I know what you're thinking... What is a Play Cafe? Picture a huge, indoor play room. With all kinds of toys and play sets- that promote exploring, learning, gross motor activity, socialization, imaginative play, and much more! Oh, and wait.. don't forget about the locally roasted, pour over coffees and kid friendly snacks! It will be the perfect place for play dates, meetings and play time with your little ones. We will be open Tuesday-Saturday mornings and available for party rentals on weekends and weeknights.
Now you might be wondering... why would you want to contribute when you don't have young kids, and you don't plan on visiting? Our Play Cafe will be partnering with Grove City Community Church and Veritas Community Church West to host small groups for families, and bible studies for moms with young kids. The ministry and community that will happen at the cafe is what we're most excited about. For the little ones, and for their grown-ups!
So please, take a minute to think about joining us as we build this treehouse!