The Idea
For those of you who don't know, I am Jake Hirsch a senior at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts majoring in Film and Television. This is my last semester at NYU and I was recently chosen to make an Advanced Thesis film and I came upon this great idea when looking up presidential fun facts, something that I do quite often.
This story like the video states is about the true story of a young Richard Nixon running for office for the first time in high school. This election stayed in the memory of the future president and he even recounted the event in his autobiography.
Besides being about the young life of a future president, it also is a portrait of frustration during high school and it is about the universal struggle of trying to succeed in an area where you are not appreciated. It is also about how the struggle of charisma vs. hard work followed Nixon throughout his entire life and is everywhere around us.
What We Need
The money you donate, no matter how much, goes to necessary areas to complete this film including:
1. Locations
2 Art
3. Camera Equipment
4, Food for our crew.
Since this film is a period piece we need to make everything as accurate as possible to the time, which is going to cost more but will make the story more authentic and perhaps bring us back to that time period in a great and unusual way.
Why This is Important
Although cliche, I do feel this story needs to be told as it is a different type of story that has been told about one of the historic figures of the 20th century. Unlike sweeping biopics of the president that have been made in the past, this film will be more realistic, quiet and almost documentary-like portrayl of a small moment in an important man's life.
What You Get From It
Honestly, we can't give you anything but hopefully putting your name on this project is meaningful to you.
We will be submitting this to festivals and you will be credited.
Contact Your Friends and Contact Me
Send this link to your friends, family, mailmen! It would be so great if we were able to come together for this small project.
If you have questions about the film, want me to do something for your money (within reason of course) contact me at jh3589@nyu.edu