The Nerd Report is a podcast that we would like to eventually add to radio stations around the world. Imagine a talk show that talks about all aspects of nerd/geek culture that includes Cosplay, Movies, TV, Video Games, and much more. We can make that happen and you will have a voice too!
Louis Love, from the website Nuke the Fridge, will be one of the host and program directors. He has worked on the air with many radio stations including Power 106, Groove Radio, B100 FM, and more. We will not have a problem bringing top Hollywood celebrities and insiders for interviews. Also interactions with you - The listeners.
But we need your help
We promise that this project will be awesome but we need your help to get it off the ground.
This fundraiser will help us purchase the right equipment so that we can deliver the best quality for you (our audience), promotions ( Flyers and Ads ), and a few meals for the team helping us put this together. Once we get this off the ground our goal is to give you a voice in the pop culture community.
Here's where your your donations will go towards
We are looking to purchase 4 Rode Procaster Broadcast Dynamic Vocal Microphone that cost $229 each
One year Soundcloud hosting at $135
We have worked several years to establish a great relationship with top Hollywood celebrities and independent filmmakers. Therefore we don’t think that this won’t be a top notch show. We will bring exclusive content to you.
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that some of you can not contribute but would like to be a part of this project. Here’s how you can help: Please Share this link and tell your friends about it! Use the Indiegogo social media sharing tools so that you can share our link on Facebook, Twitter, & more!
Thanks for your consideration!
Check out some of Louis Love's ( Nerd Report Host ) previous interviews with Hollywood stars that we will bring to the podcast!