Thanks to everyone who contributed to our project. Our campaign in Indiegogo is closed, but you can still support us at
"I want freedom, the right to
self-expression, everybody's right to beautiful, radiant things." Emma
Goldman, Living My Life
We need your help to publish the last volume of our long running book series, "Emma Goldman: The American Years," and to continue to provide valuable research opportunities for students and the public.
Emma Goldman Papers is part of a national initiative to retrieve the papers of
individuals whose life work has had a lasting impact on the course of American
history. Emma Goldman (1869-1940) was a tireless advocate of free
expression and social justice. Her papers are a treasure trove of women’s,
immigration, ethnic, transnational, political, cultural, sexual, and civil
liberties histories. In keeping with her spirit, the Emma Goldman Papers
Project’s focus is, and always has been, on public education through open
access to original sources.
1980, the Project has located, copied, identified, organized, and published
over 22,000 documents previously unavailable or little known, not only about
Emma Goldman but also focused on the political and cultural milieu surrounding
her life and work. Currently, we are composing the last volume of our
four-part documentary history series, Emma Goldman: A Documentary
History of The American Years (1890-1919). The last volume, covering
the years of 1917-1919, resonates strongly with concerns about immigration and
deportation law, surveillance, limitations on free speech in times of national
crisis, prison conditions, and the fragility of citizenship for those who were
not born in the U.S.
Many minds, many opportunities.
Dr. Candace Falk acknowledges, "collaboration is the core component of the
Emma Goldman Papers Project. For over thirty years, many hands have created
what has become a secular cathedral to the remembrance of things past and
almost forgotten. Every effort, large and small, built the structure, added
complexity and nuance to the work, and confirmed the importance of situating
advocates of free expression into the historical record as a lasting tribute to
courageous spirits." The project provides students the rare opportunity to
engage in political theory, critical writing skills, and historical research
with authentic primary documents. We believe these resources have not only
launched many students, volunteers, and community members into careers
of activism, education, and writing, but also enriched their personal lives.
Above: Three of the volumes produced so far by the Emma Goldman Papers Project, see Vol.1, Vol.2, andVol.3 here. The project has enlisted the work of numerous scholars to compose each volume, including Candace Falk (Love, Anarchy and Emma Goldman), Barry Pateman (Chomsky on Anarchism), Leon Litwack (Been in the Storm So Long), Robert Cohen (Freedoms' Orator: Mario Savio and the Radical Legacy of the 1960s), countless students, volunteers, and many others. Our work is truly collaborative.
record funding crisis.
the Emma Goldman Papers is a teaching, research and education unit, an archive,
and a solid public history and campus outreach group, inconsistent funding has
been a source of anxiety for many years. Additionally, due to financial
difficulties within the University of California system, we remain part of the
university but without direct funding for the editorial staff and day-to-day
expenses of the project—this is an incredible burden most comparable projects
do not have to assume. The controversy surrounding Goldman--as a woman
deported from America, who challenged involuntary conscription, misuse of
government power, sexual mores, and actively promoted unlimited free
expression--sometimes adds a political edge to our capacity to maintain steady
funding. With the loss of direct university funding, our staff, offices, and
resources have shrunk. The Emma Goldman Papers' tiny office now
seems a bit like a dazzling vest pocket park.
year has been especially difficult for our project. The loss of longtime and
important staff, in addition to severe financial constraints, impeded the
project's ability to finish our fourth and last volume. Your generous
contribution would make an immense difference, not only in furthering our goal
to make public thousands of historical documents, but also our campaigns to
teach and the publication of our last book. Anything you contribute would go
towards digitizing our archives for the public, in the spirit of Emma Goldman's
"sweet comradery," and publishing our last documentary volume, which
covers the war years 1917-1919.
What we will do with your help.
contribution will be put to use immediately. Anything you contribute would go
towards digitizing the tens of thousands of documents in our archive for the
public, as well as covering the cost of publishing our last documentary volume.
We, as students, authors, volunteers, and teachers, remain committed to Emma's
vision of creating a community of peers across borders. Our hope is to make the
countless letters, periodicals, newspapers, teaching resources, and rare
photographs, available to the public free of charge through digitization.
Moreover, we will use your funds to ensure the Emma Goldman Papers Project
remain a valuable teaching resource, both for those interested in pursuing
similar work as well as those who wish to learn research, writing, and archival
skills necessary for other fields.
June 27 is Emma Goldman's birthday—please consider sending a birthday donation in her memory!
Emma Goldman speaking from an open car to a crowd of garment workers at Union Square, New York, on May 20, 1916.
"…I was delighted to learn, some years ago, of the project, headed by Candace Falk, to begin the collection of the Emma Goldman Papers. […] I can think of few things more important, in the situation of the United States today, than to bring the word, the spirit of Emma Goldman to ever larger numbers of Americans." —
Howard Zinn, author of
A People's History of the United States.