Two women. Both passionate about Women and Family Health. Both graced with an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to create a healing space and local shop for hard to find Ayurvedic Medicines and fresh whole food supplies.
Ahara Rasa Ayurveda is the dreamchild of Ayurvedic Health Practitioners and LMT's, Amita Magid and Andrea Shuman. We both specialize in fertility, pregnancy and postpartum care. (Click here to see our special services). We have each been in the holistic healthcare field for over 15 years and are expanding our private practices into a community center and adding an Ayurvedic Health Supply Shop! 3% of profits will go to our "Mothering the Mothers" fund.
We get it, it sounds abstract but it is really quite awesome. So if you bear with us, we have included photos and descriptions of the unique and hard to find products we will carry. Ayurveda is the 5000+ year old sister science to Yoga and is in charge of the physical and mental aspects of optimal health. We will carry a full herbal pharmacy that goes way beyond tinctures, teas and capsules, although we will have those too. Here is a brief list of what we will carry, to give you an idea of what makes us different from your typical herbal store.
![Ayurvedic Herbs Ayurvedic Herbs]()
![herbal Jams herbal jams]()
Organic Ayurvedic Herbal Pharmacy:
Custom made formulas and traditional formulations. Herbally medicated oils and ghees. Herbal jams and medicinal wines. Syrups and tea blends.
![Spices Spices]()
![Bulk herbs Bulk Herbs]()
Whole Medicinal and Culinary bulk herbs and spices:
Fresh ground at purchase, organic always and local when possible.
![neti pot and tongue scraper copper hygeine products]()
Ayurvedic Hygiene Products:
Tongue scrapers, neti pots, detox kits, fresh homemade tooth powders and mouthwashes, copper drinking cups, enema kits and sitz baths.
![flour fresh flour]()
![dahl dahl]()
Basic Ayurvedic Whole Food Supplies:
In-house fresh-made Ahara Rasa ghee, dahl, fresh curry leaves, rice, breakfast grains, dried fruit and fresh grain flours gound to order.
![laddus laddus]()
![herbal coffee herbal coffee]()
![essential oils essential oils]()
Complimentary Support Products:
Therapeutic Grade essential oils, delicious herbal coffee substitutes, hand-made herbal sweets (laddu's) and much more!
What Your Participation will do for us:
This campaign will help us to make the leap from small private practice, to a community Ayurvedic Center and Supply Store. It has been our dream since the beginning to have a community hub, where people feel at home in our place of business as well as a one-stop-shop for all things Ayurveda, which is a brand new concept and well embraced by the yoga community (as yoga is the sister science to Ayurveda). Your contribution will change our lives! It will help us to stock our retail store and our complete Ayurvedic Herbal Pharmacy! This will HUGELY help us and give us the opportunity to THRIVE as a business, right away! So thank you in advance for your support and participation!
What we need:
We need a minimum of $10,800 to get off the ground! Every penny will go to the folllowing:
Kitchen and Herb-Store Equipment: Kitchen-aid, Vitamix, cooktop, flour grinder, stainless steel prep table, sinks, etc.
Our first round of inventory: Herbs, containers and products defined above as well as additional supports as needed.
What happens If we beat our goal?
Up to $10,000 above the goal, we will add a greenhouse and plant/maintain a local garden of Ayurvedic herbs that can be grown sustainably and locally. Community participation is encouraged in our garden!
Anything we receive above $20,800 will go directly to our "Mothering the Mothers" fund to help medium and low income postpartum women with their recovery, which may include proper meals, herbal formulas, body therapies and healthcare, and postpartum doula care click here for this info. Depending on the need, this fund serves to drastically lower or completely eliminate the cost for postpartum care.
What you get:
Our Perks are good for you and your participation is appreciated!!
$10 Thank You for Being a Friend
You get: The knowledge that you contributed to an independent women-owned business and we'll send you a hand written thank you note to put on your fridge. We'll also send you our e-handouts on healthy eating practices and seasonal change tips.
$25 Breathing Life into Our World
You get: The Perks above, plus a guided meditation and pranayama MP3 to aid you on your path.
$50 What a Love, You Deserve a Kiss
You get: The Perks above, plus a beautiful Copper Tongue Scraper.
![Copper tongue cleaner Copper tongue scraper]()
NEW! $79- Straight Up Presale 60 minute massage Gift Certificate
$100 Om Shanti, Thank You So Much
You get: The Perks above, plus a beautiful Neti Pot to keep your head happy!
![Copper neti pot Copper neti pot]()
NEW! $108- Straight Up Pre-sale 90 minute massage Gift Certificate!
![massage Ayurvedic Massage Treatment]()
NEW! $150- Straight Up Pre sale 4-handed Massage OR Ayurvedic Consult Gift Certificate!
![4-handed massage 4-handed ayurvedic massage]()
![4-handed 4-handed]()
$1000 Humbled, Full Hearted and Deeply Thankful!
You get: Ayurvedic Health Super Pak: Includes initial health consult, live or online plus either 4 follow-ups OR 2 follow-ups plus 4-handed massage for one (1). Hygiene package: Includes neti pot, tongue scraper and tooth powder. You'll also go down in history on our Wall of Gratitude as part of our "Giving Tree" mural as a Branch.**
$3000 7 day PK with 9 days lodging and food
You Get: The chance to reset your system with Ayurvedic Pancha Karma (special detox regimine for renewed health and longevity) Pre cleanse consult and directions for preparation before you arrive. 7 days of treatments and consult, 3 hours per day. You will be fed a special diet and housed in our on-site boarding facility with private bath and kitchenette. We are located in the Beautiful woodstock neighborhood in Portland, Oregon.
This package will be $3700 when we are officially open, so if You choose to get this now, you will save $700!
There are only a few of these available due to the time and labor. There are 2 therapists treating you. You receive 4 handed treatments when appropriate and the specific treatments are taylored to your needs. You will not believe how you feel after this. A spa-detox has nothing on PK. Give Ayurveda a try instead of the health spa this year and save a bunch!
![shirodhara man shirodhara]()
**If you don't Live in Portland, and/or want to donate a larger amount, please contact us to make a "custom perk" just for you to make it worth your while!