As STAR TREK fans, we all know that the face of fan films has changed, but that doesn't mean we can't have exciting and thought-provoking stories with new ships and new crews.
And that's what we have planned with STARSHIP REPUBLIC.
Space is infinite and Starfleet is not one ship...and we hope to prove that to you. Our goals are simple, but our standards are high. We at STARSHIP REPUBLIC look at this as an opportunity to rebuild the fan film community and bring it to a new level.
Our series will follow the intrepid crew of the USS Republic in the same timeline as The Original Series. We hope to bring you quality thought provoking stories with a new set of heroes in the Trek universe.
In our pilot episode "Serpent of Yesterday", a refitted Daedalus Class science vessel calls for assistance to a distant planet, Miras III. When the Constitution Class USS Republic arrives, they find a century-old weapon of untold power buried in the ground. The weapon unexpectedly comes online and its mission of destruction begins once again. It's up to the crew of the Republic to stop it at any cost, while trying to unravel the mystery of who built this weapon and why. The result is a crew brought together by circumstance, tragedy and resentment with twists and turns along the way.
While this is a film set in the Original series, the story does have ties to the 2001 prequel series Star Trek: Enterprise. While not a cross over film, we will incorporate parts of the larger Trek universe to tell a deeper and more fleshed out story.
In Star Trek, the main ship is always a character unto itself and ours already has a history in canon. The USS Republic (registry NCC-1371) was referenced in the Original Series episode "Court Marshal" and was the ship that young Ensign James T. Kirk served aboard when he had his run in with Ben Finney who in turn engineers Kirk's court marshal.
One thing I was able to carry through to the production of Republic was to surround myself with good people! To be successful, you have to become an orchestra leader: assemble the best musicians you can find and then do your damnedest to have them make the most moving music that they can. I have not surrounded myself with good people -- I have surrounded myself with great people! Every cast member, every crew member, every person that cheered us on.
To that end, we have set some very high standards for our production. Gabriel Morgan is a cinematographer extraordinaire. He was originally hired as Director of Photography, but almost immediately became my co-director and post-production editor. Gabe shared the same vision that I had when conceiving Republic and has brought it to the screen. His attention to details, camera angles and professionalism is putting us a cut above many other productions. We're interested in telling the story of our characters rather than rely on 30 minutes of visual effects. His filming and editing skills are award worthy!
And while our visual effects are used to enhance the drama, we have gone all out to bring the same professionalism to the screen. Our visual effects (VFX) are being created by Samuel Cockings, the artist behind the popular Star Trek web series TREKYARDS. Sam has rendered hundreds of starships for the series and what you see of his work in the vignette is only scratching the surface of the visual effects he is bringing to our production.
And our cast is superb! Some of our actors you may be familiar with. Some you may not. But they bring a level of professionalism to the crew of the Republic that is both emotional and believable. We didn't want to make a fan film with people playing out karaoke Star Trek and simply reciting lines, but to digest them, learn them and emote them. Our actors are bringing that to the screen!
We are very proud of our group!
How can you (our potential backers and fans) be a part of making Starship Republic warp from script to screen? As you may know from the new CBS guidelines, fan films can not profit from their productions. So where will your contributions go?
There are many aspects of creating a fan series, not the least of which is equipment, crew members, supplies, rent, electricity, costumes, props, food, travel, lodging, time and effort ... I think you get the idea. In addition, we're in need of a new location. If you're not already familiar with Starbase Studios, they are a not-for-profit facility that has relocated their studio from Oklahoma City to Arkansas with several sets replicated from the Original Series' designs. The studio is available to the public for a nominal rental fee ... to come ... and to play. Yes, you can come to Starbase Studios and make your own fan series, parody, greeting card -- whatever you want.
What sets do they already have? They have a full 360 degree bridge, a transporter room, sickbay, and a partial briefing room.
So what other sets do we need? A captain's quarters that needs to be constructed, as well as some exterior locations such as house rental, tents for outdoor location filming, and more.
For your contributions we have some nice rewards including camera appearances and production credits. Check out all of our perks listed in the adjoining column.
Our episodes will be a maximum of 30 minutes (two 15 minute parts that conform to the CBS guidelines), and although each episode will stand on its own, we have a definite mission for the crew with an eventual conclusion. And for those of you who think 30 minutes is not enough time to tell a complete story -- hey, if it worked for The Twilight Zone, it will work for us!
Our sets, props and costumes have been provided by the legendary Glen Wolfe and Scott Johnson of Starbase Studios, names well known in the fan film community. They have offered their studio, costume collection and use of any props that may enhance the story. Everything we have will look as good as the vignette and what's great is we already have much of it ready to go!
For filming equipment, our Director of Photography Gabriel Morgan is supplying professional Canon C100 cameras for the shoot as well as dedicated audio recording equipment that our sound recordist, Kent Edwards, will use on set.
Our Visual Effects Coordinator, Samuel Cockings, will be supplying the computing hardware for all of our VFX requirements. He's ready and raring to go as can be seen from our vignette!
We also have the brilliant Nate Bright as our Special Effects Make-Up coordinator. Nate brings a wealth of experience and sophistication to Republic that we couldn't find elsewhere, and we're extremely lucky to have him!
We have a fantastic team and they are bringing with them a professional backbone to this production, but even with all of this expensive equipment, software, costumes and props already part of this production, we need your help to bring our vision to life.
Find out more about our cast and crew, and the story behind Starship Republic in this blog by Executive Producer Ray Tesi hosted by James Hams on Trek Fan Productions:
Starship Republic is the first TOS film to cross into the Star Trek Enterprise timeline! Check out our Visual Effects reel by Trekyards own Samuel Cockings!