My name is Luke Easter, and I am a singer and songwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. I've always loved music, especially singing, and I first began singing for an audience in chapel at school as a child. In my late teens I got my first job singing in a local band, and by the age of 22 I was touring the States as the lead vocalist of Tourniquet. Ten CDs, four DVDs, and numerous performances later, I'm finally fulfilling a lifelong goal: releasing a solo project that better represents my musical sensibilities; a more personal project topically and lyrically. Working with my producer, Kris Kanoho (One Groove, NoMasterBacks), and a cool group of very talented friends, I think we've crafted a rock record that builds upon my past accomplishments, but that also firmly establishes me as a solo artist. Up until now, I've given voice to someone else's songs; I've brought to life someone else's musical vision. This new project is the closest I've come to doing something that is truly reflective of me. It's a snapshot of who I am as a singer and songwriter at this point in time, and I can't wait to share with you all.
The music is written, the lyrics are written, and the record has been recorded and mixed. The goal all along has been to do as much as possible before looking for outside help, which is where you come in. Releasing music is not an inexpensive undertaking. Having a finished record helps, but there are still things to be done like mastering and replication. These costs quickly add up. Normally in a crowdfunding situation, the artist asks for all the money up front and then records the project, but I've done it a bit differently, specifically by doing all of the recording in advance. Because of this, the risk of the project not being completed is almost nonexistent. In essence, this is less a crowdfunding project than a preorder campaign.
I've put together a number of different packages that hopefully you'll find attractive, and that should work within nearly any budget. All money raised will go toward the completion and release of the record, and toward covering the costs of the campaign rewards/shipping. The plan, depending on successfully raising the necessary funds, is to have the finished product in your hands/inboxes by June. I don't anticipate any delays once the funding goal has been met, but I've learned to never say never. In the event of a delay, I'll make sure you're the first to know.
Finally, in addition to asking for your financial support for this project, I hope you'll help spread the word about this campaign. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email... help me tell as many people as we can about this project. Help me make this project a reality.
Thanks for your support.