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Second Samuel Movie NEW

Summer 1949, Second Samuel, GA is plunged into a stir of commotion by the passing of Miss Gertrude!

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Second Samuel Movie NEW

Second Samuel Movie NEW

Second Samuel Movie NEW

Second Samuel Movie NEW

Second Samuel Movie NEW

Summer 1949, Second Samuel, GA is plunged into a stir of commotion by the passing of Miss Gertrude!

Summer 1949, Second Samuel, GA is plunged into a stir of commotion by the passing of Miss Gertrude!

Summer 1949, Second Samuel, GA is plunged into a stir of commotion by the passing of Miss Gertrude!

Summer 1949, Second Samuel, GA is plunged into a stir of commotion by the passing of Miss Gertrude!

J Wayne Patterson Jr
J Wayne Patterson Jr
J Wayne Patterson Jr
J Wayne Patterson Jr
1 Campaign |
Dothan, United States
$9,783 USD 79 backers
39% of $25,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Summer 1949, the small southern town of Second Samuel is plunged into a stir of commotion and self rumination, by the passing of the “…sweetest woman what ever drawed a breath!” For 25 years, Miss Gertrude has helped the sick, introduced lovers, taught piano lessons, even played piano for the church choir, and ever’body loves her apple pie. What happens when the whole town finds out a Secret so BIG that it points out all of the differences that divide us to this day!?

So, we ask ...

In this Era of Social Media, how do we address these differences?

You gotta start by bringing everybody to the table!

What changed?  About 20 years ago... situation comedies became more about the insult than the humor. After 20 years of one-liners on these SitComs, our culture seems to be more interested in the quick witted insult than in a diplomatic discussion. More interested in pointing a finger at someone else's failures, than laughing at ourselves.

At the same time, we seem to be able to take offense more rapidly than any other time in the past. In this age of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, our discussions so often descend into debate... and debate rapidly deteriorates into arguments and insults. We block those who disagree with us... and wind up blocking any opinions that differ from our own. Add algorithms designed to only show those news items that interest us most... and we seem to isolate ourselves behind these hand held devices. Rather than the universal online community that we all dream can exist, we have become roving packs of online nomadic tribes willing to join forces with other tribes only long enough to devour anyone who strays outside of our paradigms and thought processes.

The nostalgia of Second Samuel, the fact that we recognize our crazy aunts and uncles, as well as ourselves. The humor, as we laugh at ourselves through the personalities that each of these characters represent. And sometimes... just the thought of the best deviled egg recipe, a bowl of snap peas, and some cracklin' cornbread done in an iron skillet with a ham steak and red-eye gravy, can do the job!

It is our hope that Second Samuel is able to set a table that nobody can resist. Even when Daddy and Uncle Dave are two snorts too many into a mason jar of shine... and arguing about religion or politics... or the best way to filet a catfish... or such... they still gonna come to the table when Mama calls.

And We've Got a Good Start...

First of All... Principal Photography is Complete!

We completed filming of Second Samuel on June 29th and are more than ready to move into editing and finishing!

What We Need...

We are determined to produce this unique film.  With over $700,000 in private funding and financing, we have accomplished so very much.  But we need y'all to help out just a little... Just a small push through post-production and we should be able to see this film in theaters by the Summer of 2019!  

What You Get...

Whether it is a t-shirt, a digital copy of the film, signed copies of the script, attendance to a screening or a simple "Thank You!"  We appreciate every offer to help bring this beautiful story to the screen!

Second of All... We've Got Some Pretty Good Folks Already At The Table!

Dove.Org Said:

"A message which maintains that we are all in need of forgiveness, understanding and respect regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or any of the dozens of other divisive issues we find ourselves dealing with today." 

Mr. Scott Schofield of GLAAD's Script Review Team, Said:

"This is a film... that my family... could literally watch in their South Texas church and discuss together.  And I am confident that if they did, they would find it much easier to relate to me on a human level afterwards."

These Divisive Issues...

...are all addressed with grace and a simple wisdom by a mentally challenged young man named Bernard Flatt. Now, Miss Gertrude called him B-Flat 'cause "There's something musical about everybody." 

But it certainly wasn't his singing voice!


Who is in this Film?

And Introducing

Who is Making this Film?


Why do we need the Money?


Everyone knows that film making in the U.S. is an expensive prospect. 

Along with the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) approval comes certain expenses that cannot be avoided. However, that expense is necessary to attract the level of talent that we are trying to cast in this film! Toward that goal, the State of Alabama has set guidelines for tax incentives and rebates. Along with direct investment, your contribution puts the film very close to the target required by the State of Alabama for these tax incentives! BUT… $25,000 is just the start! That is the amount that we anticipate needing for editing. At $100,000 we can have a conversation about the sound track! At $250,000 we can increase the efficiency of the crew! At $500,000 we can complete the project without additional direct investment! Obviously, the better the funding, the better the film! YOU are the difference in bringing the message of Second Samuel to the World! 

And...there's just a little bit of a hurry!  We began filming Second Samuel on June 7th 2018!  We need to finish post production by September of 2018, and start being at some of them film festivals by January 1st of 2019!  That don't leave a whole lot of time to make hotel reservations!

Thank you all for your participation in this important project!

Other Ways You Can Help

With Principle Photography complete... we have all the cast... cars... period furniture... and clothing already.  Thank you to those of you in the Wiregrass Community who helped obtain these items.

However, we've still got to get the word out...

Ms. Parker would be THRILLED if you have a contact with Oprah or Ellen!

And... we still have a soundtrack to put together and can always use an extra Banjo!  If anybody has Mr. Steve Martin's Phone number...



...He could even bring Martin Short!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Screening Package

Screening Package

$200 USD
You and a friend get tickets to the Dothan Screening... 2 T-Shirts of your own choosin'... AND, of course... THANK Y'ALL!
Included Items
  • Thank You on Social Media
  • T-Shirt of Your Choosin' (2)
  • Digital Download of the Film
  • "Buck Stops Here" Poster
  • Invite to the Dothan Screening (2)
  • Signed Copy of the Script
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
5 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Thank You!

Thank You!

$5 USD
Momma always said to say "Please" and "Thank You" - So we'll say a big "THANK Y'ALL" out loud on that Social Media stuff we keep hearin' about... we'll figure it out!
Included Items
  • Thank You
Estimated Shipping
September 2018
0 claimed

Thanks on the Tweeter...

$15 USD
We'll not only say "Thank-You" We'll do it on the Social Medium Forum of your choosin'! Facebook, Instergram, Tweeter... We'll have to find somebody who knows computers... but Mansel's brother Raymond graduated the 6th grade and ciphers pretty good... When he's sober!!
Included Items
  • Thank You
Estimated Shipping
November 2018
2 claimed
T-Shirt of Your Choosin'!

T-Shirt of Your Choosin'!

$25 USD $30 USD (16% off)
You get a T-Shirt of your own Choosin'... Pick from "Bait and Brew" or "Change Your Life Hair and Beauty Emporium" or "Second Samuel Fire Brigade" and become an official member of the Second Samuel Fire Brigade! AND... you still get a nifty "Thank-Y'all" on Tweeter or some such...
Included Items
  • Thank You on Social Media
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
17 claimed
Ships worldwide.
TWO T-shirts of Your Choosin'!

TWO T-shirts of Your Choosin'!

$40 USD $60 USD (33% off)
We've got 3 designs to choose from in 2 colors each and sizes through 4X. Designs include Second Samuel "Ever'body's got a secret", Bait & Brew, and Change Your Life Hair & Beauty Emporium. You get to choose any two you like at the campaign's end! Limited edition, Indiegogo perks only and will not be available anywhere else. Get yours today!
Included Items
  • TWO T-shirts of Your Choosin'!
Estimated Shipping
November 2018
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America
Digital Download

Digital Download

$45 USD
We're not sure how all this works... but apparently, now days, you can get a copy of the this movie sent right to the gadget of your choosin'!! I'm sure we'll figure out how to make that happen by the time the movie is edited! AND! You still get the t-shirt and the nifty "Thank-Y'all!"
Included Items
  • Thank You on Social Media
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
13 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Harry Truman Poster

Harry Truman Poster

$85 USD
One of them "Buck Stops Here" Posters Signed by Your Choice... Playwrite - Pamela Parker Director - J Wayne Patterson Jr Actor - Clifford Truman Daniel (Harry and Bess' Grandson Who Played Harry in the Film!) or Actor - Hamilton Sage (B-Flat!) Give 'Em Hell, Harry!
Included Items
  • Thank You on Social Media
1 claimed
Dothan Screening

Dothan Screening

$100 USD
YOU Get to see a viewing of the film in LA (Lower Alabama). You get to be part of the Test Audience for the initial screening of the film in Dothan, AL! You really ought to get two of these... You'll want to bring a friend! AND... Our Momma's said to always say "Thank-Y'all" But... as a kindness... we won't use the word nifty no more!
Included Items
  • Thank You on Social Media
  • T-Shirt of Your Choosin'
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
11 out of 350 of claimed
Signed Script

Signed Script

$150 USD
That's right! We got a couple of numbered scripts left from the filming of Second Samuel! You'll get one sent to you and signed by both the Playwright, Miss Pamela Parker and the Director, Mr. J Wayne Patterson Jr!
Included Items
  • Thank You on Social Media
  • T-Shirt of Your Choosin'
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
1 out of 75 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
World Premier

World Premier

$500 USD
NOW your special... You'll get to attend the World Premier of Second Samuel! All the Cast will be there... Red Carpets and ALL! And... It'll be in one of them big cities! Montgomery! Birmingham! Atlanta! Maybe Colquitt, GA! They got a real Nifty Community Theater in Colquitt, It'll be awful Fancy!
Included Items
  • Thank You on Social Media
  • T-Shirt of Your Choosin' (2)
  • Digital Download of the Film
  • "Buck Stops Here" Poster
  • Invite to the Dothan Screening
  • Signed Copy of the Script
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
World Premier Package

World Premier Package

$1,000 USD
Bring A friend to Colquitt... or where ever they hold them world Premier's? We ain't real sure... But like I said... we'll get all gussied up and have a big 'ol throw down! AND... you'll get the whole kit a kaboodle! T-Shirts! Digital Copy of the Movie! All that stuff!
Included Items
  • Thank You on Social Media
  • T-Shirt of Your Choosin' (2)
  • Digital Download of the Film
  • "Buck Stops Here" Poster
  • Invite to the Dothan Screening
  • Signed Copy of the Script
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
3 out of 50 of claimed

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