"THE GHOST WHO WALKS" is a crime thriller about an imprisoned man who rats out his former boss for one last chance to reunite his family and become the father he never was. We often pitch the film as “Carlito’s Way” meets “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It’s a Christmas film, a crime thriller, and a family drama all rolled into one. The shell of this movie is a crime thriller, but at its heart is a story about fatherhood.
We have an eclectic cast of seasoned indie actors such as Frank Mosley (Thunder Road, Upstream Color, Person to Person), Dasha Nekrasova (Wobble Palace, The Sound of Blue, Green, and Red, Softness of Bodies), Alexia Rasmussen (Proxy, The Missing Girl), Gil Darnell (MacGyver, Lethal Weapon, NCIS: New Orleans, Reign), as well as newcomer Garland Scott (The Infiltrators) in the leading role of Nolan.
I wrote "The Ghost Who Walks" when I was thinking about my own role as a new father. I’m on the road a lot through my work as a commercial director. I’d return home to find my daughter had changed. She was growing up without me, and it was heartbreaking.
I began trying to work these feelings out in my head, and this led to several hypothetical questions that sparked the ideas for the story. What if I only had one chance to tell her who I was? What would that be like? Would it matter if she knew? With that, the "The Ghost Who Walks" was born.
We’ve taken every step along the way to make “The Ghost Who Walks” the best film it can possibly be. Now that we have a great film, a whole new phase of the process begins. We want to take the film we’ve made and share it with its intended audience.
As an independent film we do not have the backing of a large studio with a hefty advertising budget to promote the film. Our film will depend on an intelligently crafted digital marketing campaign to get the word out.
Here is where you come in.
We are looking to raise $25,000 to execute this campaign. The cost will go towards everything from targeted online advertising to key festival submissions.
We have specific tiers set up to accommodate whatever you are able to give, and any amount can help. Even something as small as $25, paired with our demographic research, can get us a successful ad on various social media platforms. More likes means more eyes, and more eyes means more interest. Something that simple can help to build the momentum a film like ours needs.
Here are the tiers:
$25: a digital download of the film
$50: a digital download of the film & a digital poster from the film
$100: a digital download of the film, and a printed poster from the film, and special thanks on our social media channels
$250: a digital download of the film, a signed printed poster from the film, a digital copy of the script, digital collection of behind the scenes photos, and special thanks on our social media channels
$500: a digital download of the film, a signed printed poster from the film, a digital copy of the script, digital collection of behind the scenes photos, 2 TGWW rocks tumbler glasses, a mixtape (CD) of inspiration music for the film, and special thanks on our social media channels
$1,000: a digital download of the film, a signed printed poster from the film, a digital copy of the script, digital collection of behind the scenes photos, 2 TGWW rocks tumbler glasses and special thanks on our social media channels, & 2 VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Premier Event in St. Louis, MO (airfare not included)
It has taken several years of tireless work to get to this point. What started as me writing alone in my basement has grown to become something that hundreds have people have now taken part in. Each in their own way have contributed something to make “The Ghost Who Walks” the film it is today. But the film still has room to grow, it still has support it needs and an audience to find.
All art needs support, but independent film needs more support than any other just to exist. It is truly a communal process.
Raising these funds is another step in the process. So I come to you again to humbly ask for your support. Though it is no longer for me alone, but for the hundreds of people who have given their time, their energy, their man hours, their financial support, a critical eye, or a word of support to this project. We all want to see this film find an audience so we can share it. It would be an honor to have you as another member of this family.
If you are unable to contribute, then here's a few things you can do to help:
Help get the word out and make some noise about our campaign. Share, like, and comment on our posts on our social channels:
Facebook: @TheGhostWhoWalksMovie
Instagram: @theghostwhowalksmovie
Twitter: @__GhostWhoWalks
Thanks for your support. It means a lot.
Please find us and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Passion alone didn’t make this film, but it is the defining reason it stands out as a work of cinema. What we need now is the support to share this passion with the world.
-Cody Stokes (Director)