SPACE VJ MEETING - space for VJs, is an international meeting for new visual media artists. Our aim is to create space where we can share knowledge and friendship, promote visual, digital culture and artists. We strongly support the development of new technologies. During our few-day expo we will feature VJing, fulldome projections, live video, workshops, presentations and interactive installations. We will learn, teach, share, talk, create new connections and build crazy structures for 3D mapping. SPACE VJ MEETING is a project supported by artists, produced by VJs for other VJs.
The event is created by VJs for VJs in order to shape the future for our most beloved artform.
SPACE VJ MEETING is a place where VJs from all over the world can gather and connect to eachother. A space where we can do visual experiments and explore new ways to perform.
The aim is to create a community where people can share their ideas and concepts with likeminded souls. By bundling this creative collaboration we can achieve an extraordinary experience to bring our artform to a higher level.
The meeting in 2012 was organized by Jaroslaw Balabanski aka VJ DIABLOS from Olsztyn, Poland (living just across the road, 200m from the planetarium) and Bjorn Samson from Belgium.
The meeting in 2017 will be organized by VJ Diablos and Toshikazu JaySon Toyama aka VJ SINARISAMA from Japan, with some help by Yochanan Rauert aka VJ YOCHEE//7dex from Germany.
The date is confirmed! 2017 nov. 2-5 at Olsztyńskie Planetarium i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne in Olsztyn, Poland. Who ever wants to arrive more early is sincerly invited!
Produced by: VJ DIABLOS' Foundation Visual Art Space Foundation / Fundacja "Przestrzeń Sztuki Wizualnej and Olsztyn Planetarium.
The financial situation for international art exchanges in Poland is difficult. However the political or financial situation might be, at the Planetarium in Olsztyn dedicated to Nikolai Kopernici we have a super great space to research and exchange. Food and accomodation are affordable in Olsztyn, its a big vacuum to be creative.
If you give some money, say 10 or even 100€, you can be sure to support the VJ artist scene and our little project. The money will directly go into the organization of the event: Help Jaroslaw to have a little bit less hussle during the organization time, get him some food and drinks; get some basic tech like power cords, video cables, adapters; fund the accomodation for the artists; make a great place even better!
Even if we don't reach the top goal of this campain, all the money will go into Space VJ Meeting. Even 100€ pay some nice astronaut stickers!
What can we do with the money if we get..
feed Jaro - He may not be hungry!
basic organization - Getting office done nicely
cool advertisement - We can print some flyers, stickers, posters, badges and maybe even bags!
some tech - VGA and power cables, adapters and other tech stuff we will need (or you have to bring all your own power multi adapters and cables)
free accomodation - cover hostel for 40 artists and 5 nights each (around 7,5$ per night)
free food and drinks - beer for all!
pay Jarek - $1,000 just for Jarek, organizing all the stuff, getting people together. Though it's not about money, it would be fair to pay staff
pay volunteers - another 1,000$ Great, lets support polish helpers!
free travel for all - trying to get free travelling for all the artists, it's a dream, but maybe this can come true. At 4000$ this would be round 100$ per artist
Every penny more will go directly into the event, promotion, accomodation, travels, web site, tech, organization time, food and drinks to make everybody comfortable. There are enough expanses to cover.
Why you should trust and support us
Space VJ Meeting in 2012 was a melting pot for artists from all around the globe. Never before there was a visual artist meeting in a planetarium dome. Afterwards live VJ software like Blendy Dome VJ has arrived to the market. The first event in spring 2012 was so crazy, we just had to do it again in autumn 2012. But without money or financial support you can't do such an event on a regular basis. THIS is why we need YOU!
If you can not help us
This campain might be strange or silly, but we just want to try doing this event without stress our too many expenses for anybody. Everybody gives and everybody gets. If you can't afford to give some money, support us by sharing this campain or the event! You can be sure, we are glad you support us!