A World in Search of God
My name is Mark Byerly. A little more than one year ago, I left my home in Delaware on a foot pilgrimage across the country to 150 Catholic shrines. The purpose of my pilgrimage was to pray for our world and offer reparation to God for the uncountable offenses now being committed against Him, sins that grow daily in number and shamelessness. For anyone who still has eyes to see, this cannot be denied. I've included some links to articles and video and radio interviews that were written about my pilgrimage for those who are interested.
Following is an interview prepared by ChurchMilitant.tv about my 14-month Pilgrimage:
Here is a radio interview done by the Catholic radio program "Forward Boldly":
Recently, after nearly fifteen months, I completed the cross-country pilgrimage, and have decided that I should continue the life of prayer and penance that I began, for the same intentions and with greater intensity. And so, within a few short weeks, I will go into the desert of the southwest to live as a contemplative hermit, giving the remainder of my life to prayer, penance, and the life of grace; giving myself to the continual worship of the God we ignore, the God we offend and fail to love; of the God of peace, whose peace alone is true peace, whose peace alone is capable of undoing this world's eruptions of violence and its convulsions of despair; of that peace that surpasses all understanding, and yet....is capable of being entered into.
I am Catholic, and the value of what I am doing will be immediately clear to all faithful Catholics as a vital part of a venerable tradition of Catholic spirituality. So my appeal goes most especially to these. But people of other traditions--- as well as anyone who sees the world situation as essentially a spiritual problem that is in need of an essentially spiritual response--- can understand the value of what I will be dedicating myself to.
Two views of the desert location where the hermitage will be built:
The Campaign
My campaign, then, is simply to raise funds to cover the initial costs of establishing myself in the desert as a contemplative hermit. In spite of the obvious difficulties and dangers --- foreseen and unforeseeable --- of living in the desert, the location I will be going to is ideal. Living nearby, providentially, is a Catholic priest, himself living a private contemplative life dedicated exclusively to prayer. I will therefore be able to receive the sacraments on a daily basis. This, for me, was of prime importance. All other practical difficulties will work themselves out over time.
It is my plan to work into my daily schedule at the hermitage some form of simple work or craft that will eventually be able to help with my support.
Use of Funds
Following is a partial list of those things for which the funds will be used:
- moving and temporary lodging and storage costs
- two military quality tents: one for living quarters, one as a small chapel
- basic tools for taming the land, construction, etc.
- solar energy cells and batteries
- initial support for food, etc.
- a few pieces of simple furniture and cookware
- first aid and basic medical supplies
Funds that go beyond what is needed will be donated to Catholic charities.
Thank You for Your Help and Prayers
I want to thank everyone who contributes financial help or prayers for this intention. Please write to me at my email address to send prayer intentions. I will always read my emails regularly for this purpose. When writing to me with these prayer requests, please do not bother mentioning if you have given to the financial campaign or not, since it will not matter. I will pray for all good intentions regardless. My email address is: markbyerly@yahoo.com. I will respond to all who write to me in hope of a response as frequently and as speedily as I can.
Again, I thank you all for your help and sincerely commend you in my prayers to the Son of God and to His Holy Mother.
Mark Byerly.