We are raising money for saving life of A. Konyk
We are raising money for saving life of A. Konyk
We are raising money for saving life of A. Konyk
We are raising money for saving life of A. Konyk
We are raising money for saving life of A. Konyk
This campaign is closed
We are raising money for saving life of A. Konyk
When your friend needs your help you do all for it. That's why we are writing here.
A positive and friendly person, photographer and musician - Andrew Konyk now needs you help. A student of 5th year study at Lviv Polytechnic National University, 22 years old. He is an active member of student organisation - BEST Lviv (Board of European Students of Technology). One of the organisers of TEDxLvivPolytechnic and a good friend.
Now he is fighting with gorrible diagnose - the blood cancer (leukemia). He is at Ivano-Frankivsk hospital.
Andrew has 3 years of volunteering experinece behind his back. 3 years he was trying to make this world better - for free. Now it's high time for world to pay back. 200 000 dollars are needed for the therapy.
It's enormous amount of money for ukrainian family.
Just imagine each of you would donate 10-20 euros, so we could collect the amount, that is needable for saving his life.
Please, dont ignore this call for support!
More information at the social networks (VK and FB):
Make this world better now!