Tintag Santa
Get one Tintag for you and 2 others for your near and dear ones at 40% off with our Christmas Pack.
Order now the most impressive tracker device yet and never lose anything again!
Ever spent 25 minutes looking for your keys or wallet when you quickly had to leave somewhere?
Agonizing isn't it? Ever had your wife and one year old kid in the car getting anxious while waiting for you? I know I've been there.
If you've been there as well, you're gonna love Tintag: a rechargeable item-tracking device that helps you find your lost items.
Quick jump:
Refer a friend |
Unique features |
How it works? |
Tintag reviews
Tintag has been tested by journalists. This is what they concluded:
"From what I see from the prototype, Tintag is the item tracker you've been waiting for."Steven Sande,
"Tintag is easily the most impressive I've seen yet. Rechargeable, sleek, and more powerful than the rest, Tintag is an easy recommendation. In fact, I’d urge you to grab one, or maybe even a six-pack." Nate Swanner, SlashGear.
Stretch goals
Attach Tintag to anything
Forget about having to replace batteries or buy new trackers every time the battery runs out.
Each charging with the Home Base
companion makes Tintag ready for 4 months of use. There's no need to
replace its batteries or buy new devices when batteries run out.
One device can be connected to multiple phones
One Tintag can be connected to multiple
phones. So, for instance, both you and your spouse can simultaneously
locate your kid or dog.
Use Tintag to find your phone
The communication between Tintag and
your phone goes both ways. So if you can't find your phone, Tintag can,
at the press of a button.
What makes Tintag unique?
Tintag's basic features
Tell your friends about Tintag and enjoy the spoils
How does it work? Simply log in to Indiegogo. Then visit the
Tintag Indiegogo Page and look below the main video to share and copy
your URL.
Copy your unique URL link and share it with your friends. When
anyone clicks on your special link a "Referrer" is credited to you. If
that person becomes a backer, we credit you according to the table
Basic Pack Referral Program
Referring a Basic Pack to a friend gets you a free engraved Tintag if he/she buys it. You will choose what to engrave it with, of course.
How it works?
Here's a nice video on how the device and app work.
How it's made?
Sneak peak into Tintags' actual production process:
Perks for backers
Be the early tester!
Get the Beta Tester perk and you get to be among the first to put the
ultimate tracking device to test: no need to wait until next year, you
can get it as soon as November 2014. Your feedback will be of great
value to us.
Personalise your Tintag
Now you can have your own, customized Tintag.
For only 2$ you can make it unique by having your name, personal message, or whatever else you wish engraved on the back of the device.
Track your keys and bags
Get your Tintag now and you'll never have to worry about losing your keys and bags. Find all your lost items with your android phones and iPhone.
Find out more.
Track your bicycle
Get your Tintag now and you will never have to worry about someone stealing your bike. Check on your phone the history of locations where your item was last seen.
Find out more.
Follow us live!
Get any perk that has live streaming and you can subscribe to Tintag
headquarter's live feed and get to feel like you’re part of our team.
See our work in progress, the team in action and the wonderful creative
and tech processes. You will receive a link with the live feed on your
email at the end of the campaign.
Track your pets
Get your Tintag now and you'll always know where your pets are. Tintag is waterproof and will survive even your dog's most spectacular dives.
Find out more.
Choose your favorite color!
Once perfected the technicalities, we also worked on making Tintag
attractive. It is already available in 5 lively colors, and soon, you’ll
get some more to choose from.
What happens after the campaign?
Frequently asked questions
How do I make a purchase?
Here is the tutorial for how to contribute to our campaign:
What phones does it work with?
Tintag app works on Android phones (version 4.3 and 4.4) and iPhone. It doesn't work yet on Windows Phones or Blackberry.
How many phones can be connected to the same Tintag?
One Tintag can be connected to multiple
phones so, for instance, both you and your spouse can simultaneously
locate your kid or dog.
How many items can be tracked?
Tintag app allows you to track as many items as you like.
When do you plan the shipping of the finalized product (not prototype)?
We plan to ship Tintag at the beginning of April 2015.
How do I choose the color of my devices?
Choosing the color is done after the purchase. We will contact you via email to ask you for the color(s) you would like your Tintag(s) to have.