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Hey there. On October 24th I'm going to attempt to walk from Bristol to Bath and back while spinning two hoops and wearing a Union Jack leotard. Poop is a portmanteau word for Poi-style hOOP and it's about 14 miles to Bath so that's a total of 28 miles of poop!
Why am I doing this? I'm hoping to travel in team of seven people with the charity Performers Without Borders ( to Nicaragua for three months (January to March 2014). PWB teaches performing arts to vunerable children in countries of high child poverty.
I went at the start of this year and here is the video of just one month of the project to give you an idea of what sort of things we do:
I cannot afford to go without fundraising, and I still desperately want to go again and teach circus to these children in Nicaragua. Please can you help me raise the money?
Money Talks and Poop Walks
I will need money to cover my expenses including all my food, accommodation and transport costs. Then any other money I make will go straight to PWB to buy equipment to leave with the children and other important things for the project to take place.
I'm hugely grateful for any amount you can spare. But if you sponsor me as much as $80 I will make a video hoop tutorial of any trick you like (if I can do or learn it) while I'm walking along dressed in a Union Jack leotard. Surely that's something you need in life?
I'll be making a video of the sponsored walk which will be up shortly afterwards and will hopefully feature some special guest hoopers. Also we'll be making a video each month during the project in Nicaragua so you'll be able to see where you money's going.
If you're interested you can see the exact route I'm walking here: Google Maps Route
I promise I won't wear this while teaching the children circus
Sharing is Caring
I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd share this page with anyone you think might be interested. Any help you can give me is massively appreciated.
Cheers, Bags :) xx
Poop is a serious business
Other Information
The United Nations, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 31 recognises: “the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.”
From Reg Bolton's PHD Thesis “Why Circus Works”: “It is gratifying that an activity which is so strongly recognised as fun, should also present developmental, intellectual and physical challenges, encourage social behaviour more creative and co-operative than competitive, and which has as its end product, an act of donation – of generosity.”
From “Our Vision” on the PWB website: “Performers Without Borders (PWB) works towards giving vulnerable children the opportunity to explore their potential. We understand that, through teaching performance skills an individual’s learning, creativity and team working skills are developed. Further, it helps to build confidence, develop empowerment and overcome social barriers. PWB’s methodology of following the tradition of travelling show, and the principle of fostering long-term relationships, is ideal in not only engaging children, but also ensuring community trust in the project.”
Look at those puppy dogs eyes! How could you not want to give that face money?