuring out whether a rooftop garden is a good fit for their building or project. Identify a business or property and work with them to create a permanent showcase rooftop garden. Advocate for changes in local codes and permit reviews to make it easier to create these beneficial rooftop spaces. (short-medium term objective, in progress)
3) Create a temporary rooftop pop-up park and invite the community to come out and experience it with us, as a way of building a supportive dialogue around creating more rooftop gardens. (Right now! ;-)
As of this moment we are on the cusp of creating the first ever Rooftop Pop-up Park in Sacramento this coming Saturday, September 21st and Sunday morning, September 22nd, 2013. To do it, we need You.
What We Need & What You Get
We are seeking donations to cover the basic costs of creating the Rooftop Pop-up Park: event insurance, permit processing, basic services, etc. Any funds raised beyond these basic costs will be used to make the event EVEN BETTER, such as additional trees/plants, extra seating, port-a-potties, etc.
Donate to the campaign in whatever amount fits your circumstances and desires. Truly, every bit will help make this a better event, and strengthen the conversation around building permanent rooftop gardens across the city.
This is a community-driven effort, so we are not able to offer perks beyond recognition at the Rooftop Pop-up Park. Just for a moment, close your eyes and imagine the warm, fuzzy feelings you'll get from having helped to create something awesome! Then *Take Action*, and you'll have warm fuzzy feelings of your very own.
The Impact
This is the start of an important conversation for our city. With rising demand for housing in the central city and surrounding urban neighborhoods, we have an unparalleled opportunity to take advantage of our rooftops. We can create new spaces for social interaction and recreation, decrease our environmental footprint, and create new opportunities for locally-grown produce.
Other Ways You Can Help
We are looking for volunteers for set up/take down, check-in, and event security (just checking wristbands and keeping an eye on the installations). We would also appreciate anyone who would be willing to lend materials: plants, lawn chairs, etc. for the weekend. Please email: to sign up.