Short Summary
Since the beginning of time, people from every culture, in every corner of the world, have gathered together around food and drinks. No greater sense of community can be felt than when people come together to share a meal. It’s the feeling of family, the sense that you are not alone. It fills the deep longing of the heart for connection. People of the world assemble with the common goal of enjoying a hot meal or an iced chai latté. It is where community is born and the place where two strangers can connect and become family.
To Chai For was born on the mission field. Our chai recipe was inspired by the spices and flavors that my parents encountered as missionaries in India. As young missionaries ourselves, my wife and I would make my family's chai recipe and invite our friends over to hang out and drink chai. Over the years I have changed and adapted the original family recipe to create a one-of-a-kind masala chai. Now we love connecting with the community in Keller, Texas over a cup of our chai and tasty handheld waffles.
It is for exactly this reason, that we are growing our food truck business by adding a storefront location. As a part of the Christian community in the DFW Metroplex, our goal is to provide our community with a place to connect with each other and ultimately with God. Our desire is that this Café would be a place to further advance His kingdom and to encourage and edify one another.
We want to invite you to become part of our family and partner with us in transforming Roscoe’s Café in Keller, Texas into: To Chai For Café, a place where everyone is invited to come and encounter Jesus and to partake in the life-changing community that has gathered around His presence, while enjoying chai and waffles!
What We Need & What You Get
We have already been able to secure finances to purchase everything in the café from the existing owner! We now only need the capital for our start-up expenses. We will need to do some minor renovations and updates, get all of the required permits, a few more pieces of equipment, and initial product inventory. We have a lot of friends who are willing to pitch in and help with the work, so this will keep our expenses down!
Our initial funding goal is $10,000. However, it will cost an additional $10,000 to have nice signage made and mounted on both sides of the exterior of the Café as well as giving the front of the Café some better street appeal. With that said, it would be HUGE if we could raise the $20,000 right from the start and not need to do a second campaign at all.
We absolutely need help in raising these funds. We cannot do this on our own. As a sign of our deepest thanks for your investment in this initiative, we are providing gifts and perks!
Other Ways You Can Help
Perhaps you can't contribute financially at this time, but that doesn't mean you can't help!
Please get the word out and make some noise about our campaign! The more you share on social media, the more it helps bring attention to what we are building.
To make it easy, you can use the Indiegogo share tools!